CBS ‘Early Show’ Unveils Barack Obama Mural on Set

January 15th, 2009 12:04 PM
Near the end of Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith unveiled the latest painting by artist Peter Max, a mural of 44 portraits of Barack Obama. Max has created numerous paintings for the Early Show set and Smith praised the artist’s latest work: "Okay, wow. That is really, really, really cool...Wow. Well, that is pretty impressive. I hope somebody in the President-elect's transition…

Early Show: Abstinence Okay for Adults, Doesn’t Work for Teens

January 14th, 2009 5:23 PM

CBS: Obama Inauguration Gives Hope to Less Fortunate

January 14th, 2009 3:35 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Thalia Assuras reported on a down-trodden family who had their spirits lifted by an invitation to the Obama Inauguration: "...struggling Americans like Telisha and Kenny Brown...Unable to pay their rent, they turned to an interfaith shelter for families, with their boys, Donovan, 12, and Dylan, 9. They had planned to celebrate the inauguration in their…

CBS’s Smith: No ‘Job Well Done’ on Bush Report Card

January 13th, 2009 4:59 PM
Reacting to President Bush’s Monday press conference, on Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith remarked: "Not going to get a 'job well done'...on the report card, on the final report card." That observation was prompted by Republican strategist Ed Rollins declaring: "I think to a certain extent, we have a lot to be thankful to this president for his service, but he's not going to get a ‘…

NBC’s Gregory Describes Hamas as ‘Terrorist Group Bent on Destruct

January 9th, 2009 6:39 PM
Among the anchors and correspondents on the broadcast networks, NBC’s David Gregory has been unique in conveying to viewers the nature of Hamas as, on two occasions during the opening weekend of the airstrikes by Israel in Gaza, Gregory referred to Hamas as a "terrorist organization that is bent on the destruction of Israel." He also recently gave attention to the Hamas doctrine that the purpose…

CBS’s Chen Slams Sarah Palin for Criticizing Media

January 9th, 2009 12:34 PM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen reacted to a recent interview Sarah Palin gave to film maker John Ziegler for his new documentary about media bias in the 2008 election: "Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is lashing out at the media. She says she was treated unfairly on the campaign trail, and as part of a documentary called ‘Media Malpractice.’" After airing a brief report on the…

Smith Wants Israel Stopped

January 9th, 2009 8:02 AM
We all know that for months, Harry Smith has been demanding that the international community force Hamas to stop shooting thousands of rockets into civilian areas of Israel. So Smith speaks with unique moral authority now in calling for Israel to be stopped.Oh, wait. As far as I know, Smith never uttered a peep of protest over the Hamas bombardment of Israel.  But that didn't prevent the Early…

CBS: Bristol Palin the Face of ‘Growing Crisis’ of Teen Pregnancy

January 8th, 2009 4:51 PM
In the final half hour of Thursday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Bianca Solorzano reported on an increase in the teen pregnancy rate, using Bristol Palin as an example: "Teen pregnancy was on the RNC platform this year, literally, as Sarah Palin's 18-year-old daughter, Bristol, was about to give birth. Jamie Lynne Spears made headlines at 16, not for her acting, but the grown-up, real-life role…

CBS’s Kelly Wallace Issues Press Release On Obama Stimulus Plan

January 8th, 2009 4:10 PM
In a news report that sounded like an Obama campaign commercial, CBS Early Show correspondent Kelly Wallace declared: "Facing the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression, the Obama Administration is asking for the biggest stimulus plan in history. An estimated $775 billion to prop up a very sick economy." In the report, Wallace cited Nariman Behravesh, chief economist for Global…

CBS’s Smith on Leon Panetta for CIA: ‘Somebody Who Can Connect the

January 7th, 2009 2:50 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith talked to Michael Crowley, editor of the liberal magazine The New Republic, about some of Obama’s recent appointments, including former Clinton chief of staff, Leon Panetta, for CIA director: "Dianne Feinstein, had her, you know, was -- her feathers were ruffled to say the least. Is this just the way of the Senate saying you've got to go through…

Ann Coulter: Media Wanted To Have Sex With Obama

January 6th, 2009 2:12 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter believes that media during last year's presidential campaign behaved as if they wanted to have sex with Barack Obama.Such was revealed during Monday's "Hannity & Colmes" as were her views about NBC's sudden cancellation of her appearance on Tuesday's "Today Show."In the end, she believes "the whole thing was a charade and a setup" so that she wouldn't be able…

Ann Coulter Calls Out CBS’s Smith On Fearing Obama Assassination

January 6th, 2009 12:40 PM
Appearing on Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, author Ann Coulter promoted her new book, ‘Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America’ by demonstrating how co-host Harry Smith contributed to liberal victimhood when he asked Ted Kennedy about the possibility of an Obama assassination in a January 29, 2008 interview: "...everyone talking about as if Obama is at some unique risk for assassination…

CBS Calls Hamas Terrorist ‘Victim’ of Airstrikes, Israelis ‘Clai

January 6th, 2009 12:39 PM
On Friday’s The Early Show on CBS, correspondent Mark Phillips oddly used the word "victim" to describe one of the Hamas leaders, Nizar Rayan, who was killed in his home by Israeli airstrikes. He also seemed to treat with skepticism the Israeli military’s announcement that they make phone calls to some Hamas leaders to warn them in advance of airstrikes as he relayed that Israelis "claim" to do…

Harry Smith Calls Coulter Goofy, Simplistic, Whining and Sophomoric

January 6th, 2009 11:09 AM
CBS's Harry Smith interviewed Ann Coulter on the "Early Show" Tuesday, and it was clear from the start the co-host had no interest in hiding his disdain for the conservative author.In fact, he was downright rude from beginning to end referring to her as "a whiner," "goofy," "simplistic," and "sophomoric."After his introduction of Coulter and her new book "Guilty," Smith said (video embedded below…