ESPN's 2-Year Subscriber Loss: 7 Million Homes

November 29th, 2015 11:53 PM
The Walt Disney Company filed its annual 10-K report with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. The "getaway day" timing of the filing may not be a coincidence, at least as far as its 80 percent-owned ESPN subsidiary is concerned. That's because the report contains bad news which Disney would surely want to see downplayed. Confirming problems yours truly observed in NewsBusters…

ESPN Writer Laments Pro Sports 'Pandering' Tributes to Cops, Vets

November 27th, 2015 11:54 AM
Sports and politics are an uneasy mix, but ESPN's "The Truth" columnist Howard Bryant sees no conflict from his end-zone perch at the back of ESPN's biweekly magazine. His column for the December 7 edition tackled a mini-scandal about the Pentagon paying for patriotic displays at professional ball games: "Are You Ready for Some Patriotism?" Bryant went beyond genuine concerns over the sub-rosa…

Sports Writer: Kornheiser Should Have Been Suspended for GOP/ISIS Link

November 26th, 2015 2:17 PM
Promoting his latest book Wednesday night on Newsmax TV, longtime sports writer and Washington Post columnist John Feinstein surprisingly went off the liberal reservation and told host Steve Malzberg that ESPN Radio 980 personality and Pardon the Interruption co-host Tony Kornheiser “should probably have gotten” suspended for comparing conservative Republicans to ISIS back.

ESPN Claims Redskins Name Has Outlived Its ‘Expiration Date’

November 24th, 2015 10:26 PM
On Monday’s edition of Around the Horn on ESPN, analyst J.A. Adande was asked whether he bought or sold Redskin Jason Hatcher’s claim that calls --specifically an illegal hit call on Redskin Chris Culliver-- were due to bias on the part of officials toward the Redskins name.

Bill Simmons: 2015 Has Been Obama’s ‘Career Year’

November 18th, 2015 11:25 PM
Almost two years ago, in an interview with The New Yorker’s David Remnick, President Obama drew one of the worst sports-related analogies ever when he likened ISIS to a JV team. Last month, Obama sat for an interview with an actual sportswriter, Bill Simmons, who pretty much pitched batting practice, thereby minimizing the chance of presidential gaffes, sporting or otherwise. The Q&A appears…

Dez Bryant Launches Into Tirade, Accuses ESPN Reporter of Using N-word

November 12th, 2015 9:24 PM
So, pretty much the most ironic and poetically just thing, ever, happened today in the Cowboys locker room. Or, maybe it didn’t. I must insert the disclaimer, since so many n-word accusations turn out to be so much bunk. But if what I’m about to tell you truly went down as Dez Bryant says it did, this is beyond rich.

ESPN Casts Wealthy Leader of Mizzou Protests as Humble Idealist

November 11th, 2015 7:34 PM
In an ESPN article written by Senior Writer Elizabeth Merrill, she lauds the bravery of Jonathan Butler, the head of the Concerned Students 1950 organization at Missouri, and the student who went on a hunger strike to get former University System President Tim Wolfe ousted.

Does Grantland's Downfall Lead to Objective ESPN Reporting?

October 30th, 2015 11:31 PM
Grantland was one of ESPN’s affinity sites along with Nate Silver’s Five-Thirty-Eight, and the still yet to be fully developed Undefeated. But though we bury Grantland today, it actually died months ago when ESPN parted ways with its inspiration Bill Simmons.

ESPN's Kornheiser Sees Tea Party as Being Like 'ISIS'

October 26th, 2015 6:29 PM
It was a Friday on local sports radio in Washington, DC. The last broadcast before a Redskins game. So, naturally, ESPN 980’s Tony Kornheiser decided to have political journalist and editor Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post on to talk about Paul Ryan and the Tea Party. Kornheiser, a long time Washington Post sports columnist before moving to radio, wondered: “Are they like ISIS trying to…

ESPN Race Huckster Gets Slammed Perfectly by Sports Personalities

October 23rd, 2015 5:18 PM
Allow me to introduce ESPN race huckster Bomani Jones. Who made a point of “asking the question” (which is the leftist sports media’s preferred cowardly method for alleging racism without actually having to do it) of whether or not white Redskins QB Kirk Cousins and black Redskins QB Robert Griffin III have been treated differently by the Redskins staff and D.C. sports media, because of race.

ESPN Allows Questioning of Chargers QB Philip Rivers' Large Family

October 19th, 2015 3:48 PM
In addition to Curt Schilling, there appears to be another person ESPN isn’t too fond of. That would be San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers, well, and babies. In a Q&A with fans in ESPN Magazine, ESPN pulled the editorial goalie and allowed an offensive and completely ridiculous question to be lobbed at Rivers, who happens to be the father of a large, and growing family.

Update: ESPN's Ratings Down 9 Percent in Prime Time in Third Quarter

October 7th, 2015 10:42 PM
In a September 23 post ("Impending Layoffs at ESPN Aren't Only About the 'Media Landscape'"), I argued that ESPN's impending decision to lay off hundreds of employees is at least partially due to its determination to stuff political correctness down viewers' throats. I noted that the network's ratings suffered a nearly 30 percent decline from August 2014 to August 2015 — a sea change which…

ESPN Cuts Away From Football Coach As Soon As He Mentions God

October 4th, 2015 12:34 AM
As we have written here before, there is a gag order on God in the sports media. In the ending of Saturday night's Notre Dame vs. Clemsen game proved this point once again.

Impending Layoffs at ESPN Aren't Only About the 'Media Landscape'

September 23rd, 2015 11:16 AM
Word on the street is that ESPN is planning to lay off "200 to 300" employees in the coming months. The go-to euphemism surrounding the impending layoffs, according to Variety's Brian Steinberg, is "the changing media landscape," primarily the "cord-cutting" phenomenon. In July, the Big Lead blog, in discussing Keith Olbermann's expected departure from ESPN, explained that "millennials are…