Nets Don't Disclose Bill Clinton Confronted African-American

February 18th, 2008 9:17 AM
Update: Rush Reads From ItemRush Limbaugh read the first two paras of this item during his first half-hour today, citing "our buddies at NewsBusters." Thanks, Rush! Audio here.If a supremely prominent Republican who was John McCain's chief surrogate had gotten into an angry confrontation at a campaign event, do you think the broadcast networks would have promptly let us know his interlocutor was…

CBS’s Rodriguez Asks Chavez’s Ex-Wife: ‘Is He a Communist

February 15th, 2008 5:24 PM
During a two part interview on the Thursday and Friday CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked Hugo Chavez’s ex-wife, Marisabel Rodriguez, "Is Hugo Chavez a charismatic leader or a mad man?" This was followed later by the question, "Is he a Communist?" To which Marisabel Rodriguez responded: "If he's not, he's very similar to one."Maggie Rodriguez, who is Cuban-American, had several…

Couric to Michelle O: Should It Be Older Hillary's Turn

February 15th, 2008 9:28 AM
It's not about Katie Couric's liberal bias today; it's her sheer fatuousness. Couric has been accorded rare access for extended interviews with the women involved in the presidential race. MRC's Brent Baker has detailed how Couric squandered part of her interview of Hillary Clinton, aired on this past Sunday's 60 Minutes, on silly talk.This morning's Early Show featured excerpts from Couric's…

CBS: Republicans Did a ‘Terrible Job’ at Roger Clemens Hearing

February 14th, 2008 3:50 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," while covering Roger Clemens’ testimony before Congress, co-host Maggie Rodriguez talked to sports radio talk show host, Chris "Mad Dog" Russo, who said of the hearing: "I thought the panel for the most part did a pretty good job on the Democratic side. And I'm not really a party politic guy, but the Republicans did a terrible job." Russo went on to bash…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Valentine for Barack Obama

February 14th, 2008 3:06 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith introduced a fawning segment on Barack Obama: "On the campaign trail, Barack Obama is often treated like a rock star. People wait hours just to hear him speak." The segment did not focus on campaign strategy or policy, but rather it focused entirely on Obama’s rhetoric as correspondent Tracy Smith touted MSNBC’s Chris Matthews being "thrilled"…

CBS Political Analyst: McCain Critics are Conservative ‘Crazies

February 13th, 2008 2:04 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith discussed the ‘Potomac Primaries’ with Democratic Strategist Dee Dee Myers and Republican CBS Political Analyst Nicolle Wallace, a former Bush Administration Communications Director, who said of John McCain’s conservative critics: "The more that we see kind of the crazies like Ann Coulter out attacking John McCain, the better Republicans feel…

CBS’s Rodriguez: The Impact of the Youth Vote, For Democrats

February 6th, 2008 2:08 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez reported on the importance of the youth vote in the 2008 election, but seemed unable to find any young people who supported Republican candidates: "Young voters are having a huge impact on this election. Exit polls show 14% of registered Democrats who voted on Super Tuesday were under 30. The majority went for Obama."Rodriguez, who was on…

CBS: ‘Bitter Feud’ Among Republicans, Democrats in ‘Popularity C

February 5th, 2008 6:16 PM
At the top of Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," CBS Correspondent Chip Reid began the day’s Super Tuesday election coverage with a report that described the Democratic race this way: "With more than 20 states on the line, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are locked in a neck-and-neck sprint, campaigning almost around the clock. Focused, like voters, on the economy." Reid then went on to describe the…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Highlights Obama ‘All-Stars

February 4th, 2008 5:21 PM
Throughout Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-hosts Harry Smith and Maggie Rodriguez gushed over Obama and some of his recent famous female endorsements, beginning with Smith’s proclamation at the top of show: "With 24 hours to go, a CBS News poll shows Barack Obama has knocked down Hillary Clinton's lead going into Super Tuesday. Are the 'Obama Girls' making a difference as Oprah, Caroline, Michelle…

Has Obama Put Himself to Right of Hillary on Surge

February 4th, 2008 8:50 AM
Opening for Hillary? Obama has spoken some sense on the surge . . . Whereas Obama's claim to foreign policy fame among Dems has been his opposition from day one to the Iraq war, it appears he may have now put himself to the right of Hillary Clinton on the issue of sustaining the surge.Readers will recall that when Tim Russert asked Clinton on Meet the Press of January 13th whether she would be…

NYT Downplays Al Qaeda Use of Mentally Impaired Suicide Bombers

February 2nd, 2008 10:10 AM
Yesterday, NewsBusters' Kyle Drennan noted how CBS used the news of two coordinated and related suicide bombings in Baghdad to declare that "the new Baghdad feels a lot like the old Baghdad," and as a platform for a far-left guest to declare that "the surge isn't working."Drennan's first commenter noted the mentally impaired state of the women who blew themselves up -- something CBS "somehow"…

CBS’s Strassmann: ‘Mayhem and Misery are Back in Baghdad

February 1st, 2008 2:01 PM
During a news brief at the top of the 7am hour on Friday’s CBS "Early Show," CBS Correspondent Mark Strassmann reported on a suicide bombing in Baghdad: So these twin attacks are devastating here, and not just to the families of the killed and wounded. To many people here, this morning's a frightening reminder that Baghdad may feel safer but is still a long way from safe. Mayhem and misery are…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Guest: GOP ‘A Restricted White Men's Club

February 1st, 2008 1:13 PM
On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith analyzed Thursday’s Democratic debate with Democratic strategist Joe Trippi and the left wing editor of "The Nation," Katrina Vanden Heuvel, who called the debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "a historic first," while referring to Republicans as the "Grim Old Party" and "a restricted white men's club." Vanden Heuvel went to say that, "…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Praises ‘Amazing Grace’ of Elizabeth Edwards

January 31st, 2008 12:08 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith continued the media’s love affair with John and Elizabeth Edwards following the former Senator dropping out of the presidential race: "John Edwards says he is stepping aside so 'history can blaze its path.' And it will tonight. Also this morning, we're going to look at the amazing grace of Elizabeth Edwards who has campaigned passionately beside…