Editor’s Pick: Fox on Medical Experts Slamming Media Over Abortion

April 21st, 2022 10:39 AM

On Thursday, Fox News Digital associate editor Kristine Parks reported: “The country is sharply divided on the issue of abortion, but the majority of Americans support at least some restrictions on abortion, particularly past the first trimester. However, the media consistently takes sides on the abortion debate by framing stories with pro-choice language.” She pointed out: “While framing laws…


Editor’s Pick: Fox on Networks Ignoring Black Lives Matter Scandal

April 13th, 2022 10:59 AM

On Tuesday, Fox News Digital media reporter Joseph A. Wulfsohn reported: “The three broadcast networks are turning a blind eye towards a growing scandal plaguing the Black Lives Matter organization.” He pointed to “A stunning report from New York Magazine last week revealed that the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation had bought a 6,500-square-foot mansion in southern California with…

Editor’s Pick: Fox on Media Narrative on Hunter’s Laptop Collapsing

April 6th, 2022 10:01 AM

On Wednesday, Fox News media reporter Brian Flood and associate editor Nikolas Lanum reported on how: “CNN and MSNBC each spent months downplaying the relevancy of Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop, often chalking it up as ‘Russian disinformation,’ but the liberal networks haven’t spent much time on the infamous computer since its authenticity was confirmed.”

Editor’s Pick: Fox on Media Pushing CRT, Then Denying It Exists

March 30th, 2022 10:49 AM

On Wednesday, Fox News Digital associate editor Nikolas Lanum reported on how the same left-wing media that repeatedly pushed Critical Race Theory simultaneously tried to deny its existence as Republicans started gaining traction on the issue: “...ideology crucial to critical race theory (CRT) [has been] receiving a prime media platform, which MSNBC, CNN, ABC, and other mainstream media…

Editor’s Pick: Fox on Media Hailing Jackson After Bashing Barrett

March 22nd, 2022 10:13 AM

On Tuesday, Fox News Digital senior editor David Rutz and media reporter Joseph A. Wulfsohn reported on the stunning double standard the leftist media have displayed when it comes to Supreme Court nominations under Republican versus Democratic administrations: “Members of the legacy media have offered vastly different coverage between the ongoing Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Ketanji…

Facebook Fact-Checker CENSORS Heritage Video on Biden Gas Policy

March 17th, 2022 10:25 AM

Big Tech censorship went from targeting statements of former President Donald Trump to targeting quotes of current President Biden’s embarrassing statements. Heritage Action was their latest target.

Editor’s Pick: Fox on MSNBC Econ Analyst Blasting Biden on Inflation

March 11th, 2022 10:46 AM

On Thursday, Fox News Digital reporter Yael Halon covered how, “MSNBC economic analyst and former Obama adviser Steven Rattner took President Biden to task on Thursday for claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is responsible for the soaring inflation Americans are facing at home.”

Editor’s Pick: Fox on NBC Defending Biden Canceling Keystone

March 4th, 2022 10:07 AM

On Thursday, Fox News Associate Editor Kristine Parks reported: “NBC’s Chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander repeated White House talking points to his Republican guest during a MSNBC interview on Thursday. Alexander denied that the Keystone XL Pipeline would’ve had any impact on the United States’ dependence on foreign oil.”

Editor’s Pick: Fox on Nikole Hannah-Jones Crying Racism Over Ukraine

February 28th, 2022 10:15 AM

On Monday, Fox News Associate Editor Brandon Gillespie reported: “New York Times Magazine reporter and founder of the controversial 1619 Project Nikole Hannah-Jones was sharply mocked by critics over the weekend for falsely claiming that Europe was ‘not a continent.’” It was part of an effort by Hannah-Jones to argue that concern over the invasion of Ukraine was fueled by racism.


Media Bury ‘Bribable Situation’ Hunter Put Himself in With ‘WeedSlut'

February 23rd, 2022 12:26 PM

With war raging in Europe and Joe Biden’s domestic standing crumbling under inflation and gas prices woes, there’s one debacle the networks are determined to protect the President from: His son. This week, the tax fraud investigation into Hunter Biden grew even more salacious as a lingerie designer who goes by WeedSlut420 testified to a grand jury. 

Editor’s Pick: Fox on CBS Ripped for Blaming Inflation on Ukraine

February 23rd, 2022 10:21 AM

On Wednesday, Fox News Associate Editor Brandon Gillespie reported: “CBS News is being ripped by critics for blaming increased gas prices, inflation and supply-chain issues on Russia and the crisis in Ukraine rather than the Biden administration’s handling of the economy.” The false spin from the broadcast network came in the form a tweet on Tuesday.

Editor’s Pick: Fox on WashPost Obsession With Attacking Youngkin

February 10th, 2022 10:44 AM

On Wednesday, Fox News Media Reporter Brian Flood reported: “The Washington Post has attacked Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin on a regular basis since he was sworn in last month, consistently publishing negative opinion pieces slamming him for everything from his stance on critical race theory to an email tip line set up for concerned parents.”

Editor’s Pick: Fox on CNN Insider Demanding Stelter Be Fired

February 3rd, 2022 10:22 AM

On Wednesday, Fox News media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn reported: “A CNN ‘insider’ is reportedly calling for the firing of the network’s left-wing media correspondent Brian Stelter for not exposing CNN president Jeff Zucker’s romantic relationship with another high-ranking colleague, something that's been dubbed an ‘open secret’ by critics.”

US Gov’t Hit Up Twitter More than Any Other Country for User Info

January 26th, 2022 3:23 PM

Twitter VP Sinéad McSweeney warned of unprecedented government crackdowns on free speech and requests for surveillance of internet users in the platform’s latest transparency report.