
Mitchell Wonders: ‘When Is the World Going to Pay Attention' to Syria?

August 18th, 2016 4:51 PM
Giving proper coverage to the heartbreaking and tear-jerking scene out of Aleppo, Syria with a bloody and dusty young boy sitting in an ambulance, MSNBC/NBC’s Andrea Mitchell devoted a full segment to the matter on Thursday afternoon but of course made no mention of President Barack Obama or his administration’s inaction in Syria to dispose of the Assad regime or ISIS in the over five years since…

Blitzer Presses Hillary on E-Mails; She Sticks To Discredited Points

July 8th, 2016 7:03 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer refreshingly pursued Hillary Clinton on Friday's The Lead over her e-mail scandal. Blitzer twice quoted from FBI Director James Comey: "You acted — in his an 'extremely careless' way in handling classified, sensitive information. Do you acknowledge you were extremely careless?" He later asked, "He said someone in your position as secretary of state should have known…

CNN, MSNBC Gush: 'Ebullient' Obama's Unlike 'Anyone We've Ever Seen'

July 5th, 2016 5:44 PM
CNN and MSNBC could barely contain their excitement in the moments following Tuesday’s Hillary Clinton rally featuring President Obama on the heels of the FBI deciding not to recommend charges in her e-mail scandal as MSNBC’s Brian Williams and CNN’s Jim Sciutto seemed to be acting as though Obama was still the candidate (and not Clinton).

Jake Tapper: Trump 'Living Rent-Free in President Obama's Head'

June 30th, 2016 11:15 AM
According to CNN's Jake Tapper, Donald Trump is currently living inside Barack Obama's head, constantly uppermost in his thoughts, no matter the situation. And in this case the situation was the press conference yesterday at the North American Leaders Conference in Ottawa, Canada. During CNN's The Lead, Tapper explained:

CNN, MSNBC Barely Mention Corruption Conviction of Democratic Rep.

June 22nd, 2016 12:58 PM
On Tuesday, CNN and MSNBC minimized their coverage of a Pennsylvania jury convicting Democratic Congressman Chaka Fattah on 23 federal charges related to a scheme to repay campaign debt from an aborted 2007 bid to become mayor of Philadelphia. Jake Tapper stood out as the only CNN anchor, as of noon on Wednesday, to mention that Fattah was "found guilty on all 23 charges he faced — including…

Tapper Hits ‘Ridiculously Sycophantic Questions’ Reporters Ask Clinton

June 8th, 2016 9:32 PM
Jake Tapper, host of a Cable News Network afternoon program, took part in a raucous debate on Tuesday in which the anchor of The Lead asserted that it would be easier to make a case for the media to be tough on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump if that same standard was applied to his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton. “Would the argument of reporters,” he asked, “not be…

Tapper Blasts State Dept. Stonewalling FOIA Request on Hillary, Trade

June 6th, 2016 6:36 PM
CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper devoted a segment for the second time in a week to blasting the State Department’s persistent issues with transparency on Monday as this one dealt with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning Hillary Clinton that won’t be fulfilled until after the November presidential election. 

Bozell Praises Tapper for Exposing State Dept's Lies in Video Scandal

June 3rd, 2016 3:17 PM
In a statement released Friday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell commended CNN's Jake Tapper for running "the risk of ruining" his career to demand "accountability from the State Department" in light of "four separate lies told by the State Department" concerning the Iran nuclear deal and subsequent scrubbing of video from a press briefing.

Jake Tapper Goes Nuclear on State Dept. Over Video Editing Scandal

June 3rd, 2016 8:24 AM

During his “Buried Lead” segment on Thursday’s The Lead, CNN host Jake Tapper presented an incredibly thorough takedown of the State Department for not only aspects of the Iran nuclear deal but also their lies concerning intentional editing of press briefing videos dating back to 2013 concerning the deal. 


MSNBC Skips Hillary Dodging Press Conferences, Scathing E-Mail Critics

May 31st, 2016 7:36 PM
Late Tuesday afternoon, CNN and MSNBC were both granted interviews with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and while both had to nearly identical run times (seven minutes and 44 seconds on CNN versus seven minutes and 47 seconds on MSNBC), the two differed on a variety of issues ranging from Clinton’s e-mail scandal to her refusal to hold a press conference to the VA scandal.

Nets Ignore Investigation into Va. Governor/Clinton Friend McAuliffe

May 24th, 2016 12:16 AM
On Monday afternoon, news broke that Virginia’s Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe was being investigated by the FBI for illegal campaign contributions. “We know that this investigation dates back at least into last year and this is looking into donations to McAuliffe's 2013 campaign for governor,” reported CNN’s Evan Perez on The Lead with Jake Tapper. It’s not every day that a sitting state…

CNN Hypes 'Uncommon Scrutiny' for Hillary Clinton as First Lady

April 8th, 2016 9:14 PM
On Friday's The Lead, CNN's Tom Foreman hyped how Hillary Clinton had a "bumpy ride" and a "rough start," as she "opened the door for a lot of first ladies to do a lot of different things." Foreman only vaguely referenced the Whitewater scandal and Vince Foster's suicide as he noted that her role in Bill Clinton's win in 1992 "spurred scrutiny uncommon for a president's spouse — over her ties to…

CNN Hypes Complaints About Tenn. Bill to Protect Religious Liberty

April 7th, 2016 6:15 PM
Should a devout Christian, Orthodox Jew, or Muslim marriage counselor be sued in a state court because he or she declined to take a gay or lesbian married couple as clients? It seems patently ridiculous, right? After all, these religious traditions all reject same-sex marriage as immoral and sinful. But for liberals in the media, a proposed law in Tennessee to protect the religious freedom of…

Jake Tapper Unloads on Obama: You’re in No Position to Lecture

March 30th, 2016 9:29 AM
An irritated Jake Tapper on Tuesday unloaded on Barack Obama, attacking the President for “lecturing” journalists about how to do their job. Highlighting a speech from Monday, in which the Democrat called for reporters to “dig” and “demand more,” Tapper quipped, “His message was a good one. But was President Obama the right messenger?”