Big Three Networks Ignore Obama's Medal of Honor Screw-Up

June 24th, 2011 3:04 PM
Barack Obama's confusing one living American war hero with a fallen one he honored in 2009, has been completely ignored by the Big Three Networks shows, including the same NBC Nightly News that threw a fit over Sarah Palin's recent recounting of an event over 200 years ago, Paul Revere's ride.

ABC, CBS Heap Praise on 'Baby Whisperer' Barack Obama and His 'Magic

June 22nd, 2011 4:19 PM
The ABC and CBS morning shows on Wednesday  gushed over "baby whisperer" Barack Obama. Both Good Morning America and the Early Show played White House-produced video of the President comforting a baby while working a rope line.  GMA's Lara Spencer lauded, "You know, the President is plenty busy trying to turn the economy around. But he still has time to stop some babies from crying, of…

Nets Ignore Emissions Decision, Politico Carries EPA's Water

June 21st, 2011 1:10 PM
The Supreme Court on Monday unequivocally rejected the notion that courts should force power companies to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, but none of the major broadcast networks covered the unanimous decision on their evening newscasts or morning shows. The New York Times teased the ruling on the front page of Tuesday's paper, directing readers to a thorough analysis of the 8-0 decision,…

Networks That Excused Nazi Signs for Scott Walker's Collective Bargain

June 15th, 2011 12:01 PM
ABC, CBS and NBC's morning shows on Wednesday offered a scant 41 seconds to a major Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling permitting the state's collective bargaining law to go into effect. These are the same networks that, just four months ago, praised the "people power" of the liberal protesters and ignored signs comparing conservatives to Nazis. On February 20, This Week host Christiane Amanpour…

CBS Badgers Republicans on the Economy; Went Easier on Obama

June 14th, 2011 7:54 PM
CBS hounded four Republicans from the left during a town hall on the economy which aired on Tuesday's Early Show. Bob Schieffer, Erica Hill, and Rebecca Jarvis pressed Reps. Paul Ryan and Allen West, Senator Tom Coburn, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to consider tax hikes to deal with the deficit. Schieffer also specifically accused the three members of Congress of "doing nothing" to…

Networks Chide: GOP Debate Was a 'Race to 'Out-Bash the President' Wit

June 14th, 2011 1:00 PM
The morning shows on Tuesday used loaded terms to describe Monday's Republican presidential debate. According to Good Morning America's John Berman, it was a "two-hour race to out-bash the President." On the Today show, Chuck Todd sniffed that "much of the affair was an anti-Obama sound bite contest." CBS's Early Show proved to be more mild. Co-host Erica Hill recounted, "Attacking Obama.…

CBS’s Schieffer Trumpets Coburn’s ‘Candor’ on Willingness to H

June 14th, 2011 1:51 AM
Previewing Tuesday’s Early Show town hall meeting with Republicans on the economy, CBS’s Bob Schieffer, who pushes his Face the Nation guests to agree taxes must be raised, hailed a Republican, Senator Tom Coburn, for expressing a willingness to include a tax increase in deficit negotiations. After dismissing the Republicans CBS assembled -- Monday afternoon at the Newseum -- for how they “…

CBS Lionizes Radical Playwright Who Smeared 'Adolf' Reagan

June 9th, 2011 9:31 PM
On Thursday's Early Show, CBS's Seth Doane and Chris Wragge lauded playwright Larry Kramer and his "brilliantly done...and very good" play, "The Normal Heart," while glossing over his long history of radical homosexual activism. Kramer once denigrated former President Ronald Reagan as "Adolf Reagan" and even went so far to call for "Nuremberg trials" to try not only Reagan, but even the top…

MRC Study: Media Protecting 'Food Stamp President' Obama By Ignoring G

June 8th, 2011 1:15 PM
In the '80s the liberal media filled the airwaves with tales of woe from the homeless as a way to distract viewers from the runaway success of Reaganomics. In the 2000s, the same media chatted with one frustrated gas station customer after another to slam then-President George W. Bush. However in 2011, with over 44 million Americans on food stamps, a new high according to the latest data…

CBS Grills Breitbart on Sherrod Issue; Casts Doubt on His Credibility

June 7th, 2011 8:59 PM
On Tuesday's Early Show, CBS's Erica Hill pressed Andrew Breitbart over the Shirley Sherrod issue, highlighting how he "never apologized to her." Hill and reporter Joel Brown noted the "multi-million dollar defamation suit" Sherrod filed against Breitbart and turned to a journalist who touted how the blogger is "very defensive about his credibility and...realizes that he has these strikes…

Video Flashback: Liberal Media Defended Weiner by Slashing Andrew Brei

June 7th, 2011 5:36 PM
As NewsBusters' Lachlan Markay pointed out, the Weinergate scandal showcased a variety of liberal media conspiracy theories. One of the most prevalent theories focused on besmirching conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who broke the story wide open Monday with a series of posts on featuring lewd photos of Rep. Anthony Weiner. "Look, Breitbart is a proven liar, okay?"…

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS News Correspondent for Blaming Network's Slow

June 5th, 2011 1:42 PM
Old and new media clashed on CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday. After CBS News Congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes blamed Andrew Breitbart for her network's slow response to the ongoing Weinergate scandal, Gawker staff writer Maureen O'Connor said, "I think even if that's the case, it was very quickly that you could have looked into this story and verified it for yourself" (video follows…

CBS Smacks Romney on Auto Industry Bailout; Goes Easier on DNC Chair

June 4th, 2011 2:04 PM
CBS's Erica Hill hounded newly-announced Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Friday's Early Show about his 2008 proposal to allow the Big Three auto companies to go into bankruptcy proceedings instead of bailing them out: "Based on what we've seen in the auto industry, weren't you wrong in this case?" By contrast, her co-anchor, Chris Wragge, went easier on DNC Chair Debbie…

In Friday Morning Coverage of John Edwards Scandal, CBS Only Major Net

June 3rd, 2011 6:29 PM
In the Friday morning coverage of former Sen. John Edwards' indictment by a federal grand jury, only one of the three major networks, CBS, reported that he was a Democrat. Neither ABC nor NBC reported Edwards' party affiliation, simply calling him a "former presidential candidate." ABC's Good Morning America sympathetically called the morning "a difficult one" for Edwards as he faced…