Fox Focuses on MRC Study of Declining MSM Iraq Coverage

December 23rd, 2007 10:13 AM
A recent study, "Good News = Less News on Iraq War," by Rich Noyes, the Research Director of Media Research Center, NB's parent organization, revealed that coverage of Iraq by the big three evening newscasts has declined as the news from Iraq has improved. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace highlighted the MRC study during his interview of General David Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-…

Kristol and Krauthammer Nail the Absurdity of Gore Winning Nobel Peace

October 14th, 2007 9:42 PM
Truth be told, I was hoping "Fox News Sunday" would totally ignore Friday's announcement that the Global Warmingist-in-Chief won the Nobel Peace Prize. After all, mainstream news outlets regularly boycott events they deem un-newsworthy, like people receiving the Medal of Honor, for example. As such, in the grand scheme of things, what really was the significance of a charlatan winning an award…

Only Fox's Wallace Raises Clinton's Opposition to Resolution Condemnin

September 24th, 2007 1:29 PM
Democratic presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton appeared on all five Sunday morning interview shows, but not all raised two controversies of interest to conservatives and, even when they did, not all took a tough approach to her lack of condemnation of's “General Betray Us” ad and the donations gathered for her by now-captured fugitive Norman Hsu. ABC's George Stephanopoulos and NBC's…

Chris Wallace Slams Bill Moyers: Reporting's Easier When You Don’t W

August 26th, 2007 1:29 PM
As NewsBusters reported last Saturday, PBS's Bill Moyers went on an absolutely disgraceful rant about Karl Rove, George W. Bush, and religion during the August 17 installment of "Bill Moyers Journal." Two days later, Rove was Chris Wallace's guest on "Fox News Sunday," and took issue with Moyers's comments: "Mr. Moyers ought to do a little bit better research before he does another drive-by…

‘A War We Just Might Win’ Authors Discuss Surge Success With Chris

August 6th, 2007 12:40 AM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, two analysts for the liberal think tank the Brookings Institution published a rather shocking op-ed at the New York Times expressing extraordinary optimism about how the surge is working in Iraq. The pair, Kenneth Pollack and Michael O'Hanlon, were Chris Wallace's guests on "Fox News Sunday" yesterday, and continued to share positive sentiments about what's…

Juan Williams Says Daily Kos in Political Center

July 22nd, 2007 1:19 PM
Sometimes when you see NPR's Juan Williams on Fox News, you are left scratching your head wondering what planet he lives on, and what the color of the sky is there. Such questions must certainly have been raised in the minds of right-thinking "Fox News Sunday" viewers this morning when Williams suggested that the liberal blog Daily Kos "is now center." I kid you not. What precipitated this…

Wallace, Gallagher Bust Mark Green on His Fairness Doctrine Double-Tal

July 1st, 2007 1:06 PM
Chris Wallace and Mike Gallagher did a good job of exposing Mark Green's double-talk on the Fairness Doctrine on today's Fox News Sunday.Green, who with his brother Stephen have brought Air America out of bankruptcy, was in to debate the issue against conservative talk-show host Gallagher. But when Wallace put it to Green that liberals have plenty of outlets for their views "without having the…

Lizzie Palmer’s Stirring ‘Remember Me’ Video as Seen on ‘Fox N

June 10th, 2007 8:30 PM
NewsBusters readers, meet our second fabulous fifteen-year-old, Miss Lizzie Palmer.For those that missed it, Chris Wallace aired an absolutely astounding military tribute video (available here) at the end of today’s “Fox News Sunday” that should be required viewing for all Americans.At its conclusion, Wallace stated the following:Lizzie Palmer said she put the video on YouTube as her way of…

Bozell Column: Sunday's Pseudo-Republicans

March 29th, 2007 7:50 AM

Did NBC Misrepresent Thompson as Being Opposed to Overturning Roe

March 12th, 2007 8:18 AM
[see UPDATES at end of post] Fred Thompson, who is exploring the possibilty of a presidential candidacy, went on Fox News Sunday yesterday, strongly criticized Roe v. Wade and said the answer to it was "good judges." But on this morning's "Today," Andrea Mitchell flatly stated that Thompson doesn't want to overturn Roe. So where does Thompson stand on Roe, and how can we explain Today's…

Hume: Shrewd of Edwards to Spurn Debate Since Fox Cannot Be at War Wit

March 11th, 2007 10:50 AM
As the Managing Editor of Fox News Channel's Washington, DC bureau, you might have thought Brit Hume would have taken great umbrage at John Edwards' high-profile decision to spurn a debate of Dem presidential contenders that Fox had organized for August in Nevada. The Edwards pull-out ultimately led to a cancellation of the debate by the Nevada state Democratic party. Edwards had come under…

Newt Gingrich Cited Bozell Column On 'Fox News Sunday

February 20th, 2007 11:30 AM

Brit Hume Finally Says What Media Dare Not Concerning Congressman Murt

February 18th, 2007 8:45 PM
Since Rep. John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania) became the media’s antiwar darling, he has been allowed to say virtually anything he wants with total impunity. Ignoring rules of engagement that clearly don't apply to him, FNC’s Brit Hume finally took the congressman to task on the most recent installment of “Fox News Sunday.”During the panel discussion, host Chris Wallace played a video clip of a recent…

Brit Rains Blows on Hagel, Kerry

January 28th, 2007 11:02 AM