CNN's Dobbs Blasts Couric and Moyers Over Patriotism

October 9th, 2007 6:09 PM
On Monday’s "Lou Dobbs Tonight," host Lou Dobbs took aim at Katie Couric and Bill Moyers for "silly public statements" they’ve made regarding the practice of wearing an American flag lapel pin. "CBS's Katie Couric, of all people, taking exception to an American journalist saying 'we,' when referring to the United States.... I'm sorry, Katie Couric, but who could possibly be offended by…

Nets Ignore Lowest Congressional Approval Rating in 33 Years

August 22nd, 2007 5:41 PM
If George W. Bush's approval rating hit a low point for any president in 33 years, do you think the network evening news programs would have reported it? Maybe as the lead story, right? Well, a new Gallup poll was released on Tuesday stating that the approval rating for Congress tied the lowest point since Gallup began tracking such a thing, and none of the broadcasts networks thought it was…

NY Times' 'Manufacturing Recession' Reporter Cites Shaky Info On Illeg

June 2nd, 2007 11:24 AM
On February 28 (second item at link), New York Times business reporter David Leonhardt infamously wrote the following: For Manufacturing, a Recession Has Arrived The nation’s manufacturing sector managed to slip into a recession with almost nobody seeming to notice. Well, until yesterday. To this day, Leonhardt appears to be the only one to "notice" a recession in manufacturing -- because it…

Lou Dobbs Attacks Media Coverage of Illegal Immigration

May 1st, 2007 4:23 PM

Media Global Warming Fever Leave Facts Out In The Cold

February 8th, 2007 3:50 PM

Lou Dobbs: I'm 'Tired' of Global Warming Debate, So I'm Picking Sides

February 2nd, 2007 2:29 PM

CNN's Sylvester Snows USC Professor In Slanted Story on Medicare

January 12th, 2007 5:27 PM
There she goes again. Two days after Lisa Sylvester misrepresented the views of free market advocate Robert Poole, the Medill Journalism School alumna turned Lou Dobbs acolyte presented a story that amounted to a cheerleading routine for the Democrat's plans for Medicare. While Sylvester included one sound bite from USC's Dr. Joel Hay, she left out his chief complaint with the Democratic plan…

Dobbs Program Deliberately Takes Free Market Advocate Out of Context

January 10th, 2007 3:12 PM
Hard to believe that a woman with a master's degree from the Northwestern Medill J-school would do this, but CNN correspondent Lisa Sylvester did, and where else but on "Lou Dobbs Tonight", that bulwark of "advocacy journalism."In its rush to anger viewers about private company “ownership” of public roads, the January 9 “Lou Dobbs Tonight” presented only one proponent of privatized toll roads,…

CNN's Pilgrim Highlights Media Bias at AP: Arrested Illegal Aliens Cal

December 15th, 2006 8:09 PM

The Lou Dobbs (Three Cans Short of a) Six-Pack

December 8th, 2006 4:53 PM

For CNN's Lou Dobbs, Unbalanced Reporting Is Job One

November 30th, 2006 11:02 AM
On his November 28 program, CNN's Lou Dobbs accused a major American corporation of sponsoring terrorism. But in leveling his charge, Dobbs didn't bother to give viewers a balanced perspective on American exports and business dealings in foreign countries that, to say the least, are not the nicest neighbors on the geopolitical block.But while it's understandable to be critical of American…

Now that Diebold Has Thrown the Election to the Republicans

November 15th, 2006 2:38 PM

Did Donald Rumsfeld Give Questioner ‘The Bird’ at Kansas State

November 10th, 2006 9:48 AM
Was it an innocent scratching of the nose, or a classic Goose moment right out of the movie “Top Gun?” I report, you decide.In a question and answer session at Kansas State University on Thursday, outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was posed the following: “If you were going to give yourself a letter grade for your performance as Secretary of Defense, what grade would that be?”As he…

CNN's Lou Dobbs Celebrates Minimum Wage Hikes, Slams Conservative Detr

November 9th, 2006 1:50 PM
Lou Dobbs must be perfecting his “Stewie Griffin" impression. “Victory is mine,” he seemed to gloat to viewers as with smug delight CNN populist gadfly and resident protectionist applauded the passage of six minimum wage increases in states ballot booths across the country. Before the election, Dobbs was quite active in pushing such an increase both on his show and in his book, “War on…