'The New York Times Wants America to Lose

July 6th, 2008 1:18 PM
Why would the New York Times divulge information that could prove harmful to the national security of the United States?  Because, so consumed is it by hatred of President Bush, that the paper actually wants America to lose.  Such is the considered opinion Jim Pinkerton expressed on yesterday's Fox News Watch.  The case in point was an article the Times published on June 30, 2008, Amid U.S.…

'Like Willie Horton, Except Obama Knew Rev. Wright

April 27th, 2008 7:40 AM
This week's Fox News Watch was a mix of the candid, the intriguing and the downright comical. Let's start with the humor. Well-intentioned liberal panel member Jane Hall, wringing her hands over the fact that the Wright matter has injected race into the campaign, got off this bit of unintentional comedy.JANE HALL: Unfortunately, this is going to be what's going to be associated [with Obama]. I…

FNC Highlights CNN's Memo Calling for Praise of Fidel Castro

February 23rd, 2008 9:38 PM

FNW: MSM Backs Bhutto; Willie Horton Redux

November 11th, 2007 1:13 PM
Should I be worried? I just agreed with something Neal Gabler said. On yesterday's Fox News Watch, the liberal media critic opined that the MSM is backing Benazir Bhutto over Pervez Musharraf in the current Pakistan crisis -- and not for the loftiest of motives.And could Hillary fall prey to the scenario that brought down Michael Dukakis? View video here.

John Gibson Calls Neal Gabler a ‘Lowlife’ and a ‘Coward’ for K

October 23rd, 2007 11:18 AM
As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Neal Gabler implied on FNC's "Fox News Watch" that he wanted the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol to go to Iraq and be killed so that he could attend the conservative writer's funeral. On Monday, FNC's John Gibson took issue with Gabler's despicable comments during his radio program, calling Gabler a "lowlife," and "a coward" because "he will not come on the air…

Does Neal Gabler Want Bill Kristol Killed in Iraq

October 20th, 2007 5:07 PM
As the Iraq war continues, the vitriol from the left is getting even more hostile. In fact, just days after a long-time member of Congress stood on the floor of the House claiming the president is amused by American soldiers having their heads blown off, media writer and Fox News contributor Neal Gabler strongly implied that he'd like the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol to go to Iraq and die.…

R-i-i-p-p-p: Pinkerton Makes Like Mika Over Lohan Story

July 28th, 2007 7:18 PM
Jim Pinkerton found a graphic way to express his displeasure over Fox News Watch's decision to devote a segment to Lindsay Lohan's latest run-in with the law. With a nod to MSNBC newsreader Mika Brzezinski, who as I chronicled here had torn up a Paris Hilton story in protest, Pinkerton ripped a page or two on tonight's show.FOX NEWS WATCH PANELIST JIM PINKERTON: This speaks to formula, right…

Pinkerton: MRC Got it Right on McCain

July 15th, 2007 8:47 AM

Gabler Praises 'Cool' British Reaction to Terror, Condemns American 'H

July 8th, 2007 6:25 AM
If Neal Gabler had been around in the late 1930s, would he have been praising Neville Chamberlain's complacency toward Hitler while condemning Churchill and FDR for their "hysteria"? Maybe so, judging by the liberal Fox News Watch panelist's comparison of the reaction of the British and the Americans to terror.Gabler appeared on last evening's Fox News Watch.FOX NEWS WATCH PANELIST NEAL GABLER…

Pinkerton: For Open Borders' Sake, MSM and Bush Admin Spiked Terrorist

June 10th, 2007 7:20 PM

Gabler: Don't Legitimize Fox News

March 17th, 2007 7:50 PM

Gabler Slurs MRC as 'Liars' Over Report on Media Coverage of Romney vs

February 17th, 2007 7:23 PM
Neal Gabler called Media Research Center "liars" on this evening's Fox News Watch. The accusation against NewsBusters' parent organization came in the course of a discussion of media coverage of Mitt Romney's announcement of his presidential candidacy.View video here.Conservative columnist Jim Pinkerton observed: "I don't think [the media] like Romney. I don't think they really want a…

Gabler's Gripe: Fox, Rush, 'Singled Out' WaPo Columnist Who Called Tro

February 10th, 2007 8:43 PM
I was curious as to how Neal Gabler would opine. Surely, there was no way the resident aggressive lefty at Fox News Watch would defend the odious statements of William Arkin, who in this column libeled the US military as "mercenaries" and claimed we treat them to "obscene amenities." As it turns out, Gabler didn't, even going so far as to call Arkin's statements "idiotic." However . . . that…

Cal Nails It: Spoiled By Desert Storm Success, America Awaits Jack Bau

January 13th, 2007 7:11 PM
Cal Thomas had the line of the night on this evening's Fox News Watch. Here's how the conservative commentator explained Americans' dissatisfaction with progress in Iraq:"Part of the problem here is we have Desert Storm with the 100-hour war. Everybody came home. There were victory marches, General Schwarzkopf leading. The press was full of stories: 'we finally got the Vietnam monkey off our…