
CNN, MSNBC Spend 233 Minutes Shoveling Flimsy Kavanaugh Attack

September 16th, 2019 5:35 PM
Since 9:00 am ET Sunday morning, CNN and MSNBC have spent nearly four hours of airtime peddling dubious new charges of misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh that allegedly took place when he was in college. The claims were first published by The New York Times late Saturday night.

Big Contrast! CNN Slammed Trump for Golfing, But Felt Obama's Pain

September 5th, 2019 3:35 PM
On Tuesday's Inside Politics, CNN host John King harrumphed about President Trump playing golf on Labor Day while Hurricane Dorian was over the Bahamas. "The president played golf yesterday, provoking considerable backlash and accusations he is not spending enough time worrying about the hurricane." Then King played a pile of clips from 2016 of Trump mocking Obama for golfing and insisting he…

CNN Pundits Pile on Israel for Banning Omar, Tlaib

August 15th, 2019 9:23 PM
CNN's John King began his Inside Politics program on Thursday by lamenting Israel's refusal to admit leftist Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar as "unprecedented" and contrary to democratic ideals. 

CNN: Critics 'Pouncing,' 'Seizing' on Biden Gaffe

August 9th, 2019 6:17 PM
Another day, another Joe Biden gaffe, another story framed as "Republicans Pounce" or "Republicans Seize." That's how CNN Inside Politics guest host Nia-Malika Henderson framed the story of the former Vice President's Thursday gaffe where he said that, "Poor kids are just as bright as just as talented as white kids" before immediately correcting himself, "wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids."

With Hurd Leaving, CNN Pretends to Be Concerned About the GOP’s Future

August 2nd, 2019 4:35 PM
While he’s received some praise during his congressional career, the liberal media’s use of sudden respect boiled with Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX) announcing that he won’t seek reelection. And, as with many cases of when GOPers either retire or pass away, the liberal media used the occasion to lament how their hated opposition just isn’t as respectable as it used to be. Throughout the day on…

Robotic Hacks: CNNers Bash Trump’s ‘Politics of Hate’ on Baltimore

July 29th, 2019 6:49 PM

CNN has gone after Sinclair Broadcast Group for having affiliates read scripts about fake news. But what about CNN’s penchant for identical segments with little independence for its hosts? Well, an example popped up Monday with the President criticizing Baltimore for its rampant crime, decrepit conditions, and Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who’s gerrymandered-district includes much of…


CNN's John King Compares 'the Squad' to the Boston Tea Party

July 16th, 2019 4:38 PM
Dissent is, once again, the highest form of patriotism or at least it is according to CNN Inside Politics host John King. During his Tuesday show in discussing the war of words between President Trump and "The Squad," King compared their grievances against Trump and the country to the Boston Revolutionaries of 1773.

CNN's John King: It's the 2020 Election, Not the 1820 Election

July 15th, 2019 8:56 PM
Why won't Republicans condemn President Trump's tweets? That's the question the media has been asking all day Monday, but as more Republicans come out and do condemn Trump's tweets that said that four progressive Democratic congresswomen, three of whom were born in the United States, should "go back" to their native countries and fix them before criticizing the U.S, one gets the sense that simply…

CNN Turns Epstein Scandal into Just Another Trump Admin Scalp

July 14th, 2019 2:30 PM

On Sunday, CNN’s Brian Stelter and Phil Mattingly warped the recent sentencing of child abuser and Democratic mega-donor Jeffrey Epstein into a story about (who else?) Donald Trump. Following the resignation of Labor Secretary Alex Acosta — who had come under scrutiny for a shockingly favorable plea deal he had previously granted Epstein as a federal prosecutor — both Stelter and Mattingly…


CNN Panel Declares Amy McGrath's Kavanaugh Flip-Flop a 'Disaster'

July 12th, 2019 8:25 AM
If you are a Democrat candidate for an important office, you really have to mess up bad for CNN's Inside Politics to declare your candidacy a "disaster." Such was the case on Thursday when host John King brought up how declared Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate from Kentucky running against Mitch McConnell flip-flopped on whether she would have supported the nomination of Justice Brett…

Even CNN Panel Criticizes Nadler Committee Treatment of Hope Hicks

June 21st, 2019 9:17 PM
Just how demeaning was the treatment of Hope Hicks by the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee and it's chairman, Jerry Nadler? So bad that even a CNN Inside Politics panel hosted by John King criticized those members and Nadler rather harshly especially after the latter referred to Hope Hicks as "Lewandowski" not once, not twice but three times.

CNN's King Compares President Trump to a 'Toddler Who Got Caught'

June 14th, 2019 3:00 PM

During Inside Politics Thursday, host John King and the panel lost their minds about President Trump’s interview with George Stephanopoulos; where he suggested that if a foreign power came to him or someone on his campaign with information about his Democratic opponent, he would advise them to “listen” to the information they offered and “go maybe to the FBI” if something seemed sinister.…


CNN Criticizes Trump's 'Fake' Pelosi Video, That Wasn't Actually Fake

May 24th, 2019 4:05 PM
Inside Politics host John King “didn’t have the words” to describe how Trump defended himself after Speaker Nancy Pelosi questioned the President’s mental state and suggested that he needed an intervention the day before in a press conference.

CNN: Pro-Lifers Are Now ‘On the Defensive’ Like Ralph Northam!

May 21st, 2019 4:07 PM

Tuesday afternoon on CNN, Inside Politics and CNN Right Now compared conservatives and Republicans nationwide seeking to advance pro-life legislation to the scandal-ridden Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) after he made his comments endorsing infanticide. Their rationale? Well, in both cases, those two sides found themselves “on the defensive.” Yes, really.