Late Show
Eight Times Hollywood Used Melania to Attack President Trump
Hollywood loves to mock the Commander in Chief, some leaders more than others. The industry takes a different approach to the First Lady. It’s either hands off completely, an occasional joke lobbed in her direction or a more collaborative connection. Remember when Michelle Obama dropped by Sesame Street to talk nutrition?What about when First Lady Barbara Bush chatted up Big Bird to spread the…
Colbert Slams Melania Trump in ‘Worst Moral Scandal in Recent Memory'
Lemon: Border Policy All About 'Race,’ Whites 'Losing Privilege'
Colbert Compares Trump Border Policy to the 'Shawshank Redemption'
Colbert Displays Inept Grasp of Bible While Trying to Bash Sessions
CBS’s King Gushes Over Porn Lawyer Avenatti: ‘He’s a Rock Star!'
Matthews: Dems, Media Must Remind America What Decency Is
NBC Calls Out Clinton’s ‘False Allegations’ About Today Interview
CBS's Colbert Offers Bill Clinton 'Do-Over' After #MeToo Backlash
Colbert Trashes Vindicated Baker as Sex-Obsessed ‘Fundamentalist'
Unhinged Colbert: Iran Deal Was 'An American Promise' and a 'Treaty'
Sorry, Liberal Media, But You Own Michelle Wolf
Michelle Wolf is not the first so-called comic to maliciously insult conservatives and Republicans at a White House Correspondents' Association dinner, but she was intentionally mean-spirited, and even after the blowback, she's unrepentant. Members of the liberal mainstream media have expressed disapproval over some of Wolf's comments, saying she went too far. But I'm not buying it. This is…