Matthews Bashes Bush for Holding Saudi King's Hand in 2005, Ignores Ob

February 6th, 2011 12:41 PM
In a classic example of liberal media bias, Chris Matthews on Friday bashed former President George W. Bush for holding Prince Abdullah of Saudia Arabia's hand when he visited the Crawford ranch back in 2005. After mentioning how "the bowing and scraping" involved in the "paramount task" of presidents honoring Arab leaders has sometimes "been nearly comical," the host of the syndicated…

Matthews: Were Neocons Right About Middle East; Was Bush Better Equipp

January 30th, 2011 3:10 PM
Chris Matthews on Friday asked the panelists on the syndicated program bearing his name two questions about the crisis in Egypt that must have made his liberal viewers gasp. Moments after surprisingly asking NBC's Andrea Mitchell if "neo-conservatives who believe in really trying to push democracy" were right all along, Matthews asked David Sanger of the New York Times if George W. Bush was "…

National Review's Salam Schools Andrew Sullivan on Conservatism, Palin

January 16th, 2011 5:48 PM
National Review's Reihan Salam this weekend demonstrated exactly why it should be required that there be at least one conservative present during televised political discussions. Appearing on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show," Salam had a spirited and at times contentious debate with the Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan about conservatism, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party (video follows with…

Entire Chris Matthews Panel Sees Obama A Big Winner In First Quarter

January 10th, 2011 12:20 AM
Talk about bullish consensus, the entire panel on this weekend's "Chris Matthews Show" felt that President Obama was going to be a big winner in the first quarter of this year making him the proverbial comeback kid. Alex Wagner of Politics Daily went so far as to predict, "Obama’s going to be flying on angels wings two feet off the ground" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews Show Panel Predicts GOP House Will Make Obama 'Look Goo

January 3rd, 2011 12:19 PM
On the syndicated Chris Matthews Show, over the weekend, CNN's Gloria Borger predicted that incoming House Republicans will overreach and make Barack Obama "look good" in comparison and allow the President to become the "grown-up." During a segment in which host Chris Matthews asked his panel to predict how Obama will deal with the GOP, New York magazine's John Heilemann suggested Republicans…

Time’s Joe Klein: Tea Party Will Be ‘Biggest Losers’ Next Year

December 27th, 2010 4:30 PM
 Appearing as a panel member on Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Time columnist Joe Klein predicted that the Tea Party will be the "biggest losers" next year after he agreed with MSNBC’s Howard Fineman that the conservative movement represented the "biggest winners" this year. Klein: "I'm going to go with the Tea Party, with the caveat that even though they were the biggest winners of…

MSNBC’s Fineman Gushes Over Clinton News Conference, Most Americans

December 27th, 2010 3:58 PM
 On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, panel member and MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman - also of the Huffington Post - made the over the top assertion that "10 to 20 percent" of Americans will "continue to hate and fear" President and Mrs. Obama, but that the rest have "accepted" President Obama "as a member of the family." And when host Matthews asked who was the biggest winner of the year…

‘Chris Matthews Show’ Attacks Sarah Palin: ‘So How’s That Twee

December 19th, 2010 2:45 PM
Chris Matthews on the syndicated program bearing his name devoted an entire segment this weekend to attacking Sarah Palin. To assist him in the attacks, the host of "The Chris Matthews Show" brought on Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post, the BBC's Katty Kay, Joe Klein of Time magazine, and NBC's Norah O'Donnell (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Andrea Mitchell Names Tea Party Person of the Year, Two Others Pick As

December 12th, 2010 2:55 PM
NBC's Andrea Mitchell this weekend named the Tea Party as her Person of the Year. Two others on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" disgustingly chose WikiLeaks' Julian Assange (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Time Mag's Duffy: 'Liberal Part of Obama Presidency Probably Over

December 12th, 2010 1:50 PM
Time magazine's Michael Duffy said this weekend that the liberal part of Barack Obama's presidency is probably over. Maybe more surprising, no one on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" - including the host - disagreed with him (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Atlantic’s Sullivan: GOP ‘Trying to Keep This Economy Bad,’ Are

December 5th, 2010 11:59 PM
 Appearing as a panel member Sunday on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic charged that Republicans are "trying to keep this economy bad" to hurt President Obama as the group discussed extension of the Bush tax cuts. He then tagged the GOP as "the most irresponsible political party I’ve seen." Sullivan began his rant against Republicans as he jumped into the…

NY Mag's Heilemann: Obama's the Only Serious Adult in Deficit Reductio

December 5th, 2010 12:58 PM
New York magazine's John Heilemann said this weekend that President Obama is the only serious adult in the deficit reduction conversation now going on in Washington. This deliciously came seconds before Heilemann told other guests on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show," "I have been dispirited by the lack of strategy on the part of the White House since the midterm elections...specifically…

Chris Matthews Flatteringly Compares Sarah Palin to Bill Clinton

November 28th, 2010 12:41 PM
Would you ever in your wildest dreams imagine Chris Matthews flatteringly comparing Sarah Palin to former President Bill Clinton? During a lengthy opening segment about Palin's political future on the syndicated program bearing his name, Matthews said, "There’s one unlikely Democrat you might compare to Sarah Palin when it comes to being a natural: the generally incomparable Bill Clinton" (…

BBC’s Kay Suggests Tea Partiers Put Beating Obama Ahead of ‘Countr

November 21st, 2010 11:30 AM
 Appearing as a panel member on Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the BBC’s Katty Kay suggested that Tea Partiers are willing to go against the "country’s interest" rather than to "deal" with President Obama. Kay: " And if there is going to be a wing of the Republican Party that says, do not on any issue, on any case, even on its merits, compromise with the President, it’s gonna be the…