Bryant Faults Trump for Bringing Culture War to Sports

June 11th, 2018 10:00 AM
On Saturday ESPN Radio's "The Sporting Life," host Jeremy Schaap and ESPN Senior Writer Howard Bryant discussed "the increasingly rocky relationship between Trump and athletes." Author of "The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism," Bryant said President Donald Trump is dragging athletes into a culture war and the new no-kneeling rule he forced on the owners…

Remember When ESPN Thought Not Visiting the White House Was Bad?

June 6th, 2018 1:56 PM
Pro-tip for pro-athletes. If you win the championship, its courageous and patriotic to skip the White House visit. Unless you were invited by a liberal Democratic POTUS. Then, you’re selfish and rude and, if you previously had a “boy-next-door image,” you’ve trashed it.

The Undefeated's Rivers Urges Flag Day Kneeling

June 4th, 2018 6:40 PM
Five graphically designed people are displayed above the headline, "On Flag Day, the Most Patriotic Among us Should be Kneeling", all taking a knee. Each is dressed in clothing that bears the stars and stripes. This fake "patriotism" is the "proper" way to honor America on Flag Day, writes The Undefeated blog's Jeff Rivers.

The Bigotry of Roseanne Barr and the Double Standard at ABC

June 2nd, 2018 2:30 PM
In light of Roseanne Barr’s racist Tuesday morning tweet, ABC cancelled the revival of its 80’s/90’s sitcom Roseanne, starring Roseanne Barr and John Goodman, after only one season despite it having fetched 18 million viewers for its premiere and been renewed for another season.

Post-Rosanne, ESPN Cautions Most Controversial Commentators

June 1st, 2018 6:57 PM
The furor over Roseanne Barr's racist comments and the demise of her television program have rippled across Disney and all the way to ESPN's Bristol, Ct., headquarters. And why wouldn't it? ESPN's Jemele Hill and the recently rehired Keith Olbermann could erupt in outrageous outbursts at any time and cause the Disney-owned company additional public relations nightmares.

The Undefeated Overlooks Boxer's Pardon, Insists Trump Racist

June 1st, 2018 10:00 AM
It must have caused heartburn for many in the media when Donald Trump, the most "racist" president they know of, recently pardoned the first black heavyweight boxing champion, Jack Johnson. After President Barack Obama, with eight years in the White House, had refused to clear the late boxer's name! Jesse Washington, a writer for The Undefeated, helped the Left save face--by accusing Trump's…

Cupp Shames Disney for Rehiring Olbermann Despite His Rampant Misogyny

June 1st, 2018 12:35 AM
To begin Thursday’s edition of HLN’s Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp walked her viewers through how the liberal media’s double standard for punishing vile comments works. Between Roseanne Barr, Keith Olbermann, Joy Reid, and now Samantha Bee, there were a plethora of examples for her to choose from. But her most stern and forceful condemnation was reserved for ESPN and their parent company Disney for…

Jemele Hill: NFL Protest Ban Based on Fear of Trump

May 28th, 2018 10:00 AM
Recently named "Black Journalist of the Year" by the liberal-minded National Association of Black Journalists, Jemele Hill has joined the media lemmings claiming President Donald Trump forced the NFL to ban player protests. The senior correspondent and columnist for ESPN and The Undefeated also says the NFL sold out its players when it put an end to anthem protests.

World Leader in Stupid: ESPN Brings Olbermann Back to Sports Center

May 25th, 2018 2:31 PM
If you know anything about Keith Olbermann, you know he’s The Worst Person in the World to help ESPN pull out of its social justice spiral and get back on course covering sports. But according to USA Today, The Sultan of Sanctimony, the Colossus of Condescension, is returning to Sports Center as a guest host. And the timing could be any, well, dumber, just a day after the Wall Street Journal…

Jemele Hill Failed Mightily in '17, Wins NABJ Journalist Honor

May 21st, 2018 8:12 PM
A year of failure, suspension and demotion is all it takes to win a journalist of the year award——if you're Jemele Hill and you very publicly called the Republican president of the United States a "white supremacist." For this and other less-than-stellar "accomplishments" in 2017, Hill is the winner of the Journalist of the Year award in 2018 for the National Association of Black Journalists.

ESPN's Jones Says America Trying to Reconcile Sports, Racism

May 20th, 2018 7:30 PM
This week ESPN talk show host Bomani Jones had a conversation with GQ magazine interviewer Eve Ewing about America's struggle to reconcile a love of sports with its hatred for blacks. Ewing set the stage for the discussion by pointing out that "the sports arena is the place where America has been trained for centuries to fear and loathe the black body."

Sports Illustrated's Traina Denies ESPN's Liberal Bias

May 17th, 2018 8:42 PM
Jimmy Traina attended this week's "ESPN Upfronts" event in Manhattan. The liberally slanted Sports Illustrated author of the "Extra Mustard" column described it as an opportunity for ESPN "to get companies to spend money on their shows." In his recap of the Upfront, he ridiculed the notion that ESPN has a liberal bias.

ESPN Denies Liberal Bias, Cuts Public Editor Role

May 12th, 2018 10:00 AM
An ombudsman is a public advocate tasked by an organization with the role of representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints. In recent years, ESPN changed the title of its ombudsman to "public editor" and, in effect, used Jim Brady to whitewash accusations of liberal political bias and a sexist culture.

Hill Says Trump Conference on Race 'Rings Hollow'

May 8th, 2018 6:39 PM
Former ESPN SportsCenter 6 co-host and ongoing race-baiter Jemele Hill (in photo) is doubling down on her tweet of last fall when she called President Donald Trump a "white supremacist." In a post on ESPN's blog, The Undefeated, she blames the president for ending Colin Kaepernick's NFL career and says it's a hollow gesture for him to invite the free agent football player to an upcoming White…