Latest Hypocrisy of the Left: Cultural Appropriation

April 13th, 2016 12:01 PM
Yet another twisted cultural debate is now raging among the liberal left. Can white kids wear dreadlocks without being accused of cultural appropriation?

Fusion Guiding Viewers on How to Move to Canada

April 7th, 2016 9:21 AM
Fusion, the left-wing millennial-focused TV Network, actually did something good for once – they gave their viewers a guide on how to move to Canada.

Fusion Touts Teaching Children about Trans Lifestyle

April 4th, 2016 2:05 PM
Fusion, the hyper-left English-language media outlet run by Univision, continues to push the bounds of its Trans acceptance campaign, by now encouraging the indoctrination of our nation’s youth.

Fusion Network’s New Love Affair with the Trans Agenda

March 28th, 2016 4:00 PM
A time-tested, common-sense civic and cultural norm is currently under direct assault. Specifically, the inherent right to gender privacy, that fittingly separates men and women when it comes to access to public restrooms, has become the latest battlefield of the left.

Media Practices the Art of Misdirection, And It's Killing Us

March 25th, 2016 6:00 PM
The crack team at the Fusion network’s investigative unit is out with their findings explaining the roots of terrorism rising out of the terrorist hotbed of Molenbeek, Belgium. Apparently, it’s the 40 percent unemployment.

NARAL Wants You to Know: Not Being Pro-Abortion is a Liability

March 23rd, 2016 4:00 PM
Pro-choice advocacy has been given a place of privilege on Univision’s sister network, Fusion, with a new video being dedicated to the views of Missayr Boker, assistant political director of  the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL).

Wife of ‘The Bern’ Gets Puff Piece Treatment on Fusion

March 23rd, 2016 11:00 AM
Fusion’s Jorge Rivas just published an embarrassingly complimentary puff piece on Jane Sanders. Anyone reading the piece would come away thinking Ms. Sanders is a humble, compassionate and thoughtful humanitarian brimming with idea after idea on how to make the world better and more peaceful – that’s because that is exactly what Rivas wants you to think.

Fusion Continues to Tie Trump to Nazis, KKK

March 22nd, 2016 12:15 PM
In an article titled “Two Evils” posted on their blatantly left-wing website, Fusion’s Charles Pulliam-Moore lets it be known that he firmly believes Donald Trump is a “racist Nazi” and he wants you to think the same.

Radical ‘Half Planet’ Environmental Agenda Floated on Fusion

March 22nd, 2016 9:51 AM
A proposal that calls for barring humans from half of the Earth’s land mass has actually received serious consideration from Fusion, the Univision-backed television network aimed at the millennial generation.

Dolores Huerta Derrocha Su Legado Atacando a los Republicanos

March 18th, 2016 4:57 PM
En una entrevista con Daniel Rivero de Fusion, Dolores Huerta -- quien apoya a Hillary Clinton -- empezó con su manera típica de "difamación total" con calumnias hacia todos los aspirantes a la candidatura presidencial republicana y comparando a Donald Trump con el fallecido George Wallace, de reputación racista y segregacionista.

Fusion Plays Up Dolores Huerta’s Anti-GOP Demagoguery

March 17th, 2016 9:34 AM
In an interview with Fusion’s Daniel Rivero, Hillary Clinton supporter Dolores Huerta went into her now typical “full smear” mode, maligning the entire GOP presidential field and comparing Donald Trump to the long-deceased former racist and segregationist, George Wallace.  

Aborto una "experiencia totalmente feliz" según reportera de Fusion

March 16th, 2016 3:00 PM
En camino hacia la decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Estados Unidos sobre la ley de Texas que exige requisitos médicos más estrictos para las clínicas de aborto una reportera de Fusion, la cadena hermana de tendencia izquierdista de Univisión, ha entrado fuerte en el tema con su testimonio de la "felicidad" que sigue después de tener un aborto.

'Queer' Punk Duo Demands 'Gender-Neutral Bathrooms' For Concert Venues

March 16th, 2016 2:13 PM
Washington City Paper reports with cheerleading that the pop-punk band PWR BTTM (don’t google power bottom) is using its “unmistakable charisma and candor” (captured in part by NPR promotion)  to impose on concert venues a “gender-neutral” restroom policy. Last month, the ABC/Univision-owned website Fusion celebrated the emphasis on "trans-friendly" bathrooms.

Un corresponsal de Fusion aclama un aviso comercial de McDonald´s que

March 16th, 2016 11:12 AM
Mientras los estadounidenses y muchos en todas partes continúan el debate acerca del "matrimonio" homosexual, la cadena principal de restaurantes de comida rápida en la nación, McDonald´s, evidentemente ha decidido tomar partido y apoyar el estilo de vida gay en un aviso publicitario difundido en el otro lado del mundo:  en Taiwán.