ABC, CBS, NBC Go Palin Bashing: GOP at ‘Lowest Point’ in History

November 4th, 2009 8:32 AM
UPDATE: Not wanting to be left out of the Palin slamming scene, ABC's "Good Morning America" joined the fray on Nov. 4, interviewing the same people as CBS' "Early Show" and criticizing Palin on the same points.  From accusing her of igniting a civil war within the Republican Party to calling her "nutty" antics a "treasure" to the Democrats, the mainstream media is once again shamelessly slamming…

CBS Hosts Discuss ‘Insurgent,’ ‘Orthodox Conservative’ in NY

November 3rd, 2009 12:15 PM
While analyzing the off-year elections across the country on Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about the New York 23rd congressional race: “...this notion that an insurgent conservative, orthodox conservative, would come in and really unseat the party’s choice for nominee this a precursor of what might be happening a year from now?”…

CBS’s Smith: Will Conservative Turn in NY-23 Race ‘Kill’ GOP

November 2nd, 2009 12:09 PM
Interviewing Mitt Romney on Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith alluded to the special election in New York’s 23rd congressional district and the success of Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman: “There’s a battle going on right now for the soul of the Republican Party. Conservatives say there’s no room for moderates there. Will this tactic save or kill the Republican Party?” Romney…

Morning Show Hosts Skip News of Ethics Probe of Dems, Play Dress-up fo

October 30th, 2009 3:24 PM
All three network morning shows on Friday skipped a Washington Post report revealing that powerful congressional Democrats such as John Murtha, James Moran and others on a defense panel are the subject of an ethics investigation for a relationship with a lobbying firm. The Democrats, and some Republicans, are under intense scrutiny for steering over $200 million in earmarks to clients of a…

CBS’s Harry Smith Wears Truly Terrifying Halloween Costume

October 30th, 2009 12:17 PM

CBS Interviews Levi Johnston Again; Palin Says Network Should Be ‘As

October 29th, 2009 5:23 PM
For the third time in six months, the CBS Early Show provided a soap box for Levi Johnston to continue his vicious personal attacks against Sarah Palin, as co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: “He is back on the offensive in this he-said-she-said battle that began shortly after the presidential election....he says he’s trying to show the world the real Levi.”During the first part of the exclusive…

'Early Show': Why Not Limit Compensation for Non-TARP Companies Too

October 22nd, 2009 1:32 PM
The Federal pay czar announced that executives in companies that took bailout funds from the Troubled Asset Recovery Program should not receive the bonuses that were announced recently. And there are rumblings about extending government reach into the executive compensation at all publicly traded companies. That would be just fine with Harry Smith at CBS's "Early Show." On Oct. 22, Smith…

CBS’s Smith Discusses Obama’s ‘Long Contemplation’ on Afghanis

October 19th, 2009 2:41 PM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith glossed over President Obama’s indecision over sending more troops to Afghanistan by describing it this way: “...there are so many moving parts in this part of the world. And here is President Obama in this long contemplation about what to do next in Afghanistan with our troops.”Smith discussed the war in Afghanistan with the president of the…

CBS Touts ‘Obama Premium’ On Real Estate In First Family’s Chica

October 19th, 2009 11:38 AM
Monday’s CBS Early Show took time to highlight the selling power of the Obama family as correspondent Dean Reynolds reported: “Bill Grimshaw thinks he has the perfect sales pitch for the house he’s trying to sell on Chicago’s south side....he lives right next door to the Obamas....because of this...special location, the sky could well be the limit.”Reynolds gushed over how the Grimshaw family was…

After Apology, Letterman's Quickly Back To Attacking Sarah Palin

October 15th, 2009 5:56 PM
Within days of David Letterman's high-profile apology to Sarah Palin, the CBS "Late Show" host went back to bashing the former Alaska governor.I guess all those who felt his October 5 mea culpa -- which also included apologies to his wife and the staffers he had an affair with -- was all a gag were quite right.His newest attack is an ongoing routine where he shows graphically "Things More Fun…

CBS Warns: Thinning Arctic Ice May ‘Speed Up’ Global Warming

October 15th, 2009 5:53 PM
On Thursday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Elizabeth Palmer proclaimed: “Climate scientists say the ice has helped keep the planet cool by reflecting the Sun’s rays. Once it’s largely gone, though, the sea will absorb heat more rapidly and global warming will speed up.” However, an October 6 New York Times article declared: “Over the Summer, a Spread of Thicker Arctic Ice.”  Co-host Russ…

CBS Cheers ‘Rebel Republican’ Olympia Snowe for Supporting ObamaCa

October 14th, 2009 12:27 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes celebrated one GOP Senator’s support for health care reform: “Democrats can claim a smidge of bipartisan support and that’s because of one yes vote from one rebel Republican....When Olympia Snowe cast the lone Republican vote for the Senate Finance bill, she reaffirmed her place as a power player on Capitol Hill.”Cordes went on to tout…

CBS’s Smith Touts White House ‘Full Frontal Assault’ on Fox News

October 12th, 2009 3:53 PM
Speaking with political analyst John Dickerson on Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked about the latest Obama administration attack on Fox News: “Anita Dunn, the communications director for the White House, pushed back against Fox. This is the first time that we’ve seen somebody really come out, out loud and say what she had to say....Now there seems to be a full frontal assault.”…

CBS Early Show Hits Obama From Left on Gay Rights March

October 12th, 2009 1:26 PM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared: “Washington’s largest gay rights rally in a decade puts pressure on President Obama.” Co-host Harry Smith later introduced the story: “An issue that was on the back burner for President Obama suddenly got turned up to high over the weekend. Thanks to a group that is normally supportive of the President, gay rights activists.” The…