Entertainment Media

'Implicit Racism' Explicitly Kills in New CBS Series ‘Evil’
October 4th, 2019 12:20 AM
The pilot for CBS’s new series Evil last week was interesting to say the least. The show followed an agnostic forensic psychologist and a budding priest investigating the validity of supernatural events, and yet, religion wasn’t maligned every few minutes. But in the second episode, all that goodwill was spent on morally ambiguous priests and a cry of "implicit racism."

How Does That Work?: Star Wars Introduces ‘Gay’ Inter-species Lovers
October 2nd, 2019 10:19 AM
The only surprising thing about Disney putting an alien gay couple in a Star Wars series is that it took this long. Now LGBTQers can finally dry their eyes because the galaxy far far away is incorporating otherworldly sexualities into the mix.

Luke Skywalker Attacks Ivanka’s Family on Twitter
September 30th, 2019 11:49 AM
Mark Hamill, the actor behind legendary childhood sci-fi hero Luke Skywalker, adopted the role of playground bully on Twitter this weekend, making fun of Ivanka Trump, her husband, and their child for the world to see. The man famous for his depiction of resistance to anger and hatred, couldn’t even look at an innocent photo without turning to the dark side. Shame on him.

‘Preacher’ Finale: Better off Without ‘Needy Little B*tch' Like God
September 30th, 2019 12:27 AM
We’ve finally come to the end of AMC’s Preacher, and what a mess it has been getting here. From stomach-churning gore to constant blasphemy to straight up portraying God as the bad guy, it’s been nonstop hatred towards a faith that inspires literally billions. And now, after four seasons, the show finally signs off with probably the most slanderous and yet most predictable sentiment of them all.

‘Joker’ Director Rejects ‘Far Left’ ‘Outrage’ Over Comic Book Film
September 26th, 2019 1:25 PM
Todd Phillips, director of the upcoming Joker film starring Joaquin Phoenix, is pushing back against critics and protestors who claim that his R-rated comic book adaptation may inspire violence. Both he and Warner Brothers Studios insist that neither the fictional character, “nor the film, is an endorsement of real-world violence of any kind,” with the director calling out the critics as being…

‘New Amsterdam’ Attacks Pharma ‘Extortionists’ in Season 2 Premiere
September 25th, 2019 12:59 AM
Viewers tuning in to New Amsterdam to learn who died in the terrible ambulance accident from the spring finale will be shocked by the answers in the series premiere. What won’t shock them was that NBC’s medical drama was packed tighter with liberal views than the hospital’s emergency room was filled with patients. No change there from last season.

‘Empire’ Premiere Drags Trump: 'Throw His Lying A** in Prison'
September 24th, 2019 11:17 PM
Despite the utterly embarrassing Jussie Smollett scandal earlier this year, the FOX series Empire managed to gain one final season. Though Smollett’s character has been unceremoniously written out, that still won’t stop the show from dropping its own political jabs now and then. Case in point, the September 24 season premiere “What Is Love” references a desire to throw Donald Trump’s “lying ass”…

TV's ‘Bluff City Law’ Takes Aim at Lying, ‘Criminal’ Corporations
September 24th, 2019 12:20 AM
The Memphis-based and blues-infused new legal drama Bluff City Law has a high-minded premise: that attorneys like Elijah and Sydney Strait are fighting to “change the world” by going after evil corporations willing to “ruin your life” to protect their profits.

'Mental': ‘Preacher’ Slams Don Jr. as One of God’s ‘Bad Ideas’
September 23rd, 2019 12:31 AM
We’re getting closer to the final endgame in AMC’s Preacher. The best way viewers can tell that is surprisingly not because of the constant depictions of an evil God or by demeaning Jesus and religious believers. No, the penultimate episode does all that plus a lazy political jab. The series may finally be running out of steam.

Handmaid's Tale Author: Govt. Should Pay Women Forced to Give Birth
September 20th, 2019 1:40 PM
It’s hard to compete with the crazy takes often expressed by hosts of The View, but on Friday, guest Margaret Atwood certainly came close. The author of the dystopian Handmaid’s Tale came to the show to talk about the Hulu adaptation of her book and her new sequel to the thirty-year-old aforementioned novel. While there, the Canadian author slammed the United States' abortion laws, even arguing…

Top 5 Worst Global Warming Propaganda Efforts on TV
September 20th, 2019 8:29 AM
This week, 250 news organizations around the world are colluding to produce global warming propaganda in the days surrounding the UN climate summit on September 23. Variety magazine is one of the publications involved and they reported on Hollywood’s efforts to combat global warming, wondering if the entertainment industry is doing enough to sway public opinion.

Selena Gomez, Netflix Produce ‘Emotional’ Docu-Series on Illegals
September 17th, 2019 5:08 PM
Apparently we don’t get enough progressive propaganda from mainstream streaming platforms, so pop music diva and former Disney Channel child star Selena Gomez is teaming up with Netflix to deliver viewers the harrowing experience of families who live in America “undocumented.” The goal, of course, is more lefty converts.

God Bites Man's Eye Out on AMC's Anti-Christian Drama
September 16th, 2019 12:09 AM
Here’s a pattern that’s feeling familiar: AMC’s Preacher hating God and all aspects of religion. Unfortunately for us, each episode tends to be worse than the last to keep things edgy, and the latest episode is no exception. Here, we see God taking a direct and bloody action towards destroying His creation.

Jay-Z Takes Heat for Saying ‘Fatherless’ Communities Treat Cops Poorly
September 13th, 2019 6:09 PM
Billionaire rapper and husband to Beyonce Jay-Z has drummed up social justice angst for recently surfaced video of him claiming that communities with missing fathers are more prone to violence toward the police. Well, no duh. However, in progressive circles, this is one of the most offensive things he could have said. What self-respecting progressive could ever admit that cops might be…