Daily Kos Week in Review: Flying Fists of Fury

April 5th, 2013 11:37 PM
Kossacks aren't merely pleased that same-sex marriage is growing in popularity; some also feel the need to at least malign its opponents and, in one jaw-dropping case, wish severe physical pain on them.   As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.  

Daily Kos Imagines Violent 'Fisting' With Spiked Gloves for the Religi

April 4th, 2013 9:51 PM
For a long time now, it’s been apparent to social conservatives that the gay-marriage lobby is not a movement of tolerance. It won’t be satisfied with Supreme Court-imposed homo-nuptials in 50 states. If groups like GLAAD are the rule, they work to ban the social conservatives out of the “respectable” circles in the media, and make “homophobia” a hate crime. But you can’t make this argument…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Playing the Base

March 22nd, 2013 10:47 PM
Kossacks, of course, love to trash prominent Republicans -- freshman Texas senator Ted Cruz came in for some notable abuse this past week -- but they by no means neglect the party's rank and file and in some cases identify them as the root of the GOP's supposed madness. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym. Daily Kos Week in Review will return in two weeks.…

Daily Kos: Lynch That Unqualified 'Pool Boy' Ted Cruz

March 21st, 2013 4:46 PM
Ted Cruz for President? The Daily Kos folks cannot believe the thought. “Dr. Zombie” was amazed:  “Demonstrating they intend to NEVER learn from their stupidity, they are already advancing this loony bull---t that some loudmouthed numbskull like Cruz could be considered a possible frontrunner for POOL BOY.” The blog concluded with what sounds like a lynching reference:

Daily Kos Week in Review: Slanted and Disenchanted

March 8th, 2013 11:13 PM
Regular readers of NewsBusters are by definition familiar with liberal media bias. For Kossacks, however, the concept is a non sequitur, since they consider the mainstream media to be water-carriers for corporatist, right-wing Republicans. Go figure. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Daily Kos: Tom Brokaw, Chuck Todd Make NBC 'Conservative

March 2nd, 2013 3:19 PM
Over at the Daily Kos, Bill in Portland Maine wished Happy Birthday to his favorite economic truth-teller Paul Krugman, as he added “I admit I don’t know a fiduciary whatzamahoozie from a hole in the ground.” But the really comical paragraph came on Friday, as he summarized the “vapidity” of this weekend’s Sunday shows, and just as the Kosmonauts think Bob Woodward is a Breitbart replica,…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Jeer the Press

March 1st, 2013 11:06 PM
This past week, Kossacks cheered the televised trashing of Sean Hannity and jeered another media personality, Bob Woodward, for questioning President Obama's sequester narrative.   As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Daily Kos Explodes, Says Bob Woodward Went 'Full Breitbart' On Sequest

February 28th, 2013 4:45 PM
Hold the presses! The far-left blog Daily Kos is insisting that liberal reporter Bob Woodard, in doing his job as a journalist, has gone “full Breitbart” with his coverage of sequestration. Just a few short years ago, the Kossacks loved when reporters "spoke truth to power" in confronting Republicans in the White House. But now that Woodward has gone on record saying that he received…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Shooting an Elephant

February 22nd, 2013 10:53 PM
Kossacks are rarely short of hostility and condescension for Republicans, but their blasts at the Grand Old Party and its members seemed especially abundant this past week.   As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Daily Kos 'Humor': Pope Had to Resign Over Dead Hookers, Illegitimate

February 12th, 2013 6:47 AM
If anyone wants to see just how vicious the Left can get as Catholics prepare for a new pope, “Troubadour” at the Daily Kos tried a “humorous” take on the top ten reasons Pope Benedict is resigning. “6.  The fifth dead hooker was the last straw for his Cardinals...5. Plays Emperor Palpatine in flashback scenes of the new Star Wars movie.” It wouldn’t be a Kos blog without “2. Dick Cheney is…

Daily Kos Foams at Mouth Over Pro-Life 'Terrorists'' Annual March For

January 14th, 2013 3:44 PM
Kaili Joy Gray, Daily Kos's "Angry Mouse" of an associate editor (seriously, that is her nickname at the far left website) tried her darndest to stuff every bigoted term the radical left has for pro-life activists in a Monday item for the "online political community."  Gray bewailed how the "terrorists dressed up like sweet little grandmothers" were coming to Washington, DC for their "…

Mass Killings Are 'Purest Expression of the Conservative Mentality' in

January 4th, 2013 5:37 PM
Never thought I'd see the left-wing bedwetters at MSNBC as relatively sane. That they are compared to the denizens of the fever swamp known as the Daily Kos. Based on my previous meanderings on the site, I know that reading through its diarists' posts is among the least fruitful wastes of time imaginable. All seem to follow the same outline: conservatives as sick and/or evil and solely…

Lefty Blogger Kos: Ban Guns with Magazines; Shooter's Mother Was Paran

December 18th, 2012 5:00 PM
The hard-left gun abolitionists are feeling their oats lately. Buoyed by the president's reelection and his hinting strongly that he will pursue gun control legislation in the wake of the Newtown mass murder, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas offered yesterday "Some thoughts on the coming gun debate" which essentially boiled down to a call to make illegal a broad array of guns that are right…

Media Follow Lead of Left-Wing Groups in Grover Norquist Attack

December 5th, 2012 9:59 AM
Liberals can’t stand Grover Norquist. For years, they have lambasted and name-called Norquist, the president of American’s for Tax Reform: a staunch anti-tax hike group. But now the liberal media is also focused on him, in some cases rejoicing that he might lose his “stranglehold” over Republicans on the issue of taxes. Left-wing websites like Daily Kos, Salon and The Huffington Post all…