
CNN's Don Lemon Says Being PC Is 'Dangerous,' Liberals Least Tolerant

June 11th, 2015 6:28 PM
During a radio commentary for the Black America Web site on Thursday, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon startled many of his listeners when he declared that the culture of “political correctness” in America has become “dangerous.” He also claimed that after 25 years in the news business, he believes “liberals are the least tolerant people.”

ESPN Defends Decision to Give Award to Caitlyn Jenner for 'Courage'

June 4th, 2015 7:49 PM
Perhaps you've seen it -- the photo of Noah Galloway, a double-amputee veteran of the Iraq war and crowd-pleasing contestant on Dancing With the Stars, with this caption -- "Caitlyn Jenner won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. The runner up was this guy: Army Veteran Noah Galloway, who lost an arm and leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq, and now competes in Crossfit events, runs marathons, and competed…

USA Today: Redskins Should Never Joke about Pale Faces

May 15th, 2015 10:59 AM
“Dad, what’s ‘humor?’ “Well, it was a way of talking about things – mixing truth with absurdity or irony – that helped us navigate uncomfortable issues. It made people smile and laugh. They even allowed it in the media sometimes. But that was all long ago, before the Rise of the Perpetually Offended.” If you think that conversation is far-fetched, get a load of USA Today’s Ted Berg. Berg got…

Nets Erase FLOTUS from ‘Bring Back our Girls’ Reporting

May 5th, 2015 2:23 PM
Remember “#BringBackOurGirls?” It was the relentlessly hyped and utterly silly Twitter campaign aimed at the African Islamist terror group Boko Haram. It’s hard to know if anyone actually thought tweets would get radical Islamists to release the nearly 300 Christian girls abducted from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. But it did allow Western liberals to advertise their sympathy. And…

In Baltimore, 6 Fan-Attended MLB Games Lost; No Press Interest in Cost

April 28th, 2015 11:19 PM
At NewsBusters this morning, Matthew Philbin posted on how Michael Eric Dyson, in a guest appearance on MSNBC (where else?), placed a great deal of blame for Baltimore's blight on "the ways in which the Baltimore Ravens and Baltimore Orioles with their tax-exempt status were given tremendous goodies to stay into the city." It would be reasonable to believe that Dyson, who has revealed a vengeful…

ESPN Host: Rubio’s Story of Gullibility at Eight ‘Disqualifies’ Him

April 16th, 2015 3:23 PM
On Tuesday’s Washington D.C. ESPN 980’s “The Tony Kornheiser Show,” host and Obama golfing buddy Tony Kornheiser let fly with an inferno of silly in reaction to Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) announcement that he intends to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

Book Details Sports ‘Bias in the Booth’

March 4th, 2015 1:00 PM
It ain’t just you. Politics and ideology really are encroaching more on your favorite diversions, especially sports. And you can thank the usual suspects: journalists. From Michael Sam to the Redskins to gun control and race relations, the very liberal sports media increasingly inject their preoccupations into their coverage. They just can’t leave you alone to enjoy the game – they have to “…

On Ferguson, ESPN’s ‘His and Hers’ Channels MSNBC

November 25th, 2014 4:06 PM
ESPN hosts and guests talk Ferguson and show why they should stick to sports.

Gay Would-be NFLer Michael Sam a GQ Man of the Year

November 19th, 2014 12:29 PM
Cut from two NFL teams? Want to be Man of the Year?

Caught Red-Handed! Tim Tebow Snapped Praying on Show Set

November 19th, 2014 8:14 AM
Christian QB leads prayer on set of SEC Nation. Christian recording artist Tanner Clark was on set and snapped a photo, which he shared on social media.

NBC's Luke Russert : NFL Teams Slow to Sign Michael Sam After Release

September 4th, 2014 8:30 AM
Filling in for Alex Wagner on her MSNBC show Wednesday, Luke Russert had a segment on NFL player and defensive end Michael Sam, who was signed earlier in the day to the Dallas Cowboys after being released by the St. Louis Rams on Saturday. Russert opined that the reason there was a delay before Sam was signed by another team was not because of any media “distractions" or that he was not a good…

Hyperbolic ESPN Compares Redskin Name to Slavery and Opposing Jackie R

September 3rd, 2014 12:53 PM
Leaving no over-the-top comparison unused, ESPN's Bob Ley on Tuesday denounced the Washington Redskins name. Outside the Lines devoted an entire hour to a new poll showing overwhelming support for keeping the nickname. Unhappy with the result, Ley compared the word "Redskin" to slavery, Watergate and opposition to Jackie Robinson's entry into Major League Baseball. After a discussion of how…

Grantland: Fox News Essentially a ‘Conservative Daily Show’ That

August 23rd, 2014 7:10 AM
The ESPN-affiliated, Bill Simmons-run website Grantland, which specializes in sports and popular culture, claimed on Friday that Fox News Channel is a major source of what Simmons calls “unintentional comedy” (or maybe "subconscious comedy" would be more accurate). In a feature about the history and influence of Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” segment, Grantland staff writer Brian…

Media’s New NFL ‘Anti-Gay’ Target After Dungy: David Tyree

July 23rd, 2014 3:50 PM
It’s open season. Since the media attacked former NFL coach and NBC sports analyst Tony Dungy for saying he wouldn’t have picked openly gay player Michael Sam during the draft, the sports media now has its pitchforks and torches out for anyone in the NFL guilty of thought crimes. ESPN and CBS  are going after David Tyree, a former New York Giants wide receiver (who’s miraculous “helmet catch”…