Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus ‘Despondent’ Over Castle’s Defea

September 15th, 2010 1:18 AM
Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus raced to her keyboard on Tuesday night to express her upset with the result of the Republican Senate primary in Delaware. In “Why Christine O'Donnell's victory is scary,” posted at 10:15 PM EDT on the paper’s “PostPartisan” blog for its opinion writers, she seemed more scared by Mike Castle’s defeat than by Christine O’Donnell’s win. While Democrats may be “…

CNN: GOP Battle Between 'More Tolerant' Moderates & 'Staunch Conservat

May 12th, 2009 7:07 PM
During a segment on Tuesday’s Situation Room program, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer characterized the ongoing post-election identity struggle in the Republican Party as being between moderates who are “more tolerant on fiscal and social issues” and “staunch” conservatives “who don’t want the party to become more moderate.” Later in the same segment, Gloria Borger, one of the network’s senior political…

Shades of Terry Schiavo: Battle Over Delaware Woman Under Media’s Ra

February 1st, 2008 5:51 PM
Three years after the media firestorm over the sad case of Terry Schiavo, a similar battle being fought in the state of Delaware is currently flying under the mainstream media’s radar.The Wilmington [Del.] News Journal, which is owned by Gannett, reported on Thursday that the parents of 23-year old Lauren Marie Richardson, whose brain was damaged by a heroin overdose in August 2006, are in court…

Biden's Verbal Gaffes 'OK' Because of His 'Civil Record

November 4th, 2007 8:53 AM
In an article that is otherwise fairly balanced, Delaware's biggest daily, the Wilmington News Journal, proclaims in a headline today that senior Senator Joe Biden has a "Tangled tongue, but a civil record," with the sub-header "Biden's bloopers don't jibe with his votes." Sen. Joe Biden sees black supporters as his base and maintains a stellar voting record with the NAACP. But he's also gotten…

Is the First State Racist for Not Having a Black Supreme Court Justic

September 9th, 2007 11:14 AM

Gannett Newspaper's Editorial Policy Blatantly P.C

August 27th, 2007 8:28 PM
A few days ago I e-mailed the Wilmington (Delaware) News Journal -- a Gannett newspaper -- asking why this article failed to mentioned the race of the assailants who have been victimizing Hispanics recently. (The assailants are black). After all, police reports noted it, as well as local radio stations. The paper responded and included their editorial policy regarding such matters, apparently…