Daily Kos Week in Review: Sticky Ricketts

May 19th, 2012 5:45 AM
The flap over the proposed big-bucks campaign that would have played up President Obama's ties to Jeremiah Wright turned into a one-day story, but it was enough to inspire one Kossack to envision a comeuppance for "anti-human" conservative "bastards," and then to wish some "horrific" intestinal distress on John Roberts. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Daily Kos Week In Review: Conservatives On The Couch

May 12th, 2012 8:38 AM
Sigmund Freud's reputation isn't what it used to be, but his thinking still influences behavior such as the left's tendency to psychoanalyze the right. This past week, one Kossack speculated that the forced-haircut incident suggests Mitt Romney may have a serious personality disorder, and another informally diagnosed conservatives as "completely off their rockers" and "f---ing nuts."      As…

Daily Kos: The Terrorists Prefer That Weakling Bush

May 9th, 2012 10:49 PM
Over at Daily Kos, "Zenox"  wants the online world to know that President Obama is much, much scarier to Islamic terrorists than President Bush ever was. The worry is that al-Qaeda has "decided to make a showcase of a U.S. aid worker (Warren Weinstein) kidnapped in Pakistan in 2011" and this "hostage who happens to be a Jewish American (I am guessing from his name)" is a trap to sabotage Obama'…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Romney Not Just Whistling 'Dixie

May 5th, 2012 6:28 AM
Mitt Romney has ties to quite a few states -- most notably Michigan, Massachusetts, and Utah -- none of which was on the Southern side in the Civil War. That didn't stop one Kossack from declaring that Romney's worldview is "a lie and an abomination" that would render him suitable for the presidency of the Confederate States of America.      As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger…

Daily Kos: Average GOP Voter Takes 'Bribes

April 19th, 2012 6:42 AM
Leftists have a stunning ability to diagnose a political malady in conservatives that they themselves have in great abundance. They denounce Fox News as more of a political organization than a news network as their remotes are stuck on MSNBC. Now the Daily Kos thinks the Republican Party is more of a "criminal organization than a political organization with any sort of ideas." On Tuesday, the…

Kossacks Give Thumbs Up to Extreme Hate Rhetoric

February 27th, 2012 8:22 PM
Remember all the chip-on-the-shoulder lectures from the left last year in the wake of the Gabrille Giffords shooting? Well, apparently the left has now gotten off its moral high horse and has sunk deep into the sewer of hate as you can see in this sanity-challenged thread at the Daily Kos just oozing with rabid hate at Republicans as you can ascertain from its deranged title: "Murdering, Lying…

NBC Ignores Death Threats to Koch Brothers, Hyped Threats to Palin-Bas

February 27th, 2012 11:36 AM
It’s terrible that an author got death threats, even if he’s a sleazy hack who invaded the privacy of a prominent conservative politician. It’s equally terrible that prominent conservative donors received death threats for how they choose to use their money. But according to NBC, only one of those two stories is worth telling. In the first case, the network was warning in 2010 of death…

CBS Touts Daily Show Likening Santorum, Conservatism to Crack

February 24th, 2012 3:10 PM
CBS This Morning on Friday boosted left-wing comedian John Oliver's smear on Rick Santorum, and conservatism in general, where he equated the GOP presidential candidate with a hardcore drug like crack cocaine: "America likes its conservatism cut with plenty of baking powder because one hit of the pure stuff, and you'll wake up with Eric Stoltz...having just plunged an adrenaline needle into…

Liberal Echo Chamber Howls at Planned Parenthood Controversy; Networks

February 3rd, 2012 10:43 AM
It seems media outlets only care about reporting on Planned Parenthood when its funding is threatened. When that happens, the liberal press goes ballistic. When cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure cut funding to Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill reacted swiftly, with a press release that rallied its allies in the media to create a ruckus about losing more than $600,000 in funding.…

Daily Kos: Conservatives Should Leave Obama's America, Move to Somalia

January 27th, 2012 7:43 AM
Liberals have always cartooned conservatives as the ones who would say "America, love it or leave it." But with Barack Obama in the White House, they want the Obama critics to go back to Africa. Or at least that's what "Hunter" wrote on the Daily Kos on Wednesday night. "This won't be a particularly insightful post, mainly because I'm just tired of these people and wish they would go away, or…

Daily Kos: Juan Williams Is a Toilet

January 19th, 2012 8:31 AM
While several media liberals have praised Juan Williams of Fox News for pushing around Newt Gingrich with the idea that his campaign rhetoric is at best insensitive to black Americans, Chauncey DeVega at the Daily Kos is sticking to the theory that Williams is a tool of racist Republicans: "Juan Williams is an object of abuse, a means to prove a point. Juan Williams is a paid pinata for white…

Daily Kos: Racist Conservatives Sweep Slavery Under the Rug

December 30th, 2011 7:45 AM
In the ongoing left-wing parade of charges that conservatism equals racism, add Daily Kos blogger Chauncey de Vega, who on Wednesday night hailed a Salon.com article on the avoidance of slavery talk as another opportunity to weave together “the tapestry that is historical memory, the slave-holding South, and contemporary conservatism.” “Adults who dress up in Colonial era period clothing,…

Daily Kos Comes to Defense of North Korea; No Worse Than South Korea

December 22nd, 2011 11:30 AM
How nutty is the Daily Kos blog? Nutty enough to make an outraged defense of North Korea? Yes. On Wednesday afternoon, Niccolo Caldararo – an adjunct professor of anthropology at San Francisco State University – complained “The Western media wallows in the exotic and North Korea has been the clown of the 20th century, brought forward for comic relief now and then or pasted up as a ‘paper tiger…

Daily Kos Hates Huckabee's 'Fetus Fixation' Film -- Without Seeing It

December 15th, 2011 8:22 AM
Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee premiered a pro-life documentary called "The Gift of Life" in Des Moines last night, and Kaily Joy Gray at the Daily Kos sneered, "In case it was not sufficiently clear just how Jesus-y the Republican candidates for president are, today they'll have an opportunity to really pander to the extremist wing of the extremist party at Mike Huckabee's…