The Lead

Disney Forced to End Ban on Los Angeles Times After 'Fierce Backlash'
November 7th, 2017 5:34 PM
A "fierce backlash" has caused the Walt Disney Company to reverse its decision to bar the Los Angeles Times from press screenings of its movies following an investigation by the newspaper into the media giant’s business dealings in Anaheim, California. Disney’s change of course on Tuesday came after a number of news outlets, including the Washington Post, the New York Times and the A.V. Club --…

CNN’s Tapper Links Louise Linton Instagram Controversy to Trump
August 22nd, 2017 9:17 PM
President Trump was renowned for his prolific and infamous use of Twitter to both aid his message and to stir up controversy. But during Tuesday’s The Lead on CNN, host Jake Tapper tried to link someone else’s Instagram controversy to the President. The controversy was sparked by Louise Linton, the wife of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who got into a heated exchange over a comment left on an…

CNN’s Jake Tapper: Media Much More Supportive of Obama Than Trump
August 15th, 2017 6:34 PM
Most people in today’s “mainstream media” almost never admit they have a liberal bias when covering the news, but Jake Tapper -- host of The Lead, a weekday program on the Cable News Network -- did just that during an interview with Andy Greene of the Rolling Stone magazine that was posted on Tuesday, August 15.

Nets Blackout White House Condemning Russia for Arresting Protesters
June 12th, 2017 9:57 PM
There was civil unrest in Russia Monday, as anti-corruption protestors took to the streets all across the country during a national holiday celebration. Roughly 1,500 people were arrested for gathering to denounce their government. The White House came out strong and condemned Russia for cracking down on the peaceful protestors. All of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) reported on the…

Molly Ball Can’t Care: Trumps Playing ‘Victim’ With Beheading Photo
May 30th, 2017 6:23 PM
Late Tuesday morning, leaked images of washed up comedian and CNN News Year’s Eve co-host Kathy Griffin holding a bloody mockup of President Trump’s head aloft went viral. It took CNN hours before any host on the channel dared to bring her up. Following a warning for graphic content, Jake Tapper, host of The Lead, displayed an image. The members of Tapper’s panel were unfazed by the display, with…

CNN Misquotes Trump Saying Could 'Only' Speak for Himself on Russia
May 18th, 2017 9:21 PM
On Thursday's The Lead, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's just concluded press conference, both host Jake Tapper and Jeffrey Toobin oddly made the same mistake in wrongly claiming that President Trump had stated that he could "only" speak for himself about whether his campaign colluded with Russia. In fact, what the President actually stated was that he could "always" speak for…

Correcting the 'White Men Made Rape a Pre-Existing Condition' Meme
May 6th, 2017 5:11 PM
Within hours of the Obamacare replacement bill passing the House on Thursday, liberal sites were spreading terrible-sounding contents of the bill. Several women were quick to point out the panic was not well-informed, including on CNN on Friday afternoon.

Nets Ignore Capture of Murderer Who Killed Border Patrol Agent Terry
April 13th, 2017 11:36 PM
It was a long time coming but according to the Department of Homeland Security, the gunman who is said to have murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry had finally been captured. “The suspected shooter in the 2010 murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has been arrested…” announced CNN’s Jake Tapper on The Lead Thursday, “38-year-old Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes was taken into custody in…

CNN’s Tapper: GOP Is Responsible for Senate’s Descent ‘Into the Muck'
April 3rd, 2017 11:58 PM
With the Senate’s Supreme Court confirmation vote of Judge Neil Gorsuch fast approaching, many are worried about the terrible precedent the Democratic Party’s filibuster will set. While others worry about nuking the filibuster rules. The politicization of Supreme Court confirmations has been going on for decades, but according to CNN’s Jake Tapper it’s all the GOP’s fault.

CNN Hypes Concerns of Trump Family Maybe Opening a Second D.C. Hotel
March 31st, 2017 12:29 AM
It was a week ago Thursday when the federal government’s General Services Administration determined that President Donald Trump was not in violation of the lease for the D.C. area hotel that bears his name. But that didn’t stop CNN from finding some other real estate scenario to freak out about. “One more item on the conflict of interest watch as it were. The Trump organization pursuing perhaps…

What?! CNN Complains About the Deportation of Drunk Driving DREAMer
March 27th, 2017 10:50 PM
If there was one thing that our politically divided country could agree on, it was the seriousness of drunk driving. But during Monday’s edition of The Lead, that common understanding took a back seat for CNN as they bemoaned that a so-called “DREAMer” was deported. “Last August [Jorge] Matadamas was charged with drunk driving and evading arrest. While in jail, he lost his DACA status,” reported…

Tapper Notes Bomb Threat Suspect 'Hated Trump' as Nets Omit His Views
March 4th, 2017 9:04 PM
After news broke Friday afternoon that an arrest had been made for at least eight of the more than 100 bomb threats against Jewish community centers from recent months, CNN's Jake Tapper informed his viewers that the suspect -- Juan Thompson -- held left-wing political views and "hated President Donald Trump." His reporting stands in contrast with the broadcast network evening and morning news…

CNN’s Tapper Presumes Sessions Guilt, Throws Around Perjury Charge
March 3rd, 2017 12:59 AM
While Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he would be recusing himself from having any hand in the FBI’s investigation into Russian election meddling Thursday afternoon, Congressional Democrats were calling for his resignation with claims he committed perjury in lying to the Senate. During CNN’s The Lead, host Jake Tapper appeared to presume Sessions’ guilt, stating, “This is in many…

CNN Mocks Trump’s Rocky Start, Compares to Others’ First 100 Days
February 16th, 2017 12:04 AM
CNN took the time during Wednesday’s edition of The Lead to take jabs at President Donald Trump for not being able to get much done during his first three and a half weeks besides create controversy. When asked by host Jake Tapper to walk him through the events of Trump’s first month in office, reporter Tom Foreman joked that “it's more like staggering than walking cause it's quite an experience…