Fox News Specialists

Networks Punt on Bombing Plot Against Confederate Monument
August 21st, 2017 11:47 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts on Monday all failed to cover the thwarted bombing of a Confederate monument in Houston, Texas. The Big Three networks led and concluded each program with full reports on the solar eclipse that crossed the United States, but didn't even set aside a news brief to the arrest of Andrew Cecil Schneck, who allegedly prepared explosives and tried to set them off…

NYT’s Fox News' Contempt Boils Over : 'Presidential Safe Space'
August 18th, 2017 11:19 AM
The New York Times’ obsessive contempt for Fox News boiled over in its hysterical coverage in Thursday’s edition of Trump’s comments in the aftermath of Charlottesville. Jonah Engel Bromwich’s piece on a tweet from the media’s preferred president managed to lump neo-Nazis and Fox News fans together. Reporter Michael Grynbaum had fun reporting Fox host Eboni Williams’ criticism of Trump: “A Fox…