
PBS Wokesters Look Out for Hawaii’s ‘Local Menstruators’ (AKA Women)
Thursday’s PBS NewsHour tackled the concerns of “local menstruators” in Hawaii, a story that fused the tax-funded outlet’s search for niche necessities that require government funding with its ongoing attempt to defy science and pretend humans other than biological women get periods. It’s the latest “period piece” from tax-funded PBS, whose long anti-scientific advocacy for the “…

Doocy’s Hardball to KJP on Biden Vacation Makes NBC, WSJ Look SALTY
During Wednesday’s Doocy Time at the White House press briefing, one of the questions from Fox White House correspondent Peter Doocy drew looks of incredulousness and disgust from liberal journalists seated next to and behind him. Doocy’s crime? Asking White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if the response to Hurricane Idalia was smoother vs. the Hawaii wildfires because President…

Media Spare Biden Bad Press Over Maui Blunders; Savaged Bush in ’05
The media's kid-gloves treatment of Joe Biden after his inept response to the horrific Maui firestorm on August 8 stands in stark contrast to the withering attacks unleashed against then-President George W. Bush in the wake of the catastrophic Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.

Honolulu Newspaper Gives Whitewashed Account of Biden's Maui Visit
The Honolulu Star Advertiser acted as a loving PR flack for Joe Biden during his brief Maui visit.

Levin Goes After ‘Sickening Exploitation’ of Maui by Climate Nuts
Conservative radio host Mark Levin eviscerated radical activists and local and state government in the wake of a disastrous Hawaii wildfires.

Snopes Rushes to Defend Biden, KJP From Fake News on Maui Visit
The "independent fact-checkers" have a knee-jerk pattern of rushing to the defense of Team Biden. They're not always wrong about the facts. But their selection bias is obvious.

While Hundreds Deal With Maui Fires, Paris Hilton Vacations With Fam
Paris Hilton is just another incredibly insensitive celebrity whose middle name is Narcissism.
A Minority View from the Aloha State
HONOLULU – If one discounts Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, Hawaii is about as far – geographically and politically – from Washington, D.C., as one can get. There are just six Republicans out of 51 in the State House of Representatives and two out of 25 in the Senate. One of them is Rep. Gene Ward, who has spent a total of 24 years in the legislative minority. A mark of his effectiveness is that in…

Creepy Who Bashes The Right Gets Arrested On Child Pornography Charges
FBI agents arrested Hawaiian high school teacher Alden Bunah last week on charges of distributing child pornography, according to KKTV.

SHOCKER: NYT Throws Cold Water on Biden’s Massive Infrastructure Bill
The New York Times had an unusual red pill moment and actually threw cold water on the hype behind President Joe Biden’s huge $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill signed into law earlier this month.
Nets Have Fun with Obama Golf Game That Forced Couple to Move Wedding
CNN: Optics of Obama Forcing Couple to Move Wedding 'Hilariously Bad'

Al Gore: Climate Deniers 'Immoral, Unethical, and Despicable