
GOP Rep: ‘Mainstream Media’ ‘Look For Any Opportunity’ To Destroy GOP

January 4th, 2015 10:53 AM
On Sunday, freshman Congressman Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and slammed the liberal media in the wake of the controversy surrounding Steve Scalise (R-La.) and his alleged speech at a white supremacist conference in 2002. Speaking to Wallace, Zeldin called out the “mainstream media who look for any opportunity to try to tear down Republicans to help back up…

WSJ’s Riley Tears Into Obama, Sharpton on Race Relations

December 29th, 2014 3:43 PM
On the most recent edition of Fox News Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley blasted President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and activist/MSNBC host Al Sharpton for having “a vested interest in pushing a false narrative, which is that racism is an all-purpose explanation of what drives what's wrong in black America.” When asked by host Chris Wallace to explain why there…

George Will: Sony’s ‘Self-Censorship’ Exposes Problem With Liberalism

December 21st, 2014 2:27 PM
Conservative columnist George Will appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss the Sony hacking scandal and the fate of liberalism in America. Speaking during a panel discussion, Will argued that Sony’s decision to pull the Interview was “self-censorship” and “there are two great citadels of American liberalism unchallenged in America, Hollywood and college campuses.”

Obama Uses BET Interview to Contradict Limbaugh's Comments on Race

December 8th, 2014 5:37 PM
During an interview airing Monday evening on the Black Entertainment Television cable channel, president Barack Obama attempted to contradict remarks on race relations made by radio icon Rush Limbaugh during a rare appearance on Fox News Sunday, which is hosted by Chris Wallace. “There’s no acknowledgement of any of the progress,” the conservative host said while discussing the results in…

Rush Limbaugh On Ferguson: ‘Truth Is Relative’ To Liberals

December 7th, 2014 10:33 AM
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh made a rare TV appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss a variety of topics including the state of race relations in America following two grand jury decisions in Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island in which police were not indicted following the deaths of two African American men. Speaking to Wallace on the “hands up don’t shoot…

Will: ‘Seinfeld Election’ an Effort to ‘Preemptively Deny’ GOP Mandate

November 2nd, 2014 11:03 AM
Responding on Fox News Sunday to a question from a Facebook user about the lack of a Republican agenda in this election, George Will zinged the media’s effort to undermine the expected GOP victories: “I think what Tim is echoing is the belief that this is a Seinfeld election, an election about nothing, which is what the media says every time there’s a danger that the Republicans are going to get…

Priebus Zings Wasserman Schultz: Obama 'Hasn't Had Your Back'

October 19th, 2014 10:39 AM
Non-political junkies might not have noticed, but Reince Priebus got in a real zinger against Debbie Wasserman Schultz today. In a joint appearance on Fox News Sunday, DNC Chair DWS claimed that the key question for voters will be "who has my back?" Shot back RNC Chairman Priebus: "the President hasn't had anybody's back: not even your back."  That was a reference to the Politico story, "…

Mitt Romney Slams Obama Over ISIS

September 7th, 2014 10:26 AM
Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney had some strikingly harsh words for President Obama over his lack of a coherent strategy to combat the terrorist group ISIS. Appearing on Fox News Sunday on September 9, Romney slammed President Obama by insisting that he was “too busy on the golf course to pick up the phone and meet with the leaders around the world and to say what happens if…

Bob Woodward on Obama’s ISIS Strategy: ‘There’s An Inconsistency

August 24th, 2014 10:47 AM
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, veteran journalist Bob Woodward had some harsh words for the Obama Administration over it’s handling of the terrorist group ISIS.  Speaking on Sunday, August 24, Woodward blasted the White House for having a confusing message on how to combat the terrorist group, insisting “there's an inconsistency here. I mean, Hagel and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs have…

Fox News Sunday Panel Slams Obama’s Foreign Policy: ‘The Underesti

August 10th, 2014 2:43 PM
In the wake of the U.S. military launching air strikes to combat ISIS militants in northern Iraq, the entire panel on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace had some harsh words for President Obama’s foreign policy. While the entire panel that appeared on Sunday, August 10 agreed that Obama has mismanaged the threat ISIS poses to the Middle East, Ron Fournier of National Journal had the strongest…

On Fox News Sunday, Williams Says Opposition to Obama Is 'Old, White

August 4th, 2014 6:46 PM
It would almost not be worth noting, because it's so predictable. On Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams, with strategic support at opportune times from National Journal's Ron Fournier, characterized the support within the Republican Party for impeachment as coming from "Tea Party opposition ... (with) no diversity, it's a white, older group of people." What makes it worthy of notice is the fact…

Battle Ensues On Fox News Sunday Over Existence of Racism In Oppositio

August 3rd, 2014 3:32 PM
On Sunday, August 3, a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace broke out into a heated debate over whether or not opposition to President Obama’s policies had racial undertones. Juan Williams, former NPR reporter and current Fox News contributor, argued that "the Republican Party has become almost a completely white party."  For his part, Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage Action…

Chris Wallace: Cronkite 'Would Not Be Happy to See What's Happening in

June 17th, 2014 1:00 PM
In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace condemned network television news for being obsessed with "what's trending online or some Internet YouTube video" rather than hard news, lamenting: "I'm frankly disheartened by some of the stuff I see creeping into newscasts." He further observed: "The weekday morning television shows have really been overrun by…

FNC Calls Out Democratic Hypocrisy Over Fundraising Off Benghazi

May 12th, 2014 9:56 AM
On Monday, May 12, FNC's Fox and Friends exposed Democratic hypocrisy in accusing Republicans of trying to raise money off the deaths of Americans from the Benghazi attack, when Democrats themselves have a history of linking fundraising to deadly events. Referring to Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy explaining this hypocrisy on the previous day's Fox News Sunday, FNC co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck…