
10 Brand NEW Hunter Biden Breaking Stories the Nets Are Burying

February 7th, 2023 9:58 AM

On Wednesday, Congress begins their first public hearings on President Joe Biden’s family, including his son Hunter and his ties (revealed in his infamous laptop) to foreign companies. These hearings give the broadcast networks a new opportunity to actually cover these new developments. The following are 10 brand new Hunter stories the networks have censored.

Inhumanity Was on Display in Memphis

January 31st, 2023 10:33 AM

No adjective is sufficient to describe the reaction one gets from watching five Memphis police officers beat 29-year-old Tyre Nichols to within an inch of his life. He later died of his injuries in a local hospital. “Inhumane” and “senseless” are as close as it comes. While Nichols was accused of “reckless driving,” it was an insufficient charge to cause such a violent reaction by the five…

Another Grievance Group Fraud From a Not-So-Indigenous Trans Artist

January 5th, 2023 3:07 PM

Senator Warren, please call your office ...

Bozell Calls Out Leftist Media for Sitting on Bankman-Fried Money

December 2nd, 2022 9:24 AM

As news outlets showed no indication Thursday that they planned to return millions of dollars in reported donations by disgraced FTX owner Sam Bankman-Fried, MRC founder and President Brent Bozell called for at least five media organizations to return those contributions.


Shameful Nets Ignore Sickening Report of CA Releasing Droves of Pedos

December 1st, 2022 7:02 PM

The Daily Mail uncorked a blockbuster investigation Monday into California’s database under Megan’s Law and found that, in a state where Golden State voters have chosen time and again to devalue law and order, “[m]ore than 7,000 sex offenders” that “were convicted of ‘lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age’” have been “let out of prison the same year they were…


FIREWORKS: KJP Blows Gasket After Daily Caller Reporter Presses Fauci

November 22nd, 2022 6:09 PM

Between the run-up to the midterms and President Biden’s lengthy foreign trip, White House briefings have been few and far between. But there was one Tuesday and it devolved into a near riot with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly excoriating Daily Caller’s Diana Glebova and her defenders when she tried to shout questions to Dr. Tony Fauci about his role in the origins of COVID-19…

Another Head to Roll? CNN's Sciutto Takes Leave for ‘Personal Issues’

October 6th, 2022 12:43 PM

Matt Lauer anyone? The Daily Mail reported in an exclusive late Wednesday that weekday morning CNN Newsroom co-host and former Obama official Jim Sciutto has been sent off on a leave of absence from the struggling network so he can “address personal issues” stemming from a mysterious trip to Amsterdam with a producer earlier this year after having been covered the war in Ukraine.

Nets Ignore Hunter Biden Crying Poor, Wants Child Support Lowered

September 14th, 2022 8:48 PM

According to documents obtained by the Daily Mail, President Joe Biden’s son Hunter is attempting to lower his child support payments to the mother of his illegitimate child he had with Lunden Roberts. According to those same documents, Hunter filed a motion to “adjust child support Monday, citing 'a substantial material change' in his 'financial circumstances, including but not limited to his…


Ten NEW Hunter Biden Scandals the Networks Are CENSORING

July 12th, 2022 10:00 AM

The scandalous hits from Hunter Biden keep coming, but you wouldn’t know it if you get your news primarily from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast networks. The following are ten NEW Hunter scandals that and how ABC, CBS and NBC have covered or, more accurately, not covered them.

Nets Ignore News Hunter Biden Could Face Federal Prostitution Charges

July 11th, 2022 8:30 PM

On Monday, the Daily Mail reported that federal prosecutors might have a case for federal prostitution charges against President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden. This is after documents, texts, and videos found on Hunter's laptop & iPhone show he…

Surgeons at an NHS hospital

UK’s NHS Secretly Removes ‘Women’ from Page on Menopause

June 29th, 2022 3:34 PM

The Daily Mail caught the National Health Service red-handed removing the words “women” and “woman” from their page on menopause despite ministers promise to tone down woke language, as they reported June 28. 

Depiction of St. George slaying the dragon in medieval legend

English University Puts Trigger Warning on St. George

June 22nd, 2022 3:07 PM

In the left’s worldwide crusade against all that is good and holy, their latest victim is none other than the legend of Saint George, the dragon slayer. The University of East Anglia’s (UEA) professors have issued trigger warnings regarding Saint George, as the…

NHS bus in Pride Parade, 2019

NHS Peddles Dangerous Drug so Trans 'Women' Can 'Chestfeed'

June 10th, 2022 11:33 AM

The National Health Service in the UK recently linked to a charity that advises trans “women” to take a dangerous drug to help them “breastfeed,” per the Daily Mail’s reporting on June 9.

A still from a Fat Acceptance/Body positivity piece done by Bustle in 2015

"Morbidly Obese" is Offensive

June 8th, 2022 3:24 PM

In case you hadn’t noticed, the lefty portfolio of woke issues includes lots of unhealthy behaviors and lifestyles. Why would the cause of the dangerously fat be excluded? It’s now virtuous to encourage people to simply accept being fat and unhealthy, despite the…