Essay: Obama’s Reverent Wright-Wing Media

March 24th, 2008 2:30 PM
Editor's Note: This originally appeared in Human Events today -- Monday, March 24th.The Big Three Networks and Their Plan to Protect Obama (PPO)Why did it take until Thursday March 13, 2008, for the nation to begin to learn about Barack Obama's pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright? The man whose Trinity United Church of Christ Obama has attended and generously funded for seventeen years? Whom he…

CBS’s Rodriguez: Obama Speech 'Defining Cultural Moment in America

March 19th, 2008 3:19 PM
Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show" devoted four segments to Obama’s speech on race and the Jeremiah Wright controversy and that coverage began with a proclamation by co-host Maggie Rodriguez that: "It's being called a defining cultural moment in America. Barack Obama speaks about America's racial stalemate, a moving moment, a political risk." Rodriguez went on to tease upcoming coverage of the speech…

CBS’s Mitchell: How Does Obama ‘Not Denounce Jeremiah Wright

March 18th, 2008 2:01 PM
Following Monday’s sanitized coverage of the controversial comments of Barack Obama’s pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show" continued to gloss over the most inflammatory of Wright’s comments, spending over 6 minutes on Obama’s upcoming speech on the issue while devoting only 16 seconds of video to Wright’s more mild statements. Following this video, co-host Russ Mitchell…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Discusses Obama’s Pastor, No Mention of Most Co

March 17th, 2008 3:21 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show," a total of over 13 minutes of coverage was given to the controversy involving comments of Barack Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, but only 16 seconds was given to play video of Wright’s comments, video which did not include some of the Reverend’s most shocking comments that September 11 was caused by U.S. foreign policy or that the AIDS virus was part of a government…

CBS Has Barack's Back: Wright's Words Compared to Those of Jesus

March 17th, 2008 11:31 AM
The Early Show did its best this morning to help Barack Obama climb out of the hole he's dug for himself with his close association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. In a set-up segment, CBS's Dean Reynolds rhetorically asked: "the question is whether the rhetoric is so remarkable, because in African-American churches pastors often seek to rouse their congregants to self-reliance by speaking harshly…

CBS Expert Says Taxpayer Housing Bailout Will Bring the Gov’t Tax Mo

March 14th, 2008 6:27 PM
With the housing market sinking and causing panic about the American economy, Moody's Chief Economist Mark Zandi thinks the time is right for the government to invest in the housing market. Huh? Zandi, who has been pessimistic about the housing market and sees no end to its woes in sight, at least until the end of the decade, thinks a government bailout is the right way to solve…

Study: Networks Always Label GOPers With Sex Scandals

March 13th, 2008 4:42 PM
My colleague Brent Baker has painstakingly documented how the big three broadcast networks have gone out of their way to avoid labeling scandal-scarred New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as a “Democrat.” An examination of the fifteen ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows through Wednesday night finds Spitzer was called a Democrat just 20% of the time — twice on CBS, once on ABC, and never…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Geraldine Ferraro Is Archie Bunker

March 13th, 2008 3:20 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith talked about race in the Democratic presidential campaign with Republican Ron Christie, author of "Black in the White House," and the Politico's Mike Allen, who declared that: "...there's a certain percentage of what Geraldine Ferraro said that's simply factual, and that is the pioneering nature of Senator Obama's candidacy is clearly part of…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Fawns Over Obama, Slams Geraldine Ferraro

March 12th, 2008 5:29 PM
Following the same pattern as ABC’s "Good Morning America" Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show" featured a glowing interview with Barack Obama by co-host Harry Smith, while co-host Russ Mitchell interrogated Clinton supporter Geraldine Ferraro for recent comments about Obama’s candidacy: "Do you really think that Barack Obama has been so successful in this campaign because he's a black man?"When Ferraro…

Essay: Eliot Spitzer – A Man Without A Party

March 12th, 2008 1:04 PM
Democrats dialing for damsels don't get labeled with the big "D" Changing His MindRonald Reagan often said "I did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me." For floundering and foundering New York Governor Eliot Spitzer -- a twist on the Gipper's words. Spitzer didn't leave the Democratic Party: the Media just didn't see the need to mention the fact that Spitzer was…

CBS: WaPo’s Quinn Compares Spitzer’s Wife to ‘Taliban Women

March 11th, 2008 5:49 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez did a segment on "why powerful men cheat," in the wake of Eliot Spitzer’s sex scandal, and talked to guests Dr. Sari Locker, a sex expert, and Washington Post reporter Sally Quinn, who said of Spitzer’s wife as well as other wives of cheating politician husbands: "The wife is always standing there while the husband is -- is apologizing. And…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Makes No Mention of Spitzer Being Democrat

March 11th, 2008 1:15 PM
At the top of Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show"a 1,612 word story on New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s sex scandal did not feature the word ‘Democrat’ even once, nor was the word used in any further coverage of Spitzer during the show. A 'D' did appear briefly next to Spitzer's name on screen at two points during the show, for a total of 14 seconds. In addition, the story portrayed Spitzer as a great…

CBS’s Smith: Republican Campaign Ads Have Taken ‘Low Road

March 10th, 2008 3:43 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith did a segment on the effectiveness of television ads in presidential campaigns, in which he gave credit to Ronald Reagan’s ‘optimistic’ "Morning in America" ad, which he incorrectly said was run in the 1980 campaign rather than 1984, but he followed quickly by condemning more recent Republican ads: "There's a high road and a low road. Remember…

Sloppy CBS Claims Dick Cheney 'Owned' Halliburton Subsidiary

March 10th, 2008 2:38 PM