Obama Golfs With ESPN Hosts (Former WaPo Writers

July 14th, 2013 8:21 AM
President Obama played golf Saturday with ESPN "Pardon the Interruption" hosts Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon -- both former sports columnists for The Washington Post. Not only that, ABCNews.com announced that on Friday, Wilbon, Kornheiser, and Tony Reali –host of ESPN’s “Around the Horn” and a long-time fact-checker for the other two ESPN hosts — ate lunch at the White House and visited…

‘Glee’ on the Gridiron

March 20th, 2013 11:58 AM
If liberals in the sports media have their way, your favorite sporting event will soon be a little more like an episode of “Glee.” Writers and talking heads at outlets from ESPN to NBC Sports are in a full-court press. They want to see openly gay athletes in American sports, no matter what it means for the games, the fans, or the athletes themselves. Perhaps envious that their news colleagues…

Keith Olbermann Begging ESPN to Hire Him

March 4th, 2013 12:03 PM
After a few months crying in the bathtub, disgraced left-wing television personality Keith Olbermann has crawled back out into public view in an effort to beg sports network ESPN to hire him back.  Nothing has come of his efforts so far but the New York Times reports that Olbermann has at least been given a meeting with ESPN president John Skipper.

AP, ESPN, and the League Itself Don't Like the Lack of 'Diversity' in

January 19th, 2013 12:06 PM
There were eight coaching changes in the National Football League during the past few weeks. It must be assumed in the absence of contrary evidence that each franchise's owners made their choice based on who they believe has the best chance to take their team to the playoffs and Super Bowl. The "problem" is, according to league's human resource people (are those really full-time jobs?) and…

ESPN Drops Racial Loudmouth Rob Parker

January 9th, 2013 9:45 AM
ESPN has parted ways with Rob Parker, a commentator for the sports network who caused a national controversy by saying that Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is “not one of us” and only “kind of black” because he is engaged to a white woman and is rumored to be a Republican. Parker made those comments on December 13 and was suspended by ESPN for 30 days. Parker apologized for…

ESPN Suspends Analyst Rob Parker for Insulting Redskins QB Robert Grif

December 14th, 2012 2:02 PM
Cable sports network ESPN has suspended its commentator Rob Parker following his offensive racial tirade against Washington Redskins player Robert Griffin III. In a segment on yesterday’s First Take program, Parker said that the rookie quarterback was “not one of us” and that he was only “kind of black” because he is engaged to a white woman, is rumored to be a Republican, and has spoken in…

ESPN Analyst Rob Parker: Redskins Quarterback Robert Griffin III Not R

December 14th, 2012 1:32 AM
Update 14:23. Rob Parker has been suspended for his offensive remarks. During the Thursday edition of the ESPN show First Take, analyst Rob Parker  injected racial issues into the game as he took a bitter swipe at Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, criticizing him for being engaged to a white woman and possibly being one of those evil, nasty Republicans. “Is he a brother or…

CNN Anchor Questions If Libya Should Even Be a Campaign Issue

October 15th, 2012 4:11 PM
When a news anchor's Obama-friendly question is slapped down by even a liberal columnist, it's whacky. CNN's Carol Costello wondered if Libya should even be a campaign issue, but both her guests -- liberal and conservative -- answered in a resounding affirmation on Monday. Citing the father of dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, who deplored the tragedy becoming a campaign issue, Costello asked "…

Media Lions Roar at Christian Athletes

September 6th, 2012 3:39 PM
During the first centuries of Christianity, Christians were thrown to lions in arenas to be jeered by mocking crowds. Today, Christian athletes face the taunts of a media strongly opposed to their faith. No Christian athlete draws more media catcalls than New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow. CBSChicago.com writer Dan Bernstein dismissed Tebow as “little more than an affable simpleton” and…

Sports Media Launches Olympic-Sized Blitz from Left

July 26th, 2012 11:57 AM
The Olympic Games, which begin this week, is an exhibition of the sportsmanship, teamwork, and the competitive spirit that make sports so enjoyable. But for many in the media, sports is just another excuse to engage in divisive political commentary. The sports media transform an apolitical past-time into a forum for their own politics. Progressives have actively attempted to remake the…

Play Diagrams and Stats Aren’t Enough? ESPN Mag Gets Naked

July 10th, 2012 3:53 PM
Update (July 13, 15:14 EDT): ESPN Magazine's Twitter profile is using an image of a naked female athlete as its avatar | Is it time for ESPN Magazine to don the “plain brown wrapper” and move to the very top back of the magazine rack where curious youngsters can’t catch a glimpse? It may be, at least for one issue a year. The fourth annual “Body Issue” of ESPN is scheduled to arrive at…

ESPN to Manny Pacquiao: Stop Defending 'Cruel, Untrue' Catholic Church

May 19th, 2012 10:04 AM
ESPN's Grantland website jumped on the bash Manny Pacquiao bandwagon on Thursday by giving a platform to a homosexual activist, who predictably trashed the Catholic Church as she took the Filipino boxing sensation to task for defending traditional marriage. Writer Laurel Fantauzzo ripped the "the Church's cruel, untrue dictates about me," and promised if he didn't "evolve" like President…

Christian NASCAR Driver Blake Koch Loses Sponsor after ESPN Pulls Ad

March 30th, 2012 12:07 PM
The liberal media are again attempting to silence another Christian voice in their crusade for “tolerance.” ESPN refused to air NASCAR driver Blake Koch's advertisement, which encourages American youth to vote, because of Koch’s Christian faith. Koch partnered with "Rise Up and Register" to produce the voting advertisement. After ESPN’s refusal, the non-religion based campaign pulled its…

ESPN Leads With 'Polarizing Quarterback Tim Tebow

March 21st, 2012 1:37 PM
It didn't take ESPN.com long to attack Tim Tebow in its piece about him being traded to the New York Jets. In the very first sentence, the football star was referred to as a "polarizing quarterback":