Flashbacks: Letterman Has Derided Sarah Palin Before (with videos

June 12th, 2009 12:18 AM
With Sarah Palin condemning David Letterman's joke about her daughter, a look back at some of Letterman's previous hostility toward Palin after she emerged as the GOP's VP nominee -- as documented, with video, in previous NewsBusters posts. Last September, Letterman sarcastically complained that if a President McCain “drops dead...don't you want your President to have had the presence of mind to…

NYT Covers Up Letterman Joke About Palin's Daughter

June 10th, 2009 2:52 PM
After David Letterman made sexist attacks on the Palin family, the New York Times made sure to cover for him. On “The Late Show” Monday, Letterman joked about Palin’s 14-year-old daughter Willow getting “knocked-up” by Alex Rodriguez, and the Times has scrubbed that joke from their transcript of the opening monologue. The transcript, available here contains all the hilarious quips about Palin…

Letterman Writer Boasts of Discrediting McCain, Obama 'Too Competent

May 10th, 2009 4:11 PM
The proudest moment in his career, Late Show writer Bill Scheft boasted at a Friday comedy writer panel held at Washington, DC's Newseum, was when he got David Letterman to try to undermine guest John McCain's Bill Ayers talking point by raising McCain's relationship with G. Gordon Liddy -- as if a political dirty trickster were the equivalent of a terrorist involved with bombings which killed…

Letterman Finally Makes Obama Jokes -- All Bashing Bush

May 9th, 2009 11:03 AM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, comedians just can't bring themselves to poke fun at Barack Obama.This problem apparently is troubling CBS "Late Show" host David Letterman:The challenge for us here at the "Late Show": what are we going to do to make fun of the President, because that's what we do, we take cheap shots at the President. And, we didn't know what to do the first four years of Clinton…

Late Show Update: Letterman Calls O'Reilly A Goon -- To His Face

April 1st, 2009 11:07 AM
One would think it's bad host etiquette to call your guest a goon.Yet, David Letterman on Tuesday's "Late Show" did exactly that to Fox News's Bill O'Reilly.He also told the "Factor" host, "You're too smart to believe what you say."  All in all, it was a friendlier encounter than we've seen in the past with the following notable lowlights (video part I embedded right, part II below the fold):

Letterman: 'Bonehead' Limbaugh Looks Like 'Eastern European Gangster

March 2nd, 2009 9:13 PM
At the taping late Monday afternoon of CBS's Late Show, host David Letterman asked guest Katie Couric about “this bonehead Rush Limbaugh,” prompting Couric to plead: “Dave, don't do this to me, please! Don't do this to me.” But Letterman was just getting rolling with insults as he asserted Limbaugh's attire on Saturday at CPAC made him look “like an Eastern European gangster.” Focusing on…

Brian Williams: Obama First Non 'Choice of Evils' in 'Generations

January 28th, 2009 1:52 AM
Marveling on Monday's Late Show about how people were lining up during the inauguration “to buy merchandise with any depiction” of President Barack Obama, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams expressed his pleasure at seeing so many people “that excited about our new chief executive after a line of what the ordinary voter would maybe describe as bad choices or choices of evils, for years,…

Leno: Shoe-Throwing Iraqi Offered Show on MSNBC, Letterman: Offered Sh

December 19th, 2008 4:11 PM
During this week, NBC’s Tonight Show host Jay Leno took a couple of noteworthy jabs at the anti-Bush mainstream media in America, on Monday joking that the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush was "offered his own show on MSNBC," and on Tuesday quipping that "he was so anti-Bush, at first people just assumed he was an American journalist."By contrast, CBS’s Late Show host David…

'Housewives' Star: Obama Election Most Historic Moment in History

November 27th, 2008 6:58 PM
Did you know that the election of Barack Obama is the most historic moment in American history?You didn't?Well, it is according to "Desperate Housewives" star Teri Hatcher, who during a discussion about her butt -- what is it about liberals and gluteus maximi? -- actually told David Letterman so (video embedded below the fold, those disinterested in hearing her talk about her rearend should…

Chef Blurts: 'On Behalf of All the People of England, Congrats' on Oba

November 11th, 2008 11:34 AM

Alec Baldwin Says Nice Things About Sarah Palin to Letterman

October 30th, 2008 4:51 PM
Obama-supporting actor Alec Baldwin was David Letterman's guest on CBS's "Late Show" Wednesday evening, and actually had nice things to say about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.As Letterman moved the discussion towards Baldwin's cameo appearance with Palin on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" a few weeks ago, the "30 Rock" star said, "She was lovely," and told Dave a delightful…

'W' Movie Star Josh Brolin Blinks 'Vote for Obama

October 15th, 2008 10:50 PM

Sonnenfeld Predicts Bush to Go Out by 'Destroying All Life on Earth

October 4th, 2008 10:18 PM
align="right"Catching up with an item from a few days ago: Barry Sonnenfeld, a movie director (Men in Black) and now the Emmy-winning executive producer and director of ABC's dramady Pushing Daisies, predicted on Wednesday's Late Show that amongst the things he's “worried” President Bush will do before leaving office is “go out by pushing the button and destroying all life on Earth.” That was too…

Letterman Upset at 'Beginner' Palin in 'Passenger Seat,' Mocks Her in

October 4th, 2008 2:40 AM
align="right'Perfectly encapsulating the coastal left's blind derision of Sarah Palin as an inexperienced “beginner” and thus unqualified, when the very same smart aleck cheap shots about her could be directed at the man with whom they have fallen in love, Barack Obama, David Letterman on Friday night asked guest Brian Williams if the nation can risk “a beginner in the passenger seat” (what about…