UNFAIR Fight: PBS, NPR Use Their Money to Lobby for More of YOUR Money

March 10th, 2025 12:40 PM

If you want to defund PBS and NPR, it’s an unfair fight. Public broadcasting uses all its own resources – including its taxpayer subsidies – to lobby for more taxpayer money. NPR station WBEZ in Chicago sent an email titled “Stand up for public media — your voice matters.” The graphic inside proclaimed “PROTECT FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: Support public media.”

Fireworks: White House Reporters Squabble Over Press Access

March 7th, 2022 7:51 PM

On Monday afternoon after the White House press briefing, the Briefing Room became the site of a contentious and, at times, heated debate about who gets to ask questions and how many as, thanks to longstanding power bestowed on the AP reporter slot, the Q&A portion of the briefing only lasted about 39 minutes.


CRAZY April Ryan to Psaki: Voting Rights Have ‘Collapsed’ in America

July 6th, 2021 8:08 PM

With Fox’s Peter Doocy away from Tuesday’s White House press briefing, interest shifted elsewhere for NewsBusters and, thankfully, CNN political analyst and Grio correspondent April Ryan beclowned herself with questions from the left on civil rights, voting, and white supremacists. This included the insane assertion from Ryan to Press Secretary Jen Psaki that voting rights have “collapsed”…


CNN Defends Chicago Mayor’s RACIST New Policy for Press, Nets Censor

May 20th, 2021 2:57 PM

The mayor of Chicago has instituted a racist new policy, saying she will only give one-on-one interviews to Black or Brown journalists. The shocking and blatantly discriminatory move has been buried by network press. So far, ABC, CBS and NBC have totally ignored the story and CNN has allowed minimal coverage, but defended Lori Lightfoot’s move as a win for diversity and that no one should be “…

Big Three Ignore $2M Soros Gave to Group Behind Smollett Prosecutor

February 25th, 2020 12:24 PM
When apparent hoaxer Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s charges were controversially dropped last year for allegedly faking a hate crime incident, the twitter page for the Empire writers rubbed it in everyone’s faces.  

Major Hillary-Loving Newspapers Now Endorse Trump's Impeachment

December 14th, 2019 2:02 PM
Last Sunday, CNN's Brian Stelter complained on Twitter that Fox & Friends responded to the Times and Globe pieces with an on-screen banner, "MEDIA DECLARES TRUMP SHOULD BE IMPEACHED." Stelter fussed: "Who's writing those banners?!" By now, impeaching Trump has now been endorsed by The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, USA Today, and The Washington Post. 

MSNBC Frets Republican Jews Embracing 'Nazi'-Like Trump Rhetoric

April 9th, 2019 10:18 AM
On Sunday's Up with David Gura on MSNBC, during a panel discussion of President Donald Trump criticizing U.S. immigration policy during a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition, host Gura invited Lynn Sweet -- Washington bureau chief of the Chicago Sun-Times -- to complain about Jews who have responded favorably to Trump's rhetoric that was earlier in the segment likened to Nazi Germany.

Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Accuses Obama of Ignoring Community

May 18th, 2018 6:07 AM
One of the sad hazards of being a former community organizer is that when you end up enjoying the good life, some in the community you left behind will accuse you of ignoring them. Such is what happened in the May 16 Chicago Sun-Times when columnist Mary Mitchell made that accusation against former president Barack Obama who has been busy since he left office shuttling between the Virgin Islands…

Ad on MSNBC: Don’t Just Watch Us, Follow Other Liberal News, Too

May 9th, 2018 6:37 PM
While observing World Press Freedom Day on May 3, MSNBC aired an advertisement encouraging viewers to watch not just that liberal channel, but also follow more than 25 other left-leaning sources and newspapers while not mentioning Fox, the most-watched news network on cable TV. The spot, which was created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), begins by…

Media Dishonestly Slam 'Big Soda' for Chicago Soda Tax Repeal

October 13th, 2017 11:57 PM
On Wednesday, "the Cook County (Illinois) Board of Commissioners repealed the penny-an-ounce levy on sweetened beverages it passed last November." The inflammatory "Big Soda" label appears frequently in press coverage of this reversal of what the government-always-knows-best crowd had thought was a major nanny-state victory, and reflects the fact that many in the media are quite unhappy with this…

7 Times Media Pushed CEOs to Dump Trump Over Charlottesville

August 16th, 2017 5:06 PM
The media don’t just make the news, they frame it. Journalists did it this week, pushing business CEOs to quit President Donald Trump’s American Manufacturing Council. After one CEO resigned in response to Trump’s comments on the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, the media urged others to follow. The fallout resulted in Trump shutting down the group entirely. Merck CEO Ken Frazier decided…

When Fact Becomes Bigotry: Chicago Sun-Times Critic Accused of Racism

June 28th, 2017 10:33 AM
Chicago Sun-Times theater and dance critic Hedy Weiss was roundly accused of racism when calling out police stereotypes and reminding readers of a sad fact: gun violence often occurs within the Chicago ‘community, itself.’

Politico Columnist: ‘Getting Shot Is No Big Deal in America’

June 16th, 2017 4:05 PM
Tragedy is painful, but it sometimes has the side benefit of bringing people together during a time of crisis. However, Politico columnist Roger Simon declared his intent to refrain from such action with a hit piece for the Chicago Sun Times on Attorney General Jeff Sessions in which he also decided that it would be appropriate to make light of the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise.

Rigged? Trump Doesn’t Have a Single Major Newspaper Endorsement

October 18th, 2016 12:12 PM
With just three weeks to go, major newspapers (with a circulation of at least 50,000) are walloping Donald Trump in their official endorsements, favoring Hillary Clinton by a count of 68 to zero. Out of a total of 82 newspapers that have offered an editorial on who their readers should vote for, 68 (83 percent) of them have endorsed Hillary Clinton, five (6 percent) recommended Libertarian Party…