Daily Kos Boss: GOP Torn Between Winning Elections and Hating Non-Whit

February 8th, 2014 9:06 AM
Some liberals don't find bigotry at the root of conservative Republican opposition to immigration reform, but many others do, and in that latter group, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas is among the most persistent. Kos was at it again in a post this past Wednesday, arguing that Tea Party GOPers in the House stand in the way of Republicans enhancing their appeal to politically…

Daily Kos: 'Pathetic' for MSNBC to Apologize for Cheerios Tweet Allegi

February 3rd, 2014 9:52 PM
Even though MSNBC admits that one of its staffers shouldn't have tweeted that "the rightwing will hate" a Cheerios Super Bowl commercial about an interracial family, Daily Kos writer Hunter, who covers the conservative movement for the lefty blog, thinks the network showed weakness in not standing by the now-infamous tweet. In a Monday post that mostly dealt with righties such as Allen West…

Daily Kos Boss: Bridgegate Causes Christie 'Collapse,' But 'Fake Bengh

January 21st, 2014 7:30 PM
On Tuesday, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas noted a new Quinnipiac survey finding that only 35 percent of Americans believe that New Jersey governor Chris Christie would make a good president -- down from 49 percent in November -- and that Christie trails Hillary Clinton by eight points in a hypothetical presidential contest (he led her by one point in November and December…

Liberal Cartoonist: If Hillary Is Nominee in 2016 ‘Sexism Will Be Th

December 3rd, 2013 10:44 AM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, liberal cartoonist Ted Rall was recently banned from the progressive website Daily Kos for publishing a comic strip with Barack Obama in it that was deemed to be racist. On Monday, Rall spoke with Newsmax TV’s Steve Malzberg about the incident, and warned that if Hillary Clinton gets the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, “sexism will be the new…

Lefties Fight: Daily Kos Infuriates Ted Rall By Accusing Him of Racist

December 1st, 2013 6:17 PM
Romenesko reports on a radical-versus-radical squabble over a cartoon image of Obama. Leftist cartoonist Ted Rall was lectured by a Daily Kos administrator that “your depiction of Barack Obama as ape-like is intolerable” and insisted “blacks have been subject to racist depictions of themselves as monkeys and apes. No excuse is acceptable for replicating that history, no matter what your intent…

Daily Kos Founder: 'Nuclear Option' a Boon to Democrats (and to His We

November 27th, 2013 2:40 PM
The knock on the lefty blogosphere in its early years was that it made a lot of noise but accomplished very little. Since 2006 or so, however, the netroots' influence on the Democratic party has grown steadily, to the point that on Monday, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas could crow that the Senate's weakening of filibuster rules via the so-called nuclear option was "perhaps […

Kossacks Try to Convince Themselves of Obamacare 'Success

November 24th, 2013 9:09 AM
You have to give the Kossacks over at the Daily Kos an A for effort.  They try, oh how they try, to convince each other that Obamacare is a success despite all evidence to the contrary. The result of their effort is pure unadulterated comedy as you can see in the optimistic title of their thread, "Obamacare enrollments double in last three weeks." Of course the source of their optimism comes…

Daily Kos: Tea Party's Ideal World Is The Violent Video Game 'Grand Th

November 23rd, 2013 7:21 AM
Daily Kos diarist "Risen Tree" took a moment to discuss capitalism and freedom, in a very Kosmonaut way. The article was titled "What Teabaggers Really Want." "One of the Teabaggers' favorite buzzwords is 'freedom,' which they seem to generally define as having to follow as few regulations as possible. For all the noise they make about it, they seem to have grave difficulty defining its scope…

A Right-Wing Media? Lefties at Daily Kos Claim GOP, Press Plotting To

November 16th, 2013 7:06 AM
This past Thursday, three Kossacks at the Daily Kos argued that in the public-opinion battle over Obamacare, Democrats are fighting two foes: Republicans and the media.   The Kossack "old mark" speculated about rich right-wingers bribing the media to slant their coverage against the ACA:

Daily Kos Blogger: The New C-Words Are 'Conservative' and 'Crazy

November 9th, 2013 6:58 AM
For several decades, many on the left have tried to dodge the designation "liberal." They've called themselves "progressives" (sometimes "pragmatic progressives") or claimed to be non-ideological rather than accept the L-word, especially if they were running for office.   This past Wednesday, however, the Daily Kos blogger who calls himself "Crashing Vor" argued that the terminological tide…

Apathy or Mayhem? Ultraliberal Daily Kos Boss Asks What's Ahead for Co

November 2nd, 2013 7:21 AM
Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas blogged twice this past Wednesday. In the morning, Kos argued that as electoral defeats mount for increasingly frustrated right-wingers, they'll eventually have to choose between violent fantasies and actual violence (emphasis added):

Daily Kos: Should the Tea Party Wear Swastikas on Their White Sheets

October 26th, 2013 9:35 AM
During the George W. Bush years, the folks at Daily Kos routinely trashed conservatives and Republicans, but each of those groups have contained a few members (e.g., William F. Buckley Jr. and Dwight Eisenhower) that some Kossacks found semi-respectable.   Then, early in 2009, came the Tea Party, for which mere affiliation put one beyond the pale. The DKos gang has been rhetorically pummeling…

Daily Kos: Kick the Poo-Smearing Tea Party Perverts

October 19th, 2013 7:41 AM
The Democrats' (partial) victory in the battle over the (partial) government shutdown and debt-ceiling increase was enough of a reason for Kossacks to do their happy dances and, more importantly, rub Republicans' faces in it.   "MichiJayJay" opined that for the GOP, losing wasn't punishment enough: "[N]ow that the teabaggers are down, we have to kick them, and kick them, and kick them and…

Awww! Daily Kos Scribe Whines That Obamacare Sent His Premiums Soaring

October 16th, 2013 5:25 PM
Every so often but not nearly often enough, the opportunity to revel in guilt-free schadenfreude rolls around. This is one of those moments. Over at Daily Kos, one of the most heavily-trafficked liberal websites and a revealing glimpse into the repugnant id that is the leftist mind, Daily Kos diarist "Tirge Caps" is belatedly learning that the Affordable Care Act is not the glorious…