Entertainment Media

'The View' Advertises Transgender 'Comedy' About a Son Turned Daughter
Leave it to the squawking shrews of ABC's The View to bore their remaining audience with a segment advertising a “transgender” Amazon Prime show that manages to squeeze in every woke cliche there is.

WashPost Adores Trans Activist Laverne Cox as Red Carpet Career Ends
On the front of Saturday's Style section, The Washington Post dropped a sugar bomb on trans activist/actress Laverne Cox as she stepped away from being a red-carpet interviewer for the E! network. The headline: "Laverne Cox elevated E! red carpet coverage. Now she’s signing off."

Matt Walsh Scorns Lefty Oscar Snobs Who Skipped Over 'Am I Racist?'
Matt Walsh bashed the Academy Awards gurus for snubbing his successful Am I Racist? documentary when it announced an initial pool of 15 documentaries that will be whittled down to five nominees. “This is the outcome I expected, of course, but it doesn’t make it any less of a farce.”

Column: Late-Night Comedians Line Up with the Dump-Biden Democrats
Does anybody remember the gentle days of political humor when Johnny Carson was the King of Late Night? Today’s late-night environment is largely a nasty gang of hardened leftists, and they hate Donald Trump so much, that they are not-so-subtly saying Joe Biden can't beat him, and he's gotta go.

Charlie Daniels Jr: Songs Against Crime, Liberal Judges Aren't Racist
Charlie Daniels Jr. is comparing the fuss over Jason Aldean's new song to the 1989 Charlie Daniels song "Simple Man." Daniels said he was called a fascist and a Bible-thumper for the song's message against violent crime and lenient liberal judges. Loudmouthed critics said it was about vigilante justice, instead of taking violent criminals seriously.

NewsBusters Podcast: Ratings Keep Falling for Woke Golden Globes
The ratings of Tuesday's Golden Globe Awards telecast on NBC fell again from its last airing in 2021. Awards shows now feature a lot of woke lecturing and reward obscure movies and TV shows many people haven't seen.

‘Morning Show’ Still the King at Skewering Identity Politics
The second season of Apple TV+’s The Morning Show debuted roughly this time last year, but there’s still nothing quite like it on TV. The series did more than run with a ripped-from-the-headlines topic. It dove head-first into the complexities of Identity Politics, the woke subset which currently rules…

Why ‘Call Jane’ Box Office Woes Spell Trouble for Democrats
Call Jane is unabashedly pro-choice, one of many recent films to argue on behalf of abortion. The progressive appetite for this movie should be as strong as possible. Why not release the drama days before the midterm elections? Except very few people showed up to see the film over its first weekend.

NewsBusters Podcast: Liberal Sore Losers on Abortions and Elections
The network medical dramas have sunk into melodramatic propaganda in the week before the elections, on both NBC's New Amsterdam and ABC's Grey's Anatomy. Both railed against the overturning of Roe v. Wade. LIberals are such sore losers. In this episode, MRC staff offer some dramatic readings of some of our favorite sore-loser meltdowns from the liberal news and…

Dear George Clooney: Hollywood Is Coarsening Our Discourse
George Clooney displayed an extreme lack of awareness in talking politics with Chris Wallace. “So I look at where we are in this sort of coarsening of our discourse, and I find it to be worrying,” Clooney said, referring to conservatives. He can't find any coarseness from Hollywood or late-night hate-night TV.

Star Trek Crew Beats Up ICE Agents, Frees Bus of Illegal Immigrants
A couple recent episodes of the Paramount+ series Star Trek: Picard featured Starfleet crew members traveling back in time to present day to beat up U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, free a busload of illegal immigrants on their way to be deported, and lecture that racism just “took off a hood and put on a suit” in the early 21st Century.

Hollywood Journalists Protect Liberal Stars from Themselves
Leonardo DiCaprio, Alec Baldwin get off easy while reporters look the other way. This just in: The earth has nine years left before Climate Change’s impact is irreversible. So says Leonardo DiCaprio in a new Deadline interview. It’s clear to most casual observers that DiCaprio doesn’t practice what he preaches. So how many journalists have asked some tough but fair questions of DiCaprio on the…

Woke Is Kryptonite for Superman Readers
Look, down in the sewer! It's a rat! It's a turd! No, it's woke Superman sales! The decline of woke comic book sales is a hopeful omen that the progressive utopia will not be achieved. According to nerd culture outlet BoundingIntoComics.com, DC Comics’ recent attempts to turn beloved character Superman into a progressive pansy who’s too ashamed to fight for truth, justice and the American way…

'The Simpsons Did It First!'--- Tom Hanks Biden Commercial Mocked
The self-congratulatory one year anniversary Biden administration video is being widely mocked and satirized because it features narrator Tom Hanks who replicates his cartoon role as a government shill in the 2007 "The Simpsons Movie."