
Críticas a Trump y a EE.UU. en evento de Univisión

October 18th, 2016 9:49 AM
En lo que pareció ser el mitin por Hillary Clinton más grande realizado hasta ahora de la campaña presidencial, Univisión y su cadena hermana en inglés Fusion volvieron a apoyar abiertamente a su candidata predilecta. Lo hicieron con un evento para promover el voto que fue televisado durante tres horas.  El mitin, con una concurrencia estimada de 15.000 personas (aunque es posible que algunos no…

Trump, U.S. Border Trashed at Univision GOTV Event

October 17th, 2016 6:45 PM
In what appeared to be the biggest pro-Hillary rally yet of the fall campaign (with an estimated crowd of 15,000, though it’s likely more than a few in attendance were non-citizens, and thus ineligible to cast a vote), Univision and its sister English-language network, Fusion, once again delivered for their network’s preferred candidate, with a three-hour televised Get-Out-the-Vote extravaganza,…

Un anticipo del concierto-mítin 'RiseUp Una Voz' de Univision

October 15th, 2016 11:15 AM
Hoy es el día: Univision transmitirá el evento que ha promovido con bombos y platillos: el mega concierto y mítin "RiseUp: Una Voz"- una "celebración de música y diversidad" que se transmitirá por Univision y Fusion. Esto es lo que podemos anticipar ya que llegó el evento.

Preview: Univision's 'Rise Up As One' GOTV Concert-Rally

October 15th, 2016 8:00 AM
Tonight's the night: The much-hyped "Rise Up As One" concert event- billed as "a celebration of music and unity" airs live on both Univision and Fusion. Here's what to expect now that the event is finally here.

Univision Anchor Sounds Like Leonardo DiCaprio On Climate Dissidents

October 14th, 2016 1:14 PM
As we have reported before and will most certainly report again, there is an agenda at Univision that extends far beyond immigration, that goes well into the progressive policy basket. Here is yet another instance where a news anchor at that network is outspoken about his particular biases regarding an issue that he may later report on.

Bloomberg Businessweek: Univision Needs Clinton Win For FCC Relief

October 14th, 2016 10:28 AM
Some fascinating nuggets emerge from next week's Bloomberg Businessweek cover story - a feature on Univision Executive Chairman and Clinton Foundation megadonor Haim Saban. Chief among them, that Univision is in fact what we thought it was.

Is Univision Already Devouring Itself?

September 22nd, 2016 10:56 PM
The last time we examined the structural changes at Univision, we looked at the internal pressures faced by the network as it tries to capture a larger share of the Millenial audience and expand its digital footprint- while still depending heavily on Spanish-language entertainment for ratings and revenue. Early signs point to a crackup.

Fusion: Trump Porn, Sex Toys Send 'Strong Political Message'

September 21st, 2016 9:21 AM
Just when you thought this election couldn’t get any dirtier, you can now choose between a variety of Donald Trump themed sex paraphernalia including a Trump blow-up sex doll, Trump-themed porn or erotic e-books, and Trump butt plugs! Fusion spoke with University of Wisconsin sex-toy historian (you read that right, Badger State taxpayers) Hallie Lieberman regarding the wide assortment of Trump…

Jorge Ramos: More Candy Crowleys, Please.

September 19th, 2016 1:14 PM
Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos continues to do his best to justify the underlying bases behind the MRC's "Ramos Must Go" campaign. This week's multinational syndicated opinion column features a call for debate moderators to join him in abandoning objectivity and inserting themselves into the debates.

Activismo electoral de Ramos enciende campaña “¡Ramos debe irse!"

September 15th, 2016 12:05 AM
En reacción a las repetidas declaraciones públicas del presentador principal de noticias de Univisión Jorge Ramos oponiéndose a la elección de Donald Trump, se ha puesto en marcha una campaña para denunciar la cobertura tendenciosa de Ramos y presionar a Univisión para que lo suspenda como presentador de noticias desde ahora hasta el día de las elecciones.

Univision Anchor’s Electioneering Sparks 'Ramos Must Go' Drive

September 14th, 2016 10:15 AM
In reaction to Univision chief news anchor Jorge Ramos’ repeated statements in the media opposing the election of Donald Trump, an effort is underway to both highlight Ramos’ compromised coverage of the election, as well as bring pressure to bear on Univision to remove Ramos from the network’s news anchor desk between now and Election Day.

Ramos contrariado por la exitosa visita de Donald Trump a México

September 4th, 2016 11:58 AM
"Peña Nieto no estaba listo para Trump", tuiteó Jorge Ramos de Univisión a raíz de la inesperada visita del candidato presidencial republicano estadounidense Donald Trump al presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto.

Brent Bozell reprocha a Jorge Ramos por callar ante desafío a debatir

September 1st, 2016 9:12 PM
A principios de esta semana desafié públicamente a Jorge Ramos a sostener un debate sobre cuál es la función propia de los periodistas en nuestra sociedad libre. Ramos no ha respondido. Esto es así porque él sabe que no se pueden defender sus violaciones de las normas periodísticas.

Ramos Freaks Out Over Trump's Successful Mexico Visit

August 31st, 2016 9:29 PM
“Peña Nieto was not ready for Trump,” tweeted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos in the wake of the Republican presidential candidate’s surprise visit with Mexican President Enrique Peña-Nieto.