CBS Highlights New York Terror Plot, Downplayed Similar Plots Under Bu

May 21st, 2009 11:48 AM
At the top of Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez reported breaking news of a terror plot in New York foiled by the FBI: "The FBI busts a home-grown terror plot, arresting four men who planned to bomb synagogues and shoot down aircraft." Later, Rodriguez spoke with terrorism expert and former Bush aide, Juan Zarate, about the failed attack: "There's no question these guys were…

NBC Contradicts Itself on New Bill to Protect Consumer; May Hurt Stude

May 20th, 2009 5:42 PM
NBC's coverage of a new bill that restricts credit card companies has been riddled with contradictions - first attacking companies for taking advantage of young people, then admitting students need to build credit. On May 14 "Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams said, "graduates enter the world with awful credit card debt" and then reporter Lisa Myers demonized credit card companies for…

CBS’s Smith: ‘How Overdue’ Are Fuel Emissions Standards

May 19th, 2009 12:03 PM
While reporting on the Obama administration’s plan to impose higher fuel standards on cars and trucks on Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Obama environmental advisor Carol Browner: "As a former long-time administrator of the EPA, how overdue is this?" Browner replied: "It is long overdue. You know, Congress stood in the way of tougher fuel economy standards for a long time.…

Networks Lead the Cheer for Obama’s Notre Dame Address

May 18th, 2009 5:02 PM
Since its announcement in March, the University of Notre Dame's decision to invite President Barack Obama to give this year's commencement address and receive an honorary doctorate in law has been a big story for American Catholics. Pro-life Catholics were outraged and  more than 366,000 people signed a petition urging Notre Dame to rescind the invitation. Somehow, though, the controversy didn't…

CBS’s Smith Coddles Caroline Kennedy on Failed Senate Bid

May 18th, 2009 1:00 PM
At the top of Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith teased an upcoming interview with Caroline Kennedy about the annual John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Awards: "Profiles in Courage, it's that time of year again where we chat with Caroline Kennedy about the people who will be honored up in Boston. May ask her a question or two about her own brush with courage and the Senate."Smith was…

CBS: Obama ‘Welcomed With Open Arms’ At Notre Dame; Protesters

May 18th, 2009 10:55 AM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show White House correspondent Chip Reid reported on President Obama’s controversial commencement address at Notre Dame University over the weekend, but dismissed pro-life protesters as interlopers from outside groups: "The President did come under fire, but mostly from university outsiders, anti-abortion activists. But inside that graduation ceremony, his reception was much…

After Three Weeks, Pelosi’s Anti-CIA Rant Finally Pushes Nets to Act

May 15th, 2009 6:23 PM
After three weeks of virtual silence, all three broadcast networks provided full reports last night (Thursday) about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s shifting story about what she knew about the interrogation methods used against al Qaeda terrorists, methods that liberals have decried as criminal torture. This morning (Friday), NBC and CBS also provided full reports, but ABC’s Good Morning America…

CBS’s Smith ‘Regrets’ Not Speaking Out Against Iraq War

May 15th, 2009 5:53 PM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen read some viewer email, including a question from one woman who asked: "Would you be willing to jeopardize your job to report something your bosses or the government wanted to keep hidden?" Co-host Harry Smith used the question as an opportunity to voice his opposition to the Iraq war:You know, I remember being in Iraq before the war started, we were…

Resigned Miss California Director Claims National Organization for Mar

May 15th, 2009 2:34 PM
On May 15. Julie Chen, co-anchor of CBS' "The Early Show" glossed over a declaration from former Miss California co-executive director that the National Organization for Marriage is a hate group After her resignation from her Miss California position, Moakler went on the show in an exclusive interview to discuss her departure. Donald Trump's announcement in a press conference on May 13 that…

CBS’s Smith Hits Obama From Left On Military Tribunals

May 15th, 2009 11:50 AM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith took a critical tone against the Obama administration’s decision to reinstate military tribunals for terror suspects: "President Obama will resume the controversial military tribunals for some terror suspects." Smith later discussed the decision with John Dickerson from and wondered what the hard left would think: "Let's talk about this…

'The Early Show' Focus: 'Is America Ready for a Gay Supreme Court Just

May 14th, 2009 4:38 PM
Gender and sexual orientation matter more than judicial philosophy and experience, at least according to the CBS "Early Show" on May 14. The morning news program focused its discussion of only two of the potential Supreme Court nominees - two openly gay women. Co-anchor Julie Chen announced the story saying, "Washington is all a buzz over the two openly gay women under consideration."…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Ignores Obama Reversal on Abuse Photos

May 14th, 2009 12:13 PM
While both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today on Thursday covered President Obama’s decision to block the public release of photos depicting prisoner abuse under U.S. custody, CBS’s Early Show failed to make any mention of the dramatic reversal by the White House. On Wednesday, CBS senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Press Secretary Robert Gibbs about the President’s…

Joan Rivers on Miss California: ‘God Wants You to Shut Up

May 13th, 2009 5:03 PM
While appearing on Wednesday’s CBS Early Show comedian Joan Rivers shared her thoughts on the Miss California controversy: "It's all so stupid and she's taking it so seriously and so well coached...My advice is oh, relax. God wants you to shut up...You know, you've done enough already." Co-hosts Harry Smith, Maggie Rodriguez, and Julie Chen all laughed in response and shared in mocking Carrie…

CBS’s Rodriguez Grills Miss CA: Are You Being ‘Hypocritical

May 13th, 2009 3:58 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez interrogated Miss California Carrie Prejean, wondering if the beauty queen was a hypocrite for standing up for Christian values: "I know that you are a devout Christian, and some people have said that it's hypocritical, and a little bit of a double standard, for you to be preaching Christianity, yet posing topless...And you don't feel it…