Democratic Obstruction of Obama's Jobs Bill Elicits Yawns From the Net

October 6th, 2011 12:17 PM
The network newscasts on Wednesday downplayed Democratic obstruction of Barack Obama's jobs bill, offering only minor coverage. Good Morning America and Early Show allowed brief mentions. In an otherwise unrelated segment, GMA's Jon Karl admitted that the President "has a problem with [congressional] Democrats." Karl added, "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday, he does not plan…

CBS: Attkisson 'Unavailable' For Further Interviews on 'Fast & Furious

October 5th, 2011 5:01 PM
Mark Hemingway of The Weekly Standard reported on Wednesday afternoon that he had attempted to interview CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson about her dogged coverage of the ongoing "Fast and Furious" controversy, but was told that she was "unavailable." Attkisson has been the sole journalist on the Big Three networks regularly covering the story, particular during the past several weeks…

CBS Highlights 'Fast & Furious'; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand

October 4th, 2011 12:22 PM
"CBS Evening News" distinguished itself among the Big Three networks on Monday by devoting an entire segment to the ongoing controversy over the "Fast and Furious" program, where the federal government smuggled guns to Mexican drug cartels. NBC hasn't mentioned the story on its news programs since April 17, while the last time ABC covered it was a news brief on June 15. Correspondent Sharyl…

CBS Plays Up Perry 'N' Word Controversy; ABC, NBC Punt

October 3rd, 2011 6:07 PM
CBS's Early Show was the only morning show of the Big Three networks on Monday to cover the controversy over a ranch leased by the family of Texas Governor Rick Perry that formerly used the racist "N" word in its name. Political analyst John Dickerson hinted that the Republican's presidential campaign may not "weather" the controversy, adding that "it's a real problem." Fill-in anchor Jeff…

Spiking Solyndra: Big Three Networks Barely Mention Burgeoning Scandal

October 3rd, 2011 12:18 PM
Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s admission, on Thursday, that he approved more taxpayer money to the financially strapped solar panel company Solyndra, after it defaulted on a $535 million loan from that agency. Big Three network coverage? Zero. This is just a continuing pattern of ABC, CBS and NBC barely touching the bourgeoning scandal for the Obama administration. What initially began as an…

Media Cast Bush as Rights Abuser, Gloss Over Obama's Killing of U.S. C

September 30th, 2011 2:51 PM
The three network morning shows on Friday all highlighted the United States' success in killing terrorist Anwar al Awlaki. However, although these same programs were sensitive to the slightest possible civil rights violation by the Bush administration, they did not seemed interested the fact that Al Awlaki was an American citizen. Good Morning America, Today and the Early Show mentioned this…

Media Mash: Attempts to Smear GOP as 'Bloodthirsty' and Newsweek Edito

September 30th, 2011 10:28 AM
In the weekly take-down of the liberal media on Fox News Channel's "Hannity" on Thursday, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell condemned efforts to "demonize the Tea Party, to marginalize the Tea Party, to suggest that the Tea Party's extremist" simply because GOP debate audiences voiced support for the death penalty. [Audio available here] Following a clip…

CBS's Wragge: Will Obama 'Lick His Chops' Over GOP Primary Strife

September 29th, 2011 6:41 PM
On Thursday's Early Show, CBS's Chris Wragge bizarrely wondered if the dissatisfaction with the current GOP field of presidential candidates would give President Obama an edge: "Is this just primary politics, or does this make candidate Obama kind of lick his chops, thinking he's got a real advantage here?" Mr. Obama actually trails a generic Republican candidate in two recent polls. Just…

CBS to Newt: The Tea Party, A 'Very Small Group,' Has Too Much Power

September 29th, 2011 3:28 PM
CBS's Erica Hill channeled the overblown worries of liberals about influence of the Tea Party on Thursday's Early Show, asking Newt Gingrich, "The Tea Party has really made some big inroads...But there's a feeling by some folks that this very small group of people is starting to control the conversation. Do there need to be more voices at the table, in general, at this point?" Hill brought…

CBS to Herman Cain: Congratulations on the Win, Why Not Drop Out

September 28th, 2011 6:32 PM
On Wednesday's Early Show, CBS's Chris Wragge complimented GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain for his recent win in the Florida straw poll, but then wasted little time in throwing cold water on the future of his campaign. Wragge, along with co-anchor Erica Hill, asked why Cain would "stick with it," and wondered if the Republican could compete if Gov. Chris Christie entered the race. The…

CBS Tries Its Darndest To Get Gov. Daniels To Trash GOP Field

September 26th, 2011 6:36 PM
On Monday's Early Show, CBS's Jim Axelrod pressed Gov. Mitch Daniels to anything derogatory about the Republican presidential field, leaving the Indiana politician little time to say anything about his new book. Axelrod also devoted a significant amount of time during the interview to the question of whether New Jersey Governor Chris Christie would get into the presidential race. The…

CBS, CNN Cater To Rep. Maxine Waters, Omit Ongoing Ethics Investigatio

September 26th, 2011 4:15 PM
Both CBS's "Early Show" and CNN's "Newsroom" sought out Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for her reaction to President Obama's "stop complaining" rejoinder to the Congressional Black Caucus on Saturday, but neither outlet mentioned the continuing ethics investigation into the ultra-liberal Democrat. CNN anchor Suzanne Malveaux even went so far to flatter Rep. Waters as having her "marching shoes"…

CBS's Hill Lobbies Bachmann For DREAM Act-Type Amnesty

September 23rd, 2011 5:05 PM
On Friday's Early Show, CBS's Erica Hill advocated for a liberal pet cause, urging Michele Bachmann to allow children of illegal aliens to receive in-state college tuition. Hill also spotlighted Gov. Rick Perry's attack on his competitors in the GOP presidential race on this issue: "Basically, [Perry is] saying to the other eight folks on the stage there, including yourself, that you don't have…

CBS: Cyberbully Dan Savage is 'Tireless Advocate' for Bullied Kids

September 22nd, 2011 6:05 PM
CBS's Erica Hill lauded homosexual activist Dan Savage, the mastermind of an Internet smear campaign against Rick Santorum, as a "tireless advocate" for bullied schoolchildren on Thursday's "Early Show." The Big Three networks all turned to Savage as their "expert" for their Wednesday and Thursday coverage of high school freshman Jamey Rodemeyer's suicide, but only "The Early Show" brought him…