Numbers Don't Lie: 'Daily Show's' Stewart Hammers Right Nearly Four Ti

July 18th, 2011 10:28 AM
It was contentious and dramatic. On Sunday, June 19, “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace grilled funnyman Jon Stewart on his obvious liberal bias and Stewart replied, “… there is not a designed ideological agenda on my part to affect partisan change ...” The exchange got heated when Stewart held that line, telling Wallace, “You can’t understand, because of the world you live in, that there…

Jon Stewart Responds to Chris Wallace By Calling Fox News Crybabies

June 28th, 2011 2:30 AM
In the past nine days, the comedian most revered by liberals as the nation's top political satirist has devolved into a gross, unintelligible caricature of himself. So hell-bent on attacking Fox News has the "Daily Show" host become that on Monday he continued to put words in Chris Wallace's mouth while appearing completely oblivious to serious investigations going on in Congress (video…

Bill Kristol Ribs Chris Wallace for Asking Michele Bachmann if She's a

June 26th, 2011 8:52 PM
Fox News's Chris Wallace on Sunday actually asked Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann if she's a flake. Possibly feeling the question was a bit over the top, the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol during the panel discussion segment of "Fox News Sunday" ribbed the host saying, "You can call me a flake if you want" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Wallace Strikes Back At Jon Stewart: Hannity and O'Reilly's View

June 26th, 2011 1:22 PM
Chris Wallace told Don Imus Thursday he intended to fully respond to the fallout from last week's interview with Jon Stewart. True to his word, at the conclusion of the most recent "Fox News Sunday," Wallace struck back at Stewart's claim that Fox watchers are the most misinformed media viewers by demonstrating that folks who watch "Hannity" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were actually better…

Chris Wallace: Jon Stewart 'In Denial About Bias of His Program and Ma

June 23rd, 2011 4:33 PM
It's been four days since Chris Wallace and Jon Stewart squared off on "Fox News Sunday" and people still can't stop talking about it. FBN's Don Imus brought it up with Wallace Thursday, and the FNS host said of Comedy Central's feature attraction, "I think he lives somewhat in denial about the bias of his program and of the, more importantly, of the mainstream media" (video follows with…

Jon Stewart 'Apologizes' For Calling Fox Viewers 'Misinformed' By List

June 22nd, 2011 1:45 AM
Real men know how to apologize for their mistakes, especially when made on national television. Apparently we can't put Jon Stewart in this category, for after acknowledging that the fact-checking organization PolitiFact found his statement to Chris Wallace concerning "misinformed" Fox viewers false, he proceeded to childishly spend three minutes listing all the times PF determined FNC's…

Juan Williams: Hannity Would Have Been Fired For Doing Amos and Andy V

June 21st, 2011 8:55 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, Jon Stewart earlier this month did a segment on "The Daily Show" wherein he impersonated Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain using an Amos and Andy voice. On Tuesday's "Imus in the Morning," Fox News's Juan Williams said that if Sean Hannity had done that, "He'd be out there barking with the dogs after they threw him out" (video follows with…

Jon Stewart Falsely Claims Chris Wallace Said Fox Doesn't Tell Both Si

June 21st, 2011 12:26 PM
Jon Stewart on Monday cherry-picked thirteen seconds out of a 24 minute interview to accuse "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace of claiming, "We don't tell both sides of the story." Unfortunately, that's not what Wallace said Sunday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Lawrence O'Donnell Bashes Chris Wallace's Ratings Despite Having Half

June 20th, 2011 11:31 PM
Monday appeared to be the day that MSNBC commentators bashed the ratings of Sunday political talk shows other than NBC's "Meet the Press." After Chris Matthews ridiculed ABC's "This Week" despite it having more than three times his audience, Lawrence O'Donnell went after Chris Wallace and "Fox News Sunday" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Jon Stewart Slams Fox Viewers as Most Misinformed, But He's the Ignora

June 20th, 2011 3:56 PM
In his June 19 appearance on Fox News Sunday, Comedy Central's Daily Show host Jon Stewart fiercely denounced the Fox News Channel as uniquely biased, and slammed those who watch Fox News as "the most consistently misinformed media viewers....Consistently -- every poll." Unfortunately for Stewart, he was relying on a methodologically-flawed survey from the University of Maryland's Program on…

Jon Stewart Tells Chris Wallace Fox News Is Biased -- But Rest of Medi

June 19th, 2011 1:35 PM
After months of being asked, Jon Stewart finally appeared on "Fox News Sunday" this weekend. The primary discussion point was bias in the media which the "Daily Show" host continually told Chris Wallace is far more prevalent on FNC than at all the other news organizations (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Juan Williams Spars With Chris Wallace Over Public Support For Afghani

June 12th, 2011 10:49 PM
Fox News haters love to advance the myth that the network pushes exclusively conservative views and the anchors surround themselves with right-leaning yes men who never question them. On the latest installment of "Fox News Sunday," liberal political analyst Juan Williams challenged host Chris Wallace's view of the public's support for the war in Afghanistan leading to a humorous exchange (…

Sunday Highlights: CBS’s Smith Wonders If Tea Party ‘Losing’ Its

May 30th, 2011 9:23 AM
“Do you think the Tea Party is losing some of its appeal?” So Harry Smith cued up a hardly independent guest on Sunday’s Face the Nation: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Congresswoman and Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Earlier, the fill-in host was astonished House Majority Leader Eric Cantor would want to find cuts to afford extra spending for tornado recovery efforts…

Soros-Funded Group Falsely Accuses Ron Paul of Comparing Social Securi

May 15th, 2011 10:11 PM
The depths the shills on the Left will go to impugn their enemies knows no bounds. On Sunday, the George Soros-funded organization Think Progress falsely accused Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tx.) of comparing Social Security and Medicare to slavery (video follows with transcript and commentary):