CBS’s Hannah Storm: Victory Over Al Qaeda in Iraq Just ‘Semantics

October 16th, 2007 6:01 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," host Hannah Storm interviewed Democratic Senator Joe Biden and when the subject turned to recent success in Iraq, Storm summed things up in this question to the presidential candidate: And let's talk about this report in "The Washington Post," that says some of the generals are considering declaring victory in Iraq over Al Qaeda. Now, does it matter if they do or…

CBS’s Harry Smith: ‘Rock Star’ Obama Needs More ‘Audacity

October 15th, 2007 6:27 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show,"host Harry Smith teased an interview with Barack Obama at the beginning of show and spoke of how the Democratic presidential candidate is often, "...greeted as a Rock Star," by voters. The toughest questions asked by Smith were questions of why Obama is behind Hillary Clinton in the polls, something Smith attributed to the fact that, "There are people who like you a…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Continues Love Affair With Al Gore, Pushes

October 12th, 2007 2:03 PM
On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," news of Al Gore’s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize brought euphoria to hosts Hannah Storm and Harry Smith. The show began with lengthy congratulatory fawning over Gore as Smith exclaimed: "And the folks around the Al Gore household are probably running around in their socks and jumping up and down because Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize." Not to be outdone,…

CBS: Democrats ‘Live,’ Republicans ‘Die’ by YouTube

October 11th, 2007 6:52 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," host Harry Smith and reporter Jeff Greenfield analyzed the effectiveness of YouTube videos for 2008 presidential candidates.The segment described how a an Edwards campaign video "...says let's get serious about what matters," while Giuliani and Romney are examples of how candidates can "...die by YouTube."After they described how successful videos were for…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Sees Racism Epidemic in America

October 11th, 2007 1:53 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," host Harry Smith had on the founder of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Morris Dees, to discuss "...the ugly news about nooses. Why this symbol of bigotry is suddenly back." Smith then went on to ask: "Is there some way to account for this resurgence in seeing this as a symbol? We've done an internet search. It's popping up all over the place." I think we…

CBS 'Early Show': The 'Underwhelming' Fred Thompson

October 9th, 2007 6:10 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," host Hannah Storm exclaimed that Fred Thompson "has received a lot of criticism...for being underwhelming so far out on the campaign trail." This just hours before Thompson’s participation in his first GOP debate. The segment began with a report by Nancy Cordes who observed that Thompson’s "...been trying to keep expectations low."Storm then invited on guests…

‘The Early Show’ Blasts Hollywood Executive for Allegedly Sexist R

October 9th, 2007 4:58 PM
You know the media are saturated with political correctness when it becomes necessary to defend Hollywood. And the October 9 CBS “The Early Show” was no exception. LA Weekly’s Deadline Hollywood Daily reported Warner Bros. President of Production Jeff Robinov made the decree “We are no longer doing movies with women in the lead.” The article, written by Nikki Finke called Robinov’s comment “…

CBS Honors ‘Nobel Laureate’ Carter, Who Hails His Relations with D

October 9th, 2007 4:46 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," host Harry Smith interviewed former president Jimmy Carter, who he introduced as "Nobel Peace Prize Laureate President Jimmy Carter." Smith then proceeded to launch into a discussion about Iran citing an "an exhaustive investigative piece in the New Sy [Seymour] Hersh." Apparently Harry and ‘Sy’ are good buddies. Smith described how Hersh’s article "…

MRC's Bozell: CNN & CBS Must Apologize to O'Reilly

September 27th, 2007 5:11 PM

CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of O'Reilly

September 27th, 2007 5:27 AM
The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential “Imus moment” pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early Show, with “In Hot Water” and “O'Race Factor” on…

CBS's Pelley: Ahmadinejad 'Friendly,' 'Incorruptible' and 'Modest

September 24th, 2007 6:16 PM
Scott Pelley conducted a very tough interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which aired on Sunday's 60 Minutes, but on Monday’s Early Show Pelley was very generous in his personal assessment of the man. Host Harry Smith and Pelley agreed that Ahmadinejad is "crazy like a fox" while Pelley also hailed Ahmadinejad as "incorruptible" and "modest." Pelley contended the dictator, who…

'Early Show' Frames Story to Make Bush Look Heartless

July 30th, 2007 5:52 PM
On Saturday’s "Early Show," host Jeff Glor framed a political headline in a way that portrays President Bush as criminally uncaring. The story was about a seven year old Orlando boy who wrote a letter to the president, pleading for him to do something to make his community safer.Jeff Glor (Host): "And one seven year old boy's cry for help has gone as far as Capitol Hill and the White House."…

Bush Terrorism Adviser Grilled on 'So-Called War on Terror,' Bush's 'S

July 19th, 2007 8:32 AM
White House homeland security advisor Fran Townsend made the rounds of the TV morning shows on Wednesday – except for NBC, which was too busy chronicling the Senate Democrat stunt on Iraq. ABC’s Diane Sawyer pounded Townsend with criticism from former Clinton adviser Dick Clarke and a quip from New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd that Bush created a "spa" for Osama bin Laden. CNN’s Kiran Chetry…

CBS Uses Democrat Helpers To Explain How Democrats Now 'Get Religion

July 18th, 2007 6:34 AM
Monday’s Early Show on CBS picked up on Time magazine’s promotional cover story "How The Democrats Got Religion." Reporter Jeff Glor used two guides to explore how the Democrats would "level the praying field," but didn’t exactly tell viewers that these guides were involved in the drive to help the Democrats. The first expert was Time magazine’s Amy Sullivan, who wrote a "God Gap" essay for the…