CBS Pushes Liberal Talking Point About Tea Party 'Downgrade

August 8th, 2011 1:45 PM
On Monday's Early Show, CBS's Norah O'Donnell promoted the left-of-center talking point that Standard & Poor's recent lowering of the U.S.'s credit rating is a "Tea Party downgrade." O'Donnell played three sound bites of notable liberals using this line of attack, versus only one opposing from a center-right politician. She also spun Treasury Geithner's decision to stay as "good news for…

Early Show Echoes White House, Dismisses Debt Downgrade As 'Political

August 6th, 2011 4:05 PM
Should anything happen to the Obamas' Portugese water dog Bo, perhaps the First Family could adopt Jeff Glor as a pet parrot.  The weekend Early Show weekend co-host proved the perfect White House mimic this morning.  Glor dutifully echoed the Obama admin line, dismissing as "political" Standard & Poor's downgrade of the US government's credit rating. In support of his point, Glor twice…

Early Show, NYT Report What CBS Evening News Ignored: Own Poll Showing

August 5th, 2011 1:30 PM
While CBS's Early Show and the New York Times both highlighted their own poll showing support for further spending cuts, the CBS Evening News ignored it. Americans three-to-one believe the spending cuts in the debt ceiling deal were too small rather than too big, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll. As NewsBusters reported, Thursday's CBS Evening News ignored the support for cuts…

Harry Smith Makes His NBC News Debut With a Birthday Love Letter to Ob

August 5th, 2011 12:35 PM
At the end of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Harry Smith, formerly of CBS, made his first appearance on the network with a fawning birthday message to President Obama: "Happy birthday, Mr. President. Once upon a time, when you were a young man, all you had to do was show up and teeming throngs of people would gather to cheer you on....They even wrote songs about you." [Audio…

Liberal Media Still Refuse to Tie Obama to 'Shocking' Food Stamp Crisi

August 4th, 2011 5:57 PM
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams announced on Wednesday's show that "the number of Americans relying on food stamps has hit another all-time record" with "Nearly 46 million of your fellow citizens are receiving food stamp assistance." Yet curiously he did not tie Barack Obama's fiscal policies to this economic tragedy, something the liberal media was prone to do when it came to blaming…

CNN Ignores Allegations Against Piers Morgan While CBS, MSNBC Report

August 4th, 2011 4:55 PM
For a second straight day CNN ignored the newest phone hacking accusations made against its 9 p.m. host Piers Morgan. Major media outlets, including Bloomberg News,, and CBS have reported the story, but Morgan's current employer, CNN, has remained mum on the allegations. On Wednesday, the ex-wife of Paul McCartney accused a journalist from a British newspaper group of hacking her…

CBS's O'Donnell Suggests Obama's Reelection is a Done Deal

August 2nd, 2011 4:24 PM
CBS's Norah O'Donnell played the role of a clairvoyant on Tuesday's Early Show as she hinted that President Obama's reelection is assured in 2012. Anchor Erica Hill asked O'Donnell how the White House viewed the debt ceiling bill. She replied, "I think they feel like this was... not necessarily a victory for the President. He did get an extension of this debt ceiling through 2012 and through…

CBS and ABC Ignore Biden 'Terrorist' Dust Up; NBC Only Promotes His De

August 2nd, 2011 1:16 PM
On Monday, Politico reported that "several sources" in a private meeting of House Democrats confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden accused Tea Party Republicans of having "acted like terrorists." CBS and ABC completely punted the story on their evening and morning newscasts. NBC made mention of the controversy, but only to further Biden's denial of having made the comment. CBS's omission…

CBS Spins New ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate as 'Good News

August 1st, 2011 4:48 PM
On Monday's Early Show, CBS slanted towards supporters of a new Obama administration mandate which requires private insurance companies to cover contraception as part of women's "preventative services." Anchor Chris Wragge labeled the development "good news," while correspondent Michelle Miller failed to include sound bites from opponents during her report on the new regulation. After using…

Networks Deride 'Rebellious' 'Hardline Conservatives' Creating 'Chaos

July 29th, 2011 1:42 PM
On Friday, all three network morning shows played up the theme of stubborn House GOP conservatives opposing Speaker John Boehner's debt ceiling plan. On CBS's Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge proclaimed: "House Republicans will meet again this morning after hardline conservatives handed House Speaker John Boehner a major setback." On ABC's Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos…

CBS's Schieffer Wrongly Claims Social Security Checks Can't Go Out Wit

July 28th, 2011 7:08 PM
On three occasions between July 22 and July 26, 2011, CBS's Bob Schieffer carried water for President Obama when he echoed the Democrat's inaccurate claim about Social Security: "Millions of Americans...may not get their next [Social Security] check if the debt ceiling crisis is not resolved." In reality, there is enough federal revenues and authorized expenditures to pay for the program [audio…

MRC Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Cast GOP as Debt Ceiling Villains

July 27th, 2011 9:46 AM
On Election Day 2010, then-CBS Early Show anchor Harry Smith posed a hypothetical question about newly-elected Republicans to Ann Coulter: “There’ll be a routine vote, for instance, to increase the debt ceiling and the Tea Party guys are going to say, ‘Over my dead body,’ and the government comes to a screeching halt. Then what happens?” The conservative author confidently predicted: “Well, the…

CBS Promotes Taxing 'Fattening, Non-Nutritious' Food

July 26th, 2011 5:34 PM
CBS's Michelle Miller leaned towards supporters of taxing junk food on Tuesday's Early Show, playing three sound bites from them and none from opponents. Miller only made one vague reference to the opposing side, and she immediately followed it by playing up the supposedly positive result of a tax: "While some say a new tax is the last thing we need, it could mean a healthier America." The…

Networks Trumpet News of 'Christian' Killer, But Balked Over Labeling

July 25th, 2011 12:29 PM
The three major networks trumpeted the news this weekend that the man behind a mass shooting spree in Norway is also a Christian, highlighting the fact in eight different programs from Saturday through Monday. The July 25 New York Times used page one to declare, "As Horrors Emerge, Norway Charges Christian Extremist." Yet, these same journalistic outlets were far more reticent to identify the…