CBS Turns to Clinton Publicist Jamie Rubin to Boost Obama's Israel Rem

May 20th, 2011 4:14 PM
On Friday's Early Show, CBS called upon Clinton administration alumnus Jamie Rubin to act as a flack for the current Obama White House and to comment on the President's speech on the Middle East. Rubin lamented the President's poor approval rating in Israel: "Unfortunately- and this is unfortunate for everyone, I think...Obama doesn't have the huge popularity in Israel that, perhaps, President…

CBS Smacks Catholic Church Over New Clergy Sex Abuse Report

May 19th, 2011 6:31 PM
CBS's Elaine Quijano filed a slanted report on Wednesday's Evening News about the new report on the Catholic priest child sex abuse scandal. All but one of the sound bites which Quijano played during the segment either leaned negative against the Catholic Church or completely slammed the religious body. Anchor Katie Couric heralded the negative reaction about the report from some quarters in…

Big Three Nets Trumpet Homosexual Activist's Glitter Attack on Gingric

May 18th, 2011 6:11 PM
On Wednesday, all three major broadcast networks' morning shows played up a homosexual activist throwing glitter at Newt Gingrich during a book signing in Minneapolis. Both CBS's Early Show and NBC's Today show played footage of the attack on the Republican presidential hopeful at the top of their programs, while ABC's Good Morning initially failed to mention the left wing cause of the…

CBS Heralds Rahm Emanuel 'Weeding Out Corruption' in Chicago

May 16th, 2011 5:22 PM
CBS's Cynthia Bowers trumpeted the inauguration of incoming Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Monday's Early Show, highlighting how the former Obama chief of staff went "weeding in a community garden. He called it...weeding out corruption." Bowers also acclaimed the legacy of former mayor and "family man" Richard M. Daley, despite referencing the poor high school graduation in the city.

CBS Highlights Liberal Catholic Faculty Attacking Boehner on the Poor

May 16th, 2011 6:48 AM
Saturday’s The Early Show on CBS gave attention to a number of liberal faculty members at Catholic University who, in a letter, questioned House Speaker John Boehner’s Catholic credentials on helping the poor ahead of the Ohio Republican’s speech at the university’s commencement. CBS’s Betty Nguyen noted that "not everyone" at the university "is looking forward to" his speech, and recounted…

CBS Highlights Sen. Rockefeller's Slam of Oil Company CEO as 'Out of T

May 13th, 2011 5:33 PM
On Friday's Early Show, CBS's Jeff Glor played up West Virginia Democrat Jay Rockefeller's browbeating of an oil company executive during a hearing of the Senate Finance Committee. The Senator interrupted Chevron Corporation CEO John Watson with a sarcastic reply: "Lovely statement, but do you understand how out of touch that is?" Glor first noted during his news brief 12 minutes into that 7…

CBS Gives Obama Over 26 Minutes to Lecture on the Economy

May 12th, 2011 4:24 PM
CBS gave President Obama over 26 and a half minutes to answer 12 questions related to the economy during a town hall aired on Thursday's Early Show. Obama got six uninterrupted minutes to answer one question about Medicare during the hour-long event. Host Erica Hill wondered how the Democrat could "change the mind-set from things are tough to things are turning around" with the economy. Hill…

CBS Plays Up Obama's Mockery of GOP on Border Security, No Opposing Cl

May 11th, 2011 4:04 PM
On Wednesday's Early Show. CBS's Bill Plante highlighted President Obama's recent mockery against Republicans on border security, but omitted playing an opposing clip from a GOP politico. The President jabbed the opposing party during the speech in El Paso, Texas: "Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat." The morning show was alone among the Big Three in covering…

CBS First of Big Three to Give Obama Air Time After Announcing Reelect

May 6th, 2011 6:07 PM
CBS announced on Friday its plans for a "special town hall meeting on the economy" featuring President Obama. Network personalities Bob Schieffer and Erica Hill will host the event. This announcement comes just over a month after the Democrat officially started his reelection campaign, and on the same week that the President's approval ratings on the economy reached a new low according to a CBS…

ABC Not Interested in Whether Enhanced Interrogation Helped Kill Bin L

May 3rd, 2011 12:44 PM
In the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden, ABC has shown very little interest in whether enhanced interrogation, such as waterboarding, led to the terrorist's ultimate demise. NBC, however, dealt with the subject in an in-depth manner and CBS at least mentioned it. While interviewing former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday never…

CBS: Ryan Budget Opponents 'Poignant'; Touted 'Nasty' Tea Parties in

April 27th, 2011 5:51 PM
CBS's Early Show on Wednesday played up how opponents of Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan shouted down GOP representatives at recent town hall meetings, but downplayed them as "less than friendly," and marveled at their apparently "poignant" questions. The network also omitted how liberal groups targeted these meetings, and trumpeted the "nasty national shouting match" at health care town hall…

Gabrielle Giffords Cleared to Attend Astronaut Husband's Space Shuttle

April 25th, 2011 10:36 AM
In the midst of all that ails our nation comes a story that has to make you feel good. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) has been cleared to attend Friday's shuttle launch which includes her astronaut husband Mark (video of the annoucement follows with commentary):

ABC Spins Soaring Gas Prices as a Weapon to Bash the GOP, Ignores Pote

April 22nd, 2011 12:33 PM
While the morning show hosts on NBC and CBS showcased the looming political threat of high gas prices for Barack Obama, ABC, Friday, simply repeated White House talking points and explained how the President will try and blame Republicans. Reporter Bianna Golodryga noted that Obama "wasted no time" in going after the GOP. She parroted, "During his speech in Reno, President Obama argued that…

Donald Trump Steering Clear of CBS News Interviews

April 20th, 2011 3:54 PM
Potential presidential candidate Donald Trump, whose controversial stance on President Obama's birth certificate has made waves in the mainstream media during the past weeks, for one reason or another, has avoided interviews on CBS's morning and evening news programs so far in 2011. In fact, Trump hasn't done an interview on either The Early Show or CBS Evening News in over two years.