Rush to Racism – Media Stunned that a Black Woman Could Win Over Lim

February 1st, 2010 11:43 PM
Once again some members of the media have taken to branding Rush Limbaugh a racist, offering backhanded compliments and genuine surprise that a black woman could have won the Miss America contest whilst he served as judge. As Boyce Watkins lamented in his Black Voices article, (emphasis mine throughout):"This week, Rush Limbaugh was standing in front of a talented black woman who was trying to…

Calculating Jobs a Muddled Mess – Press Presents it as Fact

January 31st, 2010 10:06 PM
The White House continues to throw out random numbers in their quest to convince the public that their behemoth stimulus bill is saving jobs at a massive rate.  The confusion has even seeped into the President's biggest support group - the media. CNN recently announced how the stimulus plan funded nearly 600,000 jobs this past quarter.  In their article, which parrots the numbers provided by the…

When Bush Plummets in Polls, It's News--Obama, Not So Much

January 17th, 2010 2:17 PM
It is a strange paradigm among much of the mainstream  media that plummeting poll numbers are of far greater import for Republicans than  they are for Democrats. That, at least, is the logical conclusion of the relative silence of major media outlets on the steep decline in President Obama's poll numbers compared with the decline in President Bush's.According to an Allstate/National Journal poll…

CNN's Lisa Bloom Hints Same-Sex Marriage Opponents are 'Lunatic-Fring

January 14th, 2010 6:00 PM
CNN legal analyst Lisa Bloom condemned the voter-approved Proposition 8 in California in an editorial on on Tuesday, and labeled the Supreme Court’s Lawrence v. Texas decision in 2003 as “the gay community's Brown v. Board of Education.” Bloom would later imply that the supporters of Prop 8 were “lunatic-fringe bigots.” The legal analyst began the January 12, 2010 editorial, titled “…

CNN: Don't Blame Harry Reid - Most White People Are Racist

January 14th, 2010 4:03 PM
After working days to deny that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said something patently racist, the media realized the story wouldn't die, and have now begun looking for fresh angles that can mitigate the damage. On Wednesday, fell back on a favorite strategy of claiming that even though it was a racist remark, it shouldn't be surprising because everybody does it. Writer Wayne Drash…

Jack Cafferty Tosses Idea That Earth Could Actually Be Cooling

January 13th, 2010 7:16 PM
CNN’s Jack Cafferty highlighted the research of “some scientists [who] insist the earth is entering a cooling trend” in a commentary on Cafferty detailed the harsh winter weather in the northern hemisphere over the past weeks, and noted that the research “could undermine...what we’ve been told about the warming of the Earth being caused only by man-made greenhouse gas emissions.”The…

CNN: December Layoffs Exceed Expectations...But Still Good News

January 9th, 2010 11:19 AM
CNN's efforts to spin the current economy have gotten to the point of being ridiculous. For three days in a row, a series of reports all showed persistent layoffs above expectations, and in each case inexplicably reported optimism.  First up was an ADP report released Wednesday which tracked the economy from the side of business owners and how many workers they laid off. Instead of…

CNN Trots out Jihad Teaching Extremist, Calls Him Instructor of Islam

January 8th, 2010 2:03 AM
As has been noted here in the recent past, it isn't just government entities that are a little slow on the uptake when it comes to identifying radical Muslim preachers as accessories to terrorism - it's also the media.  Consider the case of Anwar al-Awlaki, a man who has consistently shown ties to terrorist attacks, yet who had gone predominantly under the media radar as nothing more than a…

New Research Shows Sex in Movies Doesn’t Lead to Box-Office Success

December 29th, 2009 3:26 PM
Studio executives might want to make a New Year's resolution to show less skin in their movies. A December 29 CNN article reported that a recent study found that "sex and nudity failed to positively affect a film's popularity among viewers or critics and did not guarantee big box office receipts." "Sex Doesn't Sell -- nor Impress! Content, Box Office, Critics, and Awards in…

Al Gore Reads Global Warming Poem To CNN Reporter

December 11th, 2009 2:13 PM
Al Gore may have been too busy to discuss the "climate crisis" with FBN's John Stossel Thursday, but he sure had enough time to read his global warming poem to a CNN reporter the day before.I guess a Nobel Laureate has to understand his priorities.Without further ado (video embedded below the fold with words to Gore's masterpiece, h/t NBer Blonde):

CNN's Martin Warns Obama: Blaming Bush Won't Work Forever

December 6th, 2009 7:09 PM
CNN political contributor Roland Martin opined on Friday that since President Obama has been in the White House for almost a year, his default line of blaming George Bush for an inherited mess will soon stop working. In a strange bout of liberal acknowledgement, Martin conceded that Barack Obama "rode into office on the 'blame Bush' tidal wave" that had become "the Democrats' most famous…

CNN Quotes NY Dem Comparing Traditional Marriage Fight to Slavery

December 3rd, 2009 7:11 PM's coverage of the failed gay marriage bill in the state of New York was predictably slated against conservatives on the issue. The article cited liberals against conservatives 4-to-1 and included an unchallenged quote that most states banning gay marriage "at one time or another sold blacks into slavery."The piece came on the heels of a vote in the New York Senate Wednesday over a bill…

Times Shills for Second Stimulus, Ignores Widespread Fraud in First

November 22nd, 2009 11:19 AM
A "new consensus" has emerged on the success of the economic stimulus package, according to a New York Times headline. In touting the supposed success of the legislation, and hinting at support for another round of spending, the Times neglected to mention the widespread fraud that characterizes the administration's attempt at shoring up the economy.As reported by P.J. Gladnick on Saturday, the… Doesn't Explicitly Mention Party of Senator Burris (D

November 20th, 2009 4:13 PM
An unsigned article on Friday noted that the Senate Ethics Committee had reproved Senator Roland Burris “for actions and statements reflecting unfavorably upon the Senate,” but did not directly mention the Illinois senator’s affiliation with the Democratic Party. The article did mention that Burris was “the only African-American U.S. senator.”The first two paragraphs from the CNN…