The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: November 10 to

November 17th, 2007 10:23 AM
The Oil Prices That Stole ChristmasOn Tuesday, "Good Morning America" reporter Bianna Golodryga hyperventilated about high gas prices and highlighted a man who alleged that the cost of fuel is keeping him from going to church and that it could ruin Christmas. Golodryga piled on, suggesting that some Americans would be forced to eat "cheaper foods" such as pasta and peanut butter instead of fruits…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Hillary Returns as ‘Sure-Footed Front-Runner

November 16th, 2007 1:25 PM
The lead story on Friday’s CBS "Early Show" focused on the Democratic debate and celebrated Hillary Clinton’s comeback as co-host Harry Smith exclaimed: "This morning, Hillary's camp declares a landslide as the Dems sling mud, exchange barbs, in the feistiest debate yet." The segment began with a report by CBS White House Correspondent, Jim Axelrod, who described how, "Hillary Clinton's two top…

CBS Tribute to Norman Mailer, Who Said WTC ‘Had to Be Destroyed

November 14th, 2007 4:54 PM
On CBS’s "Sunday Morning" this past weekend, reporter Martha Teichner did a profile of recently deceased ultra left-wing author, Norman Mailer, who she described as "... a hell of a big man for a short guy, scrappy, brilliant, controversial. Slugging away at life and letters until the very end." Of course, this was the same Norman Mailer that said of the World Trade Center in October 2001: "…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Veteran Suicide Rates ‘Shockingly High

November 13th, 2007 5:56 PM
Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show" featured a segment on a recent Veteran’s Affairs report that outlined "an alarming suicide rate among veterans," according to co-host Julie Chen. Reporter Armen Keteyian then previewed an upcoming "Evening News" segment on the findings and shared the stories of particular veterans who served in Iraq:Staff Sergeant Justin Reyes spent a violent year serving in Iraq...…

'The Early Show' Gives about 50 Cents' Worth of Weak Dollar Story

November 12th, 2007 6:08 PM

When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin

November 9th, 2007 2:26 PM
In the past six years, any time someone wrote a tell-all book about George W. Bush or a member of his administration, they were given the royal treatment by the press with lavish interviews offering them the perfect platform to market their work as well as their politically charged opinions. Consider for example all the attention given to Valerie Plame Wilson just recently when her book "Fair…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Focuses on Giuliani Scandal, Never Mentioned Hsu

November 8th, 2007 3:41 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Russ Mitchell introduced a news brief in which reporter Byron Pitts speculated on a potential indictment of former NYPD Commissioner and Giuliani friend, Bernard Kerik. Mitchell began the segment by exclaiming: Republican presidential hopeful, Rudy Giuliani, has stood by his good friend and associate, Bernard Kerik, through good times and bad. But that…

MRC Study: Network Morning TV Helps '08 Democrats

November 8th, 2007 10:20 AM
A Pew Research Center poll released late last month found that while four out of five American adults (81%) could name one of the Democratic presidential candidates, far fewer (just 59%) could recall any of the GOP candidates. Even among self-described Republican voters, Pew found “Clinton and Obama are much more visible than Giuliani or any other GOP presidential candidate.”One reason may be…

CBS’s Smith Interviews Dennis Kucinich on Cheney Impeachment

November 7th, 2007 5:15 PM
On the CBS "Early Show" co-host Harry Smith admitted last Friday that he's "actually admired Dennis Kucinich for a long -- since he was mayor of Cleveland." Well, five days later on Wednesday's "Early Show," Smith interviewed his hero. Kucinich was on the program to discuss his House resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney, which was unexpectedly called up for a vote on Tuesday.Smith…

CBS: Bill O’Reilly, ‘Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

November 7th, 2007 2:26 PM
In a rather odd teaser for an upcoming Bill O’Reilly interview with co-host Hannah Storm on Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith remarked, "And looking for love in all the wrong places. Here's Bill O'Reilly in the studio this morning." What? Who’s "love" is O’Reilly looking for and why is the "Early Show" the "wrong" place to find it? Smith certainly made no such comment when he…

CBS's Smith to Bloomberg: 'Manhattan Will Be Underwater by

November 5th, 2007 1:50 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith interviewed New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg. The liberal mayor has followed in the footsteps of Al Gore and implored the government to take action to address an impending environmental crisis, saying "We need to do something now." To match Bloomberg’s alarmist rhetoric, Smith added "Manhattan will be underwater by 2050." Amusingly, even…

The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: October 27 to November

November 3rd, 2007 10:28 AM
George Bush: A Reverse Grinch? "The Early Show" may be last in the ratings for the network morning shows, but the program is no slouch on the bias front. This week, co-host Julie Chen hyperventilated about the recent lead scare over toys from China. She lectured the head of the Consumer Product Safety Board, "American parents are upset, they're frightened, they feel like their Halloween and their…

CBS’s Smith ‘Admired’ Kucinich ‘Since He was Mayor of Clevelan

November 2nd, 2007 3:52 PM
While previewing an upcoming interview with extreme left-wing presidential candidate, Dennis Kucinich, on Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith remarked, "I've actually admired Dennis Kucinich for a long -- since he was mayor of Cleveland." In addition to Smith admitting that he admired someone as liberal as Kucinich, who wants to establish a Department of Peace and claims to have seen…

CBS ‘Early Show’: CIA Uses ‘Spanish Inquisition’ Torture Tacti

November 2nd, 2007 1:48 PM
On Firday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith began a segment on the controversy over Attorney General nominee, Michael Mukasey’s stance on water boarding with a report from Capitol Hill Correspondent Chip Reid, who exclaimed that:Water boarding is a highly controversial interrogation technique that simulates drowning...It's been used by interrogators since the Spanish Inquisition. Reportedly…