Kansas City Star

Kansas City Star 'News' Report on Senate Debate Is Just Biased Spin
October 22nd, 2018 9:36 AM
Call it a highly biased opinion hit piece disguised as a news report in the October 19 Kansas City Star. In fact, your humble correspondent had to check the home page of that periodical to make sure it wasn't listed as "Opinion" but, no, it was listed under their "Latest News" section. I am referring to the article (really opinion hit piece) about the October 18 Senate debate in Missouri between…

Rachel Maddow Jumps on Anti-Redskins Bandwagon, Pretends Liberal Polit
August 14th, 2013 10:18 AM
With the National Football League's new season just around the corner, fans of the sport are beginning to revive hopes that their favorite professional team will go all the way and win the Super Bowl on Feb. 2, 2014.
However, that's apparently not the case with Rachel Maddow. Instead, the host of a weeknight program on the liberal MSNBC cable channel is unhappy with the Washington Redskins,…