50 Cent Meets His ‘#1 Lady Nancy Pelosi,’ Sees Dems About Diversity

November 1st, 2019 4:54 PM
Tough guy rapper 50 Cent is out here thinking his connections to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi make him look like one tough cookie and a certified boss. Hilarious, we know. Still, the “In Da Club” emcee stepped foot on the Democrat leader’s turf to push for more diversity initiatives, and hail his “#1 Lady.

John Legend Updates ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ With Feminist Twist

October 30th, 2019 1:04 PM
Remember when the old “Christmas” song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” experienced its own #Metoo reckoning for being what many feminists considered a giant innuendo for sexual assault? Yeah, the world was saved that day. Though for those people who would still like to enjoy that number without upsetting the PC applecart, John Legend has recorded a new feminist version of the song, that yes, emphasizes…

Violent Biker Show Warns 'Paranoia Spinning From the Top' on Illegals

October 30th, 2019 12:54 AM
FX’s Mayans M.C., a spinoff of Sons of Anarchy, has been its usual overtly violent self in its second season. There have been quite a few dismemberment scenes, shootings, and other gruesome events, but what really sticks out is their blatant politics. Considering most of the show takes place near the border between Mexico and California, it’s no wonder that the characters bemoan the “paranoia”…

Vanity Fair Touts Legend, Teigen as ‘First Family We Could Believe in'

October 29th, 2019 3:38 PM
Musician John Legend and his model wife, Chrissey Teigen, claim they don’t like Donald Trump. No surprise there. So how come they’re lending their images and words to a Vanity Fair cover story that’s really about Trump? POTUS, as the saying goes, lives rent-free in a lot of liberal heads, but somehow he got this A-list entertainment couple and a big, glossy magazine to do a spread and feature…

‘Bluff City Law’ Reverses Catholic Doctrine on Assisted-Suicide

October 29th, 2019 12:12 AM
Catholic doctrine, like many other religions, forbids suicide. Catholicism, in particular, considers it a grave violation of the sanctity of human life. Yet, NBC’s legal drama Bluff City Law not only ignored that doctrinal stance on Monday night, it turned it upside down. The show portrayed religious figures including a priest supportive of the “right to die” through physician-assisted suicide.

‘It’s Complicated’: Disney CEO Bob Iger Won’t Speak Against China

October 23rd, 2019 8:45 PM
Following in the footsteps of cowardly NBA hypocrites who blast Trump/conservatives but never China with its large number of human rights abuses, Disney CEO Bob Iger has decided to keep his mouth shut about the communist state because not doing so would pose a threat to his Mickey Mouse cash.

Tarantino Movie Blocked a Week Ahead of Release in China

October 21st, 2019 3:13 PM
Quentin Tarantino is having a bad week. It remains to be seen if his week is as bad as Lebron James’s was last week, but the cause is the same: the bullying communist Chinese government. Chinese censors have blocked Tarantino’s latest film from premiering in their country. Rumor has it that China film regulators did not take kindly to the director’s cartoonish depiction of martial artist Bruce…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Makes Surprise Appearance on Hulu Teen Drama

October 21st, 2019 9:00 AM
Based on the John Green novel with the same name, Hulu’s teen drama Looking for Alaska recently debuted on October 18. Like most teen shows nowadays, it’s chock-full of sexualized teenagers making poor life choices such as drinking, smoking, and viewing pornography for pointers. This time, however, we’re also surprised by a random appearance from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

'Make Gotham Safe Again': 'Batwoman' Introduces Trump-Like Villain

October 20th, 2019 10:23 PM
It didn’t take long for Batwoman to show up on our radars again. The CW show already started off bland and annoying, and now it’s back for more. Given our social justice warrior lead, it only makes sense to make a Trump stand-in the bad guy.

SVU Warns Pro-Life States With Heartbeat Laws Will 'See Deaths'

October 18th, 2019 12:37 AM
Abortion has been a surprisingly popular topic in television this week. New Amsterdam, Bull, and Empire have all openly referenced, debated, or supported the right to kill an unborn child. Now NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is joining the pack with a plot focused entirely around abortion.

Really? GQ Introduces New Issue Undermining Masculinity

October 17th, 2019 5:36 PM
Style mag GQ is trying to usher in the next wave of gender queer apparel and cosmetic choices, giving readers a full spread about how masculinity isn’t that important and the concept of a man is pretty much just a fugazi anyway. It’s just that … you’re a men’s magazine, guys.

Report Finds ‘Marked Increase’ in Violence, Profanity on Network TV

October 17th, 2019 8:38 AM
You haven't been imagining it. Network television has seen “a marked increase in offensive content” and “expansion of adult-themed content into shows rated appropriate for children to watch” the Parents Television Council (PTC) confirmed on Tuesday with the release of its latest report on TV content ratings.

Variety Laments ‘Nonsense’ Debate Question on Civility

October 16th, 2019 11:08 AM
With all the lamentations of Trump’s divisiveness, one would think that last night’s closing debate question about “civility” and candidates’ friends from across the aisle would be a nice change of pace, or at worst a hokey diversion. Well not for the Hollywood left. Any show of bipartisan civility stands in the way of the leftist agenda and should be cast aside.

‘Empire:’ ‘Nothing Christian’ About ‘Horrors’ of Denying Abortion

October 16th, 2019 12:30 AM
Apparently, Fox’s Empire wasn’t finished lecturing us about abortion. The October 15 episode “Tell the Truth” decides to take everything they said about “pro-life” beliefs and make it worse. This time, Christians and pro-life women are the ones to pay. As you may recall from a couple of weeks earlier, one of Empire Entertainment’s leading performers Tiana (Serayah) was part of a small scandal…