Michael Moore Asks Daily Kos for Help on Next Film

February 12th, 2009 9:41 AM
Michael Moore is in the middle of shooting a movie about Wall Street and the financial industry. So who is he now turning to for help? The Daily Kos. I kid you not. Yesterday Moore posted a thread on the Daily Kos titled, "Will You Help Me With My Next Film? ...a request from Michael Moore." Here is the text of his request asking for Kossack "expertise" about high finance:Friends, I am in the…

Kossacks Desperately Seek Satire to 'Take Limbaugh Down

February 1st, 2009 12:08 PM
Comedy is not pretty, especially if it is wielded as a clumsy hatchet by the Left to do their dirty work for them. Such is the case with the suggestion on the Daily Kos that satire could be used as a weapon to "take Limbaugh down." This is the comedy weapon post on this topic by the ironically named Kossack, FreeSociety: Like it or not, Rush Limbaugh's elevation to icon status, by the right-wing-…

New Scientist Names Liberal Wingnut a ‘Science Hero’ of

December 22nd, 2008 11:17 AM
It would seem New Scientist magazine recently decided to sacrifice credibility in the field of research.  Journalistic research, anyway.  In their recent article titled, "Science heroes and villains of 2008," New Scientist has taken the liberty of naming some noteworthy individuals in the field.  As their opening salvo states (emphasis mine):  The collective brain of New Scientist has come up…

Leftwing Blogosphere Cheers Iraqi Shoe Thrower

December 15th, 2008 8:01 AM
The shoes had hardly left the hand of the Iraqi who tossed them at President Bush during the Baghdad press conference yesterday when the leftwing blogosphere began cheering him as some sort of hero. The incredible success of the Surge in Iraq has been very frustrating for the left. Along with Joe Biden they claimed that the Surge could never work. Problem was that it worked. That is why they…

MRC's Motley on Left-wing Netroots Displeasure at Obama Transition

November 24th, 2008 12:22 PM
Appearing on the November 24 "Fox & Friends," MRC Director of Communications Seton Motley reacted to left-wing bloggers critical of President-elect Obama for choosing center-left, rather than far-left staffers for his presidential transition team. [audio available here]:GRETCHEN CARLSON, co-host, "Fox & Friends": Alright, Seton, so a lot of these people on the Left say, "Oh, wait a minute…

Obama: Giving Raspberry to Progressives With Cabinet/Staff Picks

November 20th, 2008 4:53 AM
DailyKos and DemocraticUndergroud types are starting to get a bit miffed at their messiah. So far, no one from their ranks has been given the nod to take a spot on Obama's staff or to fill his cabinet openings. The "progressives" are noticing, too, that far from bringing a "new" wave of politics to Washington, so far Obama is bringing back the age of Clinton. Instead of Washington becoming…

Obama's 2005 Daily Kos Post : Tone It Down, and Usher in a New Progre

October 30th, 2008 7:58 PM
Barack Obama sent a letter to the Daily Kos which was posted back in 2005 to talk strategy and "change" to the Kossacks. Obama was very serious about toning down the rhetoric only until it was safe enough to "enforce a more clearly progressive agenda.” (h/t to Gateway Pundit for bringing this back through Sweetness and Light) (my emphasis added:)I thought this might be a good opportunity to…

Panic Attack at Daily Kos Over Stunning New Gallup Poll With Obama Lea

October 28th, 2008 4:35 PM
Your humble correspondent had figured the polls would start to narrow in the final week of the campaign but this stunning new Gallup poll shows the lead in the Presidential race narrowing much more rapidly than he had assumed. The latest Gallup poll of traditional likely voters shows the race has narrowed down to 49 percent for Barack Obama and 47 percent for John McCain. Here is Gallup's…

Daily Kos Desperately Spinning Obama 'Redistribution of Wealth' Audio

October 27th, 2008 9:54 AM
The Kossacks at the Daily Kos are hitting the panic button over the Obama "redistribution of wealth" audio which has become the hottest political topic on the Web, including the Drudge Report. As NewsBusters Mark Finkelstein has noted, most of the MSM morning TV shows, with the exception of Fox & Friends and Morning Joe, are still continuing to bury this story which your humble correspondent…

Leftwing Blogosphere Crying About Biden's Tough Interview

October 26th, 2008 1:54 AM
The leftwing blogosphere went into full panic mode Saturday as a result of a tough interview Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden had with a Florida anchorwoman two days ago (video embedded right).As my colleague P. J. Gladnick previously reported, Barbara West of the ABC TV affiliate WFTV in Orlando gave Biden quite a grilling Thursday.Yet, despite the obviously favorable and well-…

Mapes: 'Ha-Ha: Right-Wing Bloggers Don't Matter Any More

October 24th, 2008 1:03 PM
Mary Mapes is in gloat over-drive.  Dan Rather's erstwhile producer, the woman behind Memogate, is beside herself with joy at what she sees as the impending death of the conservative blogosphere.  It's her expectation that Barack Obama will win the presidency that has Mapes so hopeful.  Annotated excerpts from her HuffPo column, The Monster is Dying [emphasis added]:

HuffPo Blogger Fears 'November Crackup

October 23rd, 2008 2:00 PM

Daily Kos And Other Lefties Will No Longer Call Powell 'Uncle Tom

October 20th, 2008 10:12 AM
 When a black republican like General Colin Powell endorses a major liberal figure like Barack Obama, it is amazing to see racial vitriol stop at a lefty website like Daily Kos: Powell didn't just decimate the McCain campaign rationale, however. Powell also offered up an endorsement of Barack Obama in the strongest possible terms, saying that Obama would be an "exceptional president" and that he…

Enraged Leftwing Blogosphere Hurls Attacks Against Joe the Plumber

October 16th, 2008 1:17 PM