Late Show
Shocking Headline: Letterman Gives Tea Party Best Showcase Ever
April 1st, 2010 11:08 AM
Here's a headline I'm sure you never dreamed of seeing: "David Letterman Gives the Tea Party the Best Showcase it's Ever Had."So wrote Entertainment Weekly's Ken Tucker Wednesday about the previous evening's interview of Sandpoint, Idaho, Tea Party President Pam Stout on CBS's "Late Show."Tucker went on to call the segment "quietly remarkable" which seems an understatement not only given…
David Letterman: 'Top Ten Signs Rahm Emanuel Is Nuts
March 10th, 2010 10:03 AM
In a clear sign liberal media elites are growing weary of the White House, comedian David Letterman went after President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Tuesday evening.During the "Top Ten" segment of the "Late Show," Letterman counted down the signs that Emanuel is nuts.Before beginning the list, Letterman explained with shocking detail that this was precipitated by Rep. Eric Massa's (D-N.Y…
Sex, Violence and Hate: The Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conserva
March 5th, 2010 11:06 AM
March is Women's History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today. But for a select group of women - conservative women - their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist - and crassly sexual - ways. The Culture & Media Insitute looked back at what the media had to…
Letterman: Washington Rolls Over in Grave if Palin Elected President
February 16th, 2010 1:18 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Letterman also took a swipe at Palin during his opening monologue.David Letterman just can't keep his mind off Sarah Palin.On Monday, the "Late Show" host used his Top Ten list to disparage the former governor of Alaska claiming that George Washington would roll over in his grave if Palin were elected president.Never mind that she hasn't announced her candidacy or that the…
Teri Hatcher Grabs Her Breast On CBS 'Late Show
January 9th, 2010 10:26 AM
Is it now acceptable for a woman to grab her breasts on broadcast television?The question is raised by the appearance of "Desperate Housewives" star Teri Hatcher on CBS's "Late Show" Friday evening.Chatting with host David Letterman, the woman who rose to stardom after her appearance in a "Seinfeld" episode largely about her breasts seemed to do everything within her power to touch them on the…
Letterman and Homer Simpson: Widescreen TVs Invented To Accommodate Ol
January 8th, 2010 9:32 AM
The folks at CBS's "Late Show" took a shot at Keith Olbermann Thursday with the help of cartoon character Homer Simpson.Commemorating 20 years of "The Simpsons" being on air, Homer was asked to give Thursday's Top Ten list.The topic: "Top Ten Things I've Learned From The Last 20 Years of Television." At number seven was "Widesceen televisions were invented to accommodate Keith Olbermann's…
Fallon Jokes to Maddow: ‘Awful’ That Palin Not Hit By Tomato
December 9th, 2009 5:51 PM
On Tuesday night’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on NBC, during an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, when Maddow recounted a recent incident in which a man unsuccessfully threw a tomato at Sarah Palin at a public event at a mall, Fallon joked that it was "awful" because the thrower "didn’t come close" to hitting Palin. Fallon: "Didn’t hit her at all? Didn’t come close? Awful."Below is a…
Beck Rips on Olbermann, Matthews; Says Letterman 'Practically Made Out
October 14th, 2009 7:37 PM
This ought to get the folks at the left-wing noise machine all wound up. Fox News host Glenn Beck on his Oct. 14 show, after being a regular recipient of MSNBC host Keith Olbermann's "Worst Persons in the World" on his "Countdown" program, decided to have a little fun by mocking Olbermann and his MSNBC colleague Chris Matthews. Beck mocked Olbermann's "Shakespearean" performance he puts on…
NOW Slaps Letterman On Wrist, Calls for CBS To Do...Not Much
October 7th, 2009 2:52 PM
For the second time in four months, the National Organization for Women has come down on CBS "Late Show" host David Letterman, this time for his extra-marital affairs with staffers.Readers should remember NOW putting Letterman in its Media Hall of Shame back in June for his disgusting remarks about former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and her daughter. Yet, despite their concern this incident…
Letterman's Sex Scandal A Huge Ratings Success
October 7th, 2009 1:30 PM
There's nothing like a sex scandal to attract television viewers, and David Letterman's mea culpas concerning his extra-marital affairs with staffers have been a ratings bonanza for the "Late Show" host. In fact, more people saw Letterman's bizarre apology to his wife, his staff, and former Governor Sarah Palin on Monday "than watched anything on NBC in prime-time" that night.As reported by the…
Letterman Apologizes to Wife, Staffers...and Sarah Palin? Again
October 6th, 2009 10:20 AM
David Letterman's "Forgive Me For I Have Sinned" tour took an interesting turn Monday evening when the "Late Show" host spent part of his program making fun of the controversy surrounding his extra-marital affairs while also apologizing to his wife, the female staffers involved, and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.In his opening monologue, Letterman joked:There's a possibility that I'll be the…
CBS Scrubs Letterman's Sexcapade Confession From YouTube
October 4th, 2009 10:46 PM
Despite David Letterman's on air admission of sexual encounters with staffers being all the rage last week, CBS apparently has done everything in its power to eliminate the record of his Thursday evening mea culpa from the popular video website YouTube.It appears the host of CBS's "Late Show" might have been at the heart of the decision. Such was reported by the New York Times Sunday: