How Can Americans Be So Smart But Maggie Rodriguez So

October 2nd, 2008 8:51 AM
For someone who doesn't know something as obvious as the fact that—given her upcoming book—Gwen Ifill has a financial stake in an Obama win, Maggie Rodriguez has an awfully high opinion of the knowledge level of ordinary Americans.  Rodriguez interviewed a feisty Fred Thompson on today's Early Show.  During the course of the contentious exchange:Questioning Thompson on Sarah Palin's inability to…

CBS’s Smith: ‘Republicans and Conservatives Question’ Palin on T

October 1st, 2008 6:18 PM
While talking to CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric about her interview with Sarah Palin, on Wednesday’s Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked: "...there is a -- I won't say growing -- but there are a number of Republicans and conservatives have started to question whether or not she's good for this ticket. What -- what is the feeling in the McCain camp about that?" Couric actually defended…

Media Aired Dubious Anti-Israel Video, Not ‘Even-Handed’ to Expose

October 1st, 2008 2:46 PM
It was eight years ago this week that France 2 TV introduced the world to Mohammed al-Dura, the Palestinian boy who was allegedly shot and killed during a gunfight between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen, in a video whose authenticity has increasingly been called into question years after it inspired anti-Semitic violence around the world. The American news media not only highlighted the…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Uses Domino Props to Explain Financial Crisis

October 1st, 2008 12:45 PM
In case viewers did not understand the concept of a domino effect caused by the financial crisis, on Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen offered a visual representation as she declared: "What happens on Wall Street affects all of us on Main Street. It's the classic domino effect." At that point, six giant dominos where displayed in the studio, each one labeled with a different phase of…

Couric: 'Palin Makes No Apologies for Her Pro-Life Views

October 1st, 2008 8:00 AM
It's the kind of liberal media bias that is perhaps the most telling of all. The unconscious sort, revealing an MSMer's world view.  On today's Early Show, introducing the portion of her interview with Sarah Palin dealing with abortion, Katie Couric states: "Palin says she makes no apologies for her pro-life views."Can you ever imagine Couric introducing an interview with a Dem and saying "so-and…

CBS’s Smith Asks Palin’s Parents About Criticism of Daughter

September 30th, 2008 5:27 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith aired the second half of his interview with the parents of Sarah Palin, Chuck and Sally Heath, and described how: "From mayor of Wasilla to governor of Alaska, and now a vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin's sudden appearance on the national scene has been celebrated, and increasingly criticized." Palin’s father responded: "They're digging and…

CBS: On Bailout Failure ‘John McCain Had Far More to Lose

September 30th, 2008 4:12 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Jeff Glor reported on the presidential candidates’ reactions to the failure of the financial bailout, beginning with Obama: "Barack Obama's campaign had already released copies of a planned speech, saying lawmakers have agreed on an emergency plan. When that prediction went poof, Obama urged calm." Glor then turned to John McCain: "But Politico's Mike…

CBS: Bill Maher Bashes Religion; ‘Afraid’ of ‘Sarah Palins of th

September 29th, 2008 6:20 PM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith talked to comedian Bill Maher on his new anti-religion movie and Maher declared: "Isn't there time for one [movie] for the tens of millions of people who are rationalists, who think like I do, and who are afraid that the Sarah Palins of the world are going to be taking over? We've had eight years of George Bush and a faith-based administration. We…

CBS’s Chen on Palin SNL Skit: ‘So Much Material To Work With

September 29th, 2008 3:12 PM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith played a clip of the latest Saturday Night Live skit mocking Sarah Palin and following the clip, co-host Julie Chen remarked: "Tina Fey has just so much material to work with, this is like, probably a dream come true for her." In May, Chen placed Hawaii in the Atlantic Ocean and it was not part of a comedy skit. Co-host Maggie Rodriguez chimed in: "…

CBS: ‘Some Conservatives’ Want Palin Off the Ticket

September 29th, 2008 1:11 PM

Liberal Media’s Debate Spin: No Winner, So Obama Won

September 27th, 2008 12:22 PM
Watching Saturday’s network morning shows, the talking heads seemed to agree that Friday night’s debate did not produce “a clear winner” or any “knockout punch,” and that it was unlikely that any “needle was moved” among undecided voters. Yet those same networks tried to also argue that Obama had really won the debate, superficially suggesting that McCain’s “disdainful” body language poorly…

CBS: Republicans Upset Bailout ‘Bipartisan Agreement

September 26th, 2008 4:22 PM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Chip Reid reported on congressional efforts to negotiate a bailout plan for the financial industry and took the Democratic line that Republicans prevented an deal from being reached: "At one point, yesterday, it looked like the $700 billion bailout deal was ready to have the 'I's dotted and the 'T's crossed, but that's when the wild roller coaster ride…

Media Jumped on Pro-Obama Poll, But Was the Sample Screwy

September 26th, 2008 12:51 PM
Wednesday morning, ABC News and the Washington Post released a new poll showing Barack Obama leading John McCain by 9 points, 52% to 43%. The next day, NBC News and the Wall Street Journal released a poll showing a much tighter race — 48% for Obama, 46% for McCain.Any guesses as to which poll excited the press more? And which poll has come under fire for over-sampling Democrats?ABC, naturally,…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Newsflash: Okay to Be Gay in Hollywood

September 25th, 2008 5:39 PM
At the top of the 7:30AM half hour of Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez teased an upcoming segment on Hollywood celebrities coming out: " Ahead this morning, two young stars come out of the closet. We'll talk about whether Hollywood has changed its attitude towards gays." While that headline suggested controversy, in the later segment correspondent Michelle Gillen declared: "‘…