DailyKos: Osama Bin Laden Much Like Reagan

September 10th, 2007 12:53 PM
DailyKos.com, the Left's most popular website and a key source of fund-raising for Democrats from coast to coast, says Osama bin Laden and Ronald Reagan have a lot in common:So is Osama bin Laden truly "evil?" Most people who lost family members at the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 would probably consider him to be evil. Was President Ronald Reagan evil? Most residents of Beirut who lost family…

Why Isn’t There a Conservative Daily Kos

September 6th, 2007 6:44 PM
Whether or not one agrees with the political views of Markos Moulitsas, there's no getting around the fact his website has become not just a powerful force in the blogosphere, but is also shaping the Democrat Party. This raises an important question: Why isn't there a conservative website like Daily Kos?

Daily Kos Posters Berated by Founder for being Gullible Fools

September 3rd, 2007 2:36 PM

Kos Falsely Smears GOP Senator With Leftist Troll's Words

August 15th, 2007 3:29 PM
Whether it’s comparisons between the United States and the Soviet Union or George Bush and Saddam Hussein, the far left has always specialized in false moral equivalence. In the latest example of this, Daily Kos proprietor Markos Moulitsas has been trying to shift the spotlight that’s now being shined on the numerous vulgar and hateful remarks for which his site is famous over to conservative…

Markos Moulitsas Abandons Netroots For Democrat Party Establishment

August 12th, 2007 8:58 PM
Folks that watched Sunday's "Meet the Press" debate between former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-Tennessee) and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas might have witnessed the final transformation of the Kossack leader from Netroots chief to Democrat Party operative. In fact, you could almost hear Emperor Palpatine cackling in the background. Ignoring the actual lack of substance in the discussion, one…

Scandal-ridden Eliot Spitzer Posts 'Happy Talk' Blog on Daily Kos

August 7th, 2007 10:53 AM
Let's say you are a scandal-ridden governor looking for some love. Where would you find it? Well, if you are New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, aka Steamroller Spitzer, immersed in a scandal that threatens to destroy your political career, you go looking for love in the Daily Kos with a divorced from reality "Happy Talk" blog post that makes no mention any pending unpleasantries. Spitzer's "Happy…

Into the Belly of the Beast: A Conservative Goes to YearlyKos

August 6th, 2007 2:24 PM
I wanted to go to the YearlyKos event but circumstances did not permit. Thankfully, at least one sane person did go. Rick Moran gives this account:I can assure you that they are at least as similar to us as chimpanzees – except chimps are cuter and don’t constantly interrupt you when you’re speaking and trying to make a point. However, all that aside, liberals are pretty normal. They have a…

YearlyKos Hypocrisy: Markos Supports Soldiers Wearing Uniforms at Anti

August 5th, 2007 9:01 PM
As the folks at Daily Kos scramble to explain what transpired at their convention in Chicago Friday morning when a soldier in uniform tried to speak at a breakout session called "The Military and Progressives: Are They Really That Different," it has been revealed that Markos Moulitsas supports such attired military members attending anti-war rallies. In fact, so do many Kossacks. Quite…

Disgraceful ‘Killitary’ Daily Kos Blogger Speaks to USA Today

July 24th, 2007 11:03 AM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, a writer named Corey Mitchell posted an amazingly disgraceful blog at the liberal website Daily Kos Thursday stating that the United States armed forces were creating serial killers and mass murderers. USA Today's "On Deadline" blogger Mike Carney spoke with Mitchell on Monday about this matter (emphasis added throughout): "It's not my intention to denigrate…

More Daily Kos Bile, Celeb Resents Supporting 'Coward' 'Morally Retard

July 24th, 2007 8:35 AM
Updated with video below: Following on the heels of the Daily Kos' anti-military “Killitary,” former Air America host and “Saturday Night Live” alum A. Whitney Brown vlogged about our “idiot” murderous troops who are “crapping in their pants” in Iraq and the Republican zombie-drones who “support” them.In the comment thread, Brown confirmed this wasn't satire, stating it was “all about anger, not…

Daily Kos Founder Issues Warning Concerning ‘Nasty Rhetoric

July 23rd, 2007 3:10 PM
Is Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas growing weary of the vitriol being expressed at his blog? It appears so, as without explaining what incidents precipitated the need for such, Moulitsas posted a warning to his readers Monday referring to "nasty rhetoric" that is "rampant in the primary war diaries." Maybe Charles Johnson was prescient Sunday when he wrote, "Just doesn't look right to be…