Thank You, Stephen Colbert

May 6th, 2017 4:23 PM
I oppose the push to remove "The Late Show" comedian Stephen Colbert from the air because of his obscene tirade against President Donald Trump. In fact, I wish the video of his boorish diatribe would go viral. The best remedy against the political left's ongoing crusade to remake America in its own vulgar image is maximum exposure of its irrationality.

Vile Colbert Doubles Down on Trump Attack, ‘I Don't Regret That’

May 4th, 2017 1:03 AM
After angering many well-mannered Americans and seeing the #FireColbert hashtag go viral over a two day period, so-call comedian Stephen Colbert started off The Late Show on Wednesday by doubling down on his low-brow “humor.”  “I don't regret that,” he told his audience. The outcry Colbert was defying stemmed from an angry and curse-filled tirade that he leveled against President Trump Monday…

NBC Calls Out Colbert for ‘Crude’ Anti-Trump Tirade

May 3rd, 2017 11:35 AM
After CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert launched into and vicious and vulgar tantrum against President Trump Monday night, the broadcast networks were initially silent on the controversy swirling around the left-wing comedian. However, that silence was broken Wednesday morning when NBC’s Today actually provided a full report on the backlash against the “crude” tirade.

Shameless Colbert Defends Dickerson In Disgusting Rant Against Trump

May 2nd, 2017 9:54 AM
After Trump abruptly ended an interview with CBS’s John Dickerson yesterday, Late Show host Stephen Colbert devoted his entire monologue to the contentious exchange Monday night, specifically taking issue with Trump calling Dickerson’s show, “Deface the Nation.” Colbert attacked the president in an angry profanity-filled rant to end his monologue, crassly calling Trump’s mouth a “holster” for…

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: Trump Has Given WH 'A Mad King Air to It'

April 18th, 2017 6:23 PM
During Monday's edition of CBS's The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert asked guest Chris Hayes who he trusts “over there” in the Trump administration. Hayes, the host of MSNBC's All In weeknight program, responded quickly: “No one.”

NYT Worships Colbert, Won’t Forgive Fallon for Treating Trump as Human

April 10th, 2017 4:11 PM

The New York Times’ John Koblin made the front of Business Day Monday with yet another fawning article from the NYT about how the Trump presidency has given a liberal television comedian a new lease on ratings popularity: “How Colbert Finally Got on a Roll.” It’s basically the same article the Times has been running for two months:


Colbert Mocks: 'Naughty' Pence 'Dry Humps' the Bread Basket

March 31st, 2017 11:49 AM
To Hollywood and the media, it’s more acceptable for a politician to cheat on their spouses and “sext” random women with their young children present, than it is to actually have a healthy, respectful marriage. Take the left’s treatment of Vice President Mike Pence, whose comments made in 2002 about boundaries in his marriage have come back this week to haunt him.

Boom: Even Liberal Colbert Blasts Rachel Maddow’s Lame ‘Scoop’

March 16th, 2017 11:36 AM
You know it’s bad when even the liberal Stephen Colbert is mocking Rachel Maddow’s non-scoop about Donald Trump’s taxes. The Late Show host on Wednesday devoted two segments to skewering Maddow’s hype-fest on the President’s 2005 taxes. After noting how the MSNBC host pushed the story on Twitter prior to Tuesday’s show, Colbert joked, “Rachel took us on an emotional roller coaster. Because, like…

Actress Cate Blanchett: My Moral Compass Is 'My Vagina'

March 8th, 2017 11:19 AM
On International Women’s Day, feminists are here to remind you that their morality is primarily driven from their genitals. Liberal actress Cate Blanchett proudly told Late Show host Stephen Colbert as much, on his March 3 show.  

Colbert, Earnest: Speech Was in Alternate Reality, FNC's 'Fake News'

March 1st, 2017 2:58 AM
Bitter, far-left comedian Stephen Colbert hosted a live Late Show on Tuesday following President Trump’s address to a Joint Session of Congress and panned it during his monologue but later conceded that it was “a perfectly good speech” that honored our troops. 

Jon Stewart 'Hijacks' CBS's 'Late Show,' Rips Donald Trump

February 28th, 2017 6:06 PM
Jon Stewart, former host of The Daily Show on the Comedy Central cable television channel, returned to the TV spotlight by “hijacking” Monday night's edition of The Late Show on CBS, which is hosted by Stewart protégé Stephen Colbert. While he spent most of the segment claiming Donald Trump uses the phrase “Believe me” when the Republican president is lying, Stewart also reminded everyone of his…

CBS Actually ‘Jokes’ About Brutally Killing Trump Adviser

February 14th, 2017 2:33 PM
After doubling-down on President Trump’s comments about voter fraud, Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller is now getting death threats disguised as “jokes” from the media, becoming the target for late-night comedians Monday night. While NBC’s Seth Meyers relied on the favorite “Hitler” jokes, CBS’s Stephen Colbert took the comedy to a more extreme level on the Late Show.

Irony Alert: Obama Propagandist Stewart Calls Out Trump’s 'Bull***t'

February 2nd, 2017 1:09 PM
Tuesday night on CBS’s The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert reunited with his former Comedy Central rival Jon Stewart. Stewart, who made a career of delivering news stories from an ultra liberal perspective, took the opportunity to blast President Trump as a propagandist.

Colbert Proposes 'Million Meryl March' After Streep Slams Donald Trump

January 10th, 2017 6:37 PM
During Monday's edition of CBS's Late Show program, host Stephen Colbert chimed in on actress Meryl Streep's six-minute speech slamming President-elect Donald Trump at the Golden Globe Awards the night before, and he gleefully let his liberal perspective come shining through.