Jorge Ramos ve racismo tras fallo DAPA y triunfo Brexit

June 29th, 2016 11:12 AM
El presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos se ha dignado en brindarnos su opinión más reciente. En el transcurso de hacerlo, busca la manera de entrelazarla con la política presidencial actual, y señala al responsable de siempre.

Jorge Ramos on Immigration, Brexit: It’s All Racism!

June 29th, 2016 9:00 AM
Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos has seen fit to grace us with his latest hot take. In the process, he finds a way to tie that into the politics surrounding the current presidential election, blaming a very familiar culprit.

Univision Misrepresents Ties To New RNC Hispanic Media Boss

June 3rd, 2016 12:04 AM
Sometimes, you can just look at a story as it unspools and know, instinctively, that the corrupt establishment media is going to find a way to embarrass itself. Univision is no different, the latest proof of that coming via the network's brazen material misrepresentation of its former relationship with the RNC's new Director of Hispanic Media, Helen Aguirre-Ferré.

Fusion Writer: No Whites in Movies Is ‘A Beautiful Thing’

May 25th, 2016 11:43 AM
You’re probably thinking “there’s no way that’s true, they didn’t actually say that.” “It can’t be!” Well, they did. It’s literally in the title of the article: “No white people will star in the ‘Fullmetal Alchemist’ movie, and that’s a beautiful thing.” It’s also not the first time this subject has come up. The writer, Charles Pulliam-Moore, has a history of showing his contempt for white people…

Leftist Media Pushes Islamic Fashion

May 19th, 2016 1:06 PM
Our friends at Fusion want your young teens to stop by the Fashion Square Mall and pick up the latest in Hijab wear. It goes fabulous with the leopard skin Fendi handbag, I’m told. Fusion, the hyper-left sister-network of Univision, continues their attempt to make Islam cool by presenting us with their latest piece titled ‘America’s first Muslim clothing store says Islamic fashion isn’t just for…

Anti-Trump Mexican Students’ Plea Featured on Fusion

May 18th, 2016 2:35 PM
Though it certainly wasn’t their intention, a segment on Fusion’s America with Jorge Ramos featuring Mexican college students pleading with U.S. voters to reject Trump may actually end up helping the presumptive Republican nominee for President. The segment, coyly titled “Mexican College Students Ask American Voters to Think Twice Before Going to the Polls” starts out innocently enough – praising…

Fusion Correspondent: ‘All Lives Matter’ Has ‘Anti-Black Undertones'

May 13th, 2016 11:50 AM
In an article titled “These black people are making a political statement by not voting in the 2016 election”, Fusion’s national political correspondent, Terrell Jermaine Starr, presents the case on why it’s justified to not vote in the upcoming election. He gives us example after example of “brave” citizens who have decided it just isn’t worth the effort to go out and follow through with their…

Columna ofensiva de Jorge Ramos celebra derrotas de Cruz y Rubio

May 13th, 2016 10:51 AM
Como de costumbre.

Obnoxious Jorge Ramos Column Celebrates Rubio, Cruz Defeat

May 12th, 2016 5:12 PM
Now that Donald Trump stands alone as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, it was only a matter of time. Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos has finally penned his primary postmortem, in which he predictably dumps all over Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

Fusion Writer Celebrates Outspoken Abortion Provider

May 11th, 2016 3:22 PM
In her latest article for Fusion, abortion provider Dr. Jennifer Conti celebrates the ‘badass’ ways of her friend and colleague, Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper, who refuses to be discreet about the life-sucking services she provides. Horvath-Cosper recently made headlines for filing a civil rights complaint against her employer, MedStar Washington Center Hospital, because the facility allegedly wants…

Latest Lefty Complaint: Bud Using the Word ‘America’ (Yes, Really)

May 11th, 2016 2:00 PM
Well, we can all thank Anheuser Busch for coming up big in the left’s perpetual hunt for something – anything! – to be offended by. In a recent Fusion article titled “Budweiser’s marketing department is out of control and needs to be stopped,” Jason O. Gilbert goes off against the decision by Budweiser to temporarily rebrand its label to say “America.” Although Donald Trump has jokingly already…

Fusion News Director: Trump 'Illness' Killed Republican Party

May 4th, 2016 3:43 PM
An opinion piece labeled as ‘news’ written by none other than Fusion’s News Director, Kevin Roose, has pronounced the Republican Party dead. Betraying his own glaring partisan/ideological prejudices, Roose ascribes the “terminal decline” of the GOP to the “2009 formation of the Tea Party” before going on to attack Donald Trump as “the illness that led to the Party’s demise.” The problem with…

Fusion Targets Ryan, Entire Republican Brand on Immigration

May 3rd, 2016 12:02 PM
Leave it to Fusion, Univision’s sister English-language network, to once again find a way to smear House Speaker Paul Ryan and all Republicans when covering the Speaker’s latest statements on U.S. immigration policy. The network’s report on Ryan’s remarks, titled Top Republican says some shockingly reasonable things about undocumented immigrants, paints the Speaker as out of step with most…

Fusion Writer: I’m Afraid My Child Will Be White

May 2nd, 2016 12:21 PM
Fusion’s Xavia Dryden is afraid. She’s pregnant and there’s a possibility something horrible is going to happen: her child might be white. In her article on the subject, “When you’re biracial but your baby could be white” Dryden goes into detail about the potential perils that may come with having a white child and the fear of the baby seeing you as a stranger. Dryden, married to a white male, is…