
'It's Like Obama's Got Ebola,' Matthews Says About Democrat Candidates
October 23rd, 2014 6:16 PM
During Tuesday night's edition of Hardball on MSNBC, liberal host Chris Matthews vented his exasperation regarding the many Democratic candidates running across the country in this year's election who are distancing themselves from the unpopular current occupant of the White House.
“It's like Obama's got Ebola,” he said, referring to the deadly disease that originated in West Africa and has…

'Hardball' Ignores Bombshell: Dem Sen. Pryor Attacked Desegregation
October 21st, 2014 9:28 PM
The October 21 edition of MSNBC's Hardball conveniently failed to pick up on a damning scoop published Tuesday by the Washington Free Beacon regarding Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor (Arkansas) and a college thesis he wrote in the mid-1980s slamming the federal government's role in desegregating the South. Instead, Matthews and his liberal guests spent the lion's share of the program blasting the GOP…

What MSNBC Won't Tell You About President Obama's Early Voting
October 20th, 2014 7:07 PM
UPDATED with correction (Oct. 22, 2014) |On her Monday afternoon program, Alex Wagner used B-roll of President Obama casting an early-voting ballot to lead into a segment whereby the MSNBC host and her guests lamented the Supreme Court's decision Saturday to allow Texas's strict voter ID law to remain in effect this election cycle. Wagner noted how a Texas federal judge earlier this month derided…

Matthews Tells Charlie Crist: ’You Got To Beat This Guy’ Rick Scott
October 17th, 2014 12:22 PM
Charlie Crist, Republican turned Independent turned Democrat, is challenging Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) in the upcoming November election and on Thursday night he was treated to a softball interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews following the “Fangate” controversy from a recent gubernatorial debate with his Republican opponent. Appearing on Hardball, Matthews obnoxiously called Scott’s actions…

MSNBC: Does GOP Push Voter ID ‘Because They Don’t Like Blacks?'
October 14th, 2014 12:33 PM
Chris Matthews continued to beat MSNBC’s voter suppression drum during an exclusive interview with Senator Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) on Monday night’s Hardball. Matthews, who like much of MSNBC has claimed that Republicans want to block minorities from voting, made the issue a focal point of his discussion with the North Carolina Democrat. The Hardball host hyped the interview by playing a clip of…
ABC, NBC Continue to Omit Mention of Reported WH Prostitution Cover-Up
October 9th, 2014 10:04 PM
According to a report in The Washington Post, senior White House officials knew that an individual with the White House advance team had a prostitute spend the night with him as part of the 2012 Colombian prostitution scandal despite the White House previously denying any involvement during the official investigation.
After failing to cover the story on their morning newscasts, ABC and NBC…

Michelle Bernard Rushes to Defend Obama Staffer Who Patronized Hooker
October 9th, 2014 9:39 PM
Self-proclaimed "victims' rights advocate" and MSNBC contributor Michelle Bernard wasted no time on Thursday's edition of Hardball defending former White House volunteer Jonathan Dach -- now employed at the State Department in the Office on Global Women's Issues -- from charges that he patronized a prostitute while on official business as an Obama advance man in Cartagena, Colombia.
Notable Quotables: Farewell to the ‘Non-Political’ Eric Holder
October 6th, 2014 8:32 AM
Now online: the October 6 edition of Notable Quotables, MRC’s bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous quotes in the liberal media. This week, NBC’s Chuck Todd tags the very liberal Eric Holder as “non-political,” even as his own network can’t decide if the President’s assertion that intelligence agencies failed to warn about ISIS was a “candid” admission or shifting the blame away from the…

Hardball Panel Briefly Kicks Around Secret Service Conspiracy Theory
September 30th, 2014 9:18 PM
During a panel discussion on the September 30 program, MSNBC Hardball panelists briefly discussed how some folks may feel that recent lapses in Secret Service security are not accidental but in some way intentional, borne out of a dislike or hatred for the president within the agency's ranks.

VIDEO: MSNBC Anchor Chris Matthews's 'Homeland' Hypocrisy Exposed
September 24th, 2014 9:15 PM
MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews periodically goes on a tear about his disdain for the term "homeland" to refer to the United States of America. On his September 24 program, Chris Matthews groused it was "ominous" language. But it seems his colleague Al Sharpton never got the memo as he used it just prior to the lead-in to tonight's Hardball. What's more, it seems Matthews himself sometimes uses the…

Proof MSNBC's Dullest Knife Doesn't Listen to His Guests
September 22nd, 2014 9:38 PM
In a segment on the September 22 edition of Hardball, MSNBC's Chris Matthews was informed by guest Carol Leonnig, a staff writer for the Washington Post, that Friday's White House fence-jumper, Omar Gonzalez, was found to have been carrying a serrated knife on his person, not a switchblade.
Yet about 30 minutes later, in a separate panel discussion, Matthews referred to the knife as a…
Chris Matthews Assailed Christie as New Nixon, Skips Lack of Evidence
September 19th, 2014 12:40 PM
When the Bridgegate scandal engulfed Chris Christie in January, MSNBC's Chris Matthews went wild, repeatedly comparing the controversy to Watergate. On Thursday afternoon, federal officials revealed that the New Jersey governor had no prior knowledge of the planned traffic backup. Somehow, the Hardball anchor ignored the development.

Once Again Chris Matthews Parrots al Qaeda Talking Point
September 15th, 2014 10:13 PM
Yet again MSNBC's Chris Matthews has blamed Islamist terrorism on the stationing of U.S. troops in "the holy land" of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, echoing a talking point of the late terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.
Matthews: 'I Remain a Skeptic' About Obama's ISIS Strategy
September 11th, 2014 9:41 PM
On Hardball, Chris Matthews describes himself as a "skeptic" about President Obama's ISIS strategy. Matthews argues that since the president has excluded American boots on the ground, we will be forced to rely on foreign partners to hold territory, yet there are no such viable forces available.