Did Mitchell Get 'McCain Cheated' at Saddleback from Daily Kos

August 17th, 2008 8:45 PM
As my colleague D.S. Hube reported, Andrea Mitchell on Sunday's "Meet the Press" suggested the Obama campaign felt John McCain "may not have been in the cone of silence" during Saturday's Saddleback Civil Forum, "and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were." Although she claimed this was being "[put] out privately" by Obama's people, CNN is now reporting that his campaign is…

LAT's Rutten on Edwards Affair: 'Old Media Dethroned'; Well, Maybe

August 10th, 2008 10:14 AM
Yesterday, in a stinging indictment of his Old Media colleagues' la-la-la treatment of the story of John Edwards's affair with Rielle Hunter, Los Angeles Times columnist Tim Rutten asserted that Edwards "may have ended his public life but he certainly ratified an end to the era in which traditional media set the agenda for national political journalism." I'll get to Rutten's mostly perceptive…

Elizabeth Edwards Apologizes to America...at Daily Kos

August 9th, 2008 10:31 AM
Want to know just how beholden Democrats are to the ultra-left members of their Party?Well, consider that Elizabeth Edwards actually posted an apology for her husband's affair -- as well as her own complicity in hiding it from people that were working for and supporting his presidential campaign -- at the extreme-left website Daily Kos.Imagine that.Here are some highlights (emphasis added, h/t…

Liberals and Profanity, a Perfect Match

August 7th, 2008 3:08 PM
Profanity, those taboo words banned from the broadcast airwaves, is a feature of many people's daily lives. It's much less so in the establishment media world. TV and radio broadcasts are legally prohibited from using it, most newspapers have traditionally refrained from its usage. That's not the case with the Web, where bloggers and readers face no such restrictions. That likely comes as no…

Daily Kos Bans Blogger For Writing About Edwards Scandal

August 3rd, 2008 5:02 PM
It appears something else that isn't tolerated at the ultra-left-leaning website Daily Kos is too much discussion about the extra-marital sexual escapades of Democrats the Netroots hold in high esteem.At least, this appears to be the case given Saturday's banning of Lee Stranahan, a liberal blogger and video producer who's been writing diaries at DKos since at least April 2007, and has had his…

Daily Kos Deletes Negative Post About Olbermann

July 29th, 2008 10:32 AM
NewsBusters has reported for years how the ultra-left wing website Daily Kos will publish all kinds of hateful articles about conservative politicians and figures without ever deleting or editing them.On Sunday, it was made infinitely clear to the Kossacks that although attacks on right-leaning figures are encouraged -- even if they've just passed away, such as the recent disgraceful posts about…

DailyKos Thugs Bully Paper to Pull Netroot Nation Story

July 22nd, 2008 6:23 AM
Just as I finish a piece laughing at DailyKos for claiming that it is conservatives that feel they have to "create their own alternate reality" because of their "rigid ideology," I find a story out of The Austin American-Statesman where the DailyKos forced that paper to pull a story that had a mildly satirical take on last weekend's Netroots Nation conference in Texas. Apparently, the DailyKos…

Setting the Record Straight: FNC Actually Dems' Preferred Cable Channe

July 9th, 2008 12:43 PM
The hiring of Howard Wolfson as a political contributor to Fox News has resulted in the ritual outrage from blue blogs and Fox haters. When they aren't smearing Wolfson ("sell-out", "right-wing Zionist", etc) the alternate tactic is used: diminish Fox by lying about its influence and reach. The preferred method for doing so is to marginalize the Fox audience. It's something you've read…

Netroots Celebrate Helms's Death With Vulgar Attacks

July 5th, 2008 12:59 PM
NewsBusters readers are likely aware of my frequent appeal for civility in our comments sections due to my unwavering belief that despite political differences, when the sun sets, we're all Americans.Such reverence should be crucial on the day someone that has tirelessly served this nation for thirty years passes away.Apparently devoid of such human decency, the folks in the Netroots, within…

Obama Flip-flops Lead Kos to Hold Back Campaign Contribution

July 2nd, 2008 11:11 AM
The media might not be overly concerned with presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama's incessant campaign flip-flops, but the leader of the Netroots, Daily Kos proprietor Markos Moulitsas, is so disturbed by the junior senator's recent changes of heart that he has decided to hold back his financial contribution (file photo).As NewsBusters has been reporting the past few weeks, this…

Olbermann and HuffPo Editor Square Off on Couric and Anti-Hillary Bias

June 14th, 2008 1:32 PM
It seems not everyone in the liberal blogosphere is smitten with MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.Take for example Huffington Post editor Rachel Sklar who on Thursday called out the insufferably arrogant and pompous "Countdown" host for naming CBS's Katie Couric his "Worst Person in the World" previously reported by NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth:Olbermann accused Couric of taking out of "context" comments by…

CNN Picks Up McCain ‘Plagiarism’ Story From HuffPost, Daily Kos

June 5th, 2008 4:02 PM
CNN’s Veronica De La Cruz pulled her scoop on Thursday’s "American Morning" straight out of the left-wing blogosphere. The network’s Internet correspondent cited both the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos in her short segment on the brand-new changes on John McCain’s presidential campaign website.De La Cruz first zeroed in on McCain’s new slogan. " His new slogan reads ‘a leader we can believe in…

Columnist: Sexism in Campaign from Liberal Blogs and Obama Supporters

May 25th, 2008 11:10 AM
Here's something you don't see every day: a female member of the media blaming the sexism and misogyny in the presidential campaign on liberal Democrats, liberal bloggers, and Barack Obama supporters.Yet, that's what occurred Sunday morning when syndicated columnist Marie Cocco was invited on CNN's "Reliable Sources" to discuss the role sexism and misogyny have played in this election cycle.…

Daily Kos Photoshop Depicts Michelle Obama Being Tortured by Klan Memb

May 20th, 2008 7:04 PM
**Shocking Image Below the Fold** Yesterday, Barack Obama began crying again. Someone should remind him... there's no crying in politics. He has whined that we can't use his middle name, he has whined when we bring up his close relations with aging hippy terrorists, that we ask aloud about his "spiritual mentor," the racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and now he is crying that we are highlighting the…